Criminal Justice and Criminology (CJC)


CJC 5500 Sociology Of Law Credits: 3

A sociological study of the legal system with focus on organizational analyses of the legal profession, courts as a social system, the bureaucratization of the legal process, stratification and the allocation of legal services and careers.

CJC 5511 Sociological Methods II Credits: 3

Quantitative research is the primary focus of the course; emphasis is placed on problem formulation; research design; sampling procedures, questionnaire construction and interviewing techniques; data collection; problems of scaling, computer statistical programs; linking appropriate statistical analyses with data analysis; and report writing.

Prerequisites: CJC 483.

CJC 5515 Qualitative Research Methods in Criminal Justice Credits: 3

This course focuses on qualitative research methods, such as interviewing techniques, focus groups, content analysis, and field observation. Emphasis is placed on research design, data collection, and data analysis.

Prerequisites: CJC 483.

CJC 5516 Intermediate Statistics Credits: 3

A systematic development of the logic and practice of selected statistical methods used in sociological research. Included are analysis of variance and covariance, regression analysis, multiple contingency, and non-parametric tests.

Prerequisites: CJC 363.

CJC 5518 Advanced Criminological Theory Credits: 3

This course provides an understanding of past as well as present criminological theories by examining each criminological tradition (beginning in the 18th century and continuing into the present.) The primary aim of the course is to determine the root causes of deviant and criminal behaviors. Moreover, this course offers special attention to how society has historically reacted and responded to crime and deviant behavior. Furthermore, by examining crime and deviant behavior from a historical context, the students are able to determine how criminological theories have influenced public policies designed to reduce and control criminal behavior. In the final analysis, students will examine the rationales that society use to justify efforts toward punishment and treatment.

Prerequisites: CJC 319.

CJC 5520 Juvenile Justice Credits: 3

This course provides a historical and contemporary overview of the juvenile justice system via a critical examination of the function of this system and theories explaining delinquency in adolescence. We will explore special topics within juvenile justice and proposals for juvenile justice reform.

CJC 5551 Seminar In Policing Credits: 3

This course addresses the important topics related to the institution of policing. Through readings and class discussions, students will gain a better understanding of both historical aspects of policing as well as the future of policing. Topics include selection, training and socialization, police management, deviance and corruption, use of force, community oriented policing.

CJC 5565 Seminar In Crime Prevention Credits: 3

This seminar examines variations in methods to reduce crime in America, including strategies from the criminal justice system as well as other institutions. Building on established criminological theory, this seminar will evaluate the best practices to prevent crime across a variety of social contexts.

CJC 5570 Contemporary Corrections And Correctional Policy Credits: 3

Present-day correctional alternatives are considered regarding the correctional policy that is, or potentially can be, carried out within the various programs. Prisons, probation, parole community-based programs are evaluated as to the theory of punishment demonstrated within these programs. Emphasis is placed on what constitutes a rational and workable corrections policy and the form of correctional programs needed to realize such policy.

CJC 5575 Correctional Rehabilitation And Treatment Credits: 3

This course will begin with a thorough examination of the rise, fall, and recent resurrection of 'rehabilitation and treatment' in American correctional strategies. Both past and current treatment strategies will be studied regarding their effectiveness in reducing recidivism. This will be done through a survey of the quantitative literature base. There will be some emphasis on treating special needs offenders (e.g., sex offenders, juvenile offenders, offenders with developmental disabilities or mental illnesses.)

CJC 5576 Seminar In Criminal Justice And Criminology Issues Credits: 3

This course is an advanced exploration of the relationship between the criminal justice system and criminal behavior from at least one of the following perspectives: psychological, sociological, economic, legal, political or administration/ management. Will include discussions and analysis of contemporary readings and on-going research in the selected perspective.

CJC 5580 Seminar: Policy And Decision Making In Criminal Justice Credits: 3

The focus of the course is assessment of the character and recent crime trends in the United States, with attention to identifying elements that shape justice system policies in response to crime. Consideration is given to the nature and scope of policy and decision-making processes in legal institutions and law enforcement bureaucracies, how such policies have impacted crime, and alternative policies address the problem of crime.

CJC 5590 Directed Studies In Criminal Justice And Criminology Credits: 1-3

Individual research and study in the student's field of interest as approved and directed by major professors. The work involves examination and reporting of selected problems affecting the various agencies of our legal system. A. Law Enforcement B. Court Operations and Administration C. Corrections D. Legal Theory and Philosophy E. Criminological Theory F. Sociology of Law.

CJC 5592 Advanced GIS For Crime Analysis Credits: 3

This course provides an overview of crime mapping as it relates to the spatial and temporal analysis of crime. Utilizing theory related to criminal offending, this course will provide students with hands-on experience in geographic profiling and crime prevention strategies.

Prerequisites: GEOG 203.

CJC 5595 Crime Analysis Internship Credits: 3

This experience involves working with crime analysts in the field. Students will learn and hone practical skills while being supervised by department faculty or staff.

Prerequisites: CJC 5592.

CJC 5599 Research And Thesis Credits: 1-6

Directed specialized research. Before writing a thesis, the student must clear the topic and research design with the Supervisory Committee.

CJC 5699 Dissertation Research Credits: 1-12

Individual directed research leading to preparation and completion of doctoral dissertation.

Prerequisites: Ph.D. course requirements completed.

CJC 5899 Required Graduate Enrollment Credit: 1