Management Information Systems (MIS)


MIS 202 Computer Applications In Management Credits: 3

A comprehensive coverage of computer tools for personal productivity in a management context, including spreadsheets and databases.

Prerequisites: MATH 110 or MATH 120 or STAT 235 or higher; or ALEKS score of 61 or higher; or MyMathTest College Algebra score of 70% or higher; or ACT MATH sub-score of 28 or higher; or SAT MATH sub-score of 660 or higher.

MIS 402 Information Management Credits: 3

This course introduces students to the impact of information technologies and systems on the enterprise. Business Intelligence and decision support capabilities are explored as well.

Prerequisites: MIS 202 or ACCTNG 306; and junior standing.

MIS 459 Data Wrangling Credits: 3

Data wrangling is the process of exploring, structuring, and cleaning data for analysis. It’s a critical, under-appreciated part of the analytics process. This class is geared to business majors -- including those specializing in analytics -- that want to prepare for today’s data-driven marketplace. You will learn foundational data and analytics concepts with a particular focus on data wrangling through examples and application. You will also learn how to use leading analytic tools, like Tableau and Tableau Prep, to perform data wrangling and analytic tasks and increase your understanding of the ways those tasks are done today.

MIS 487 Special Topics Credits: 3

Special topics in management information systems.

Prerequisites: Departmental consent.

MIS 496 Internship: Management Information Systems Credits: 1-3

An opportunity for students to integrate their academic studies via employment with a business/organization in the community. Internship coursework is evaluated on a credit/no credit basis.

Prerequisites: Departmental consent.

MIS 497 Special Topics: Management Information Systems Credits: 1-3

Study and research in areas of special interest under individual faculty direction.

Prerequisites: Departmental consent.