Course Numbering and Reuse Policy

Courses are numbered according to the following plan:

Course Numbering

000‐099 Remedial Courses (No college credit)
100‐299 Lower Level Undergraduate Courses
300‐499 Upper Level Undergraduate Courses (Some upper level courses may be taken for graduate credit)
500‐2999 Currently Not Used
3000‐4999 Dental Hygiene Undergraduate Courses
5000‐5999 Graduate Level Courses
6000‐6999 School of Dentistry Courses
7000‐7999 School of Pharmacy Courses
8000‐8999 School of Law Courses
9000‐9999 School of Medicine Courses

Reuse of Course Numbers for New Courses

Currently, a course number that has been used previously for a course in a specific discipline and subject cannot be
reused. With the growing numbers of Academic Units running out of numbers in select subjects, it has been proposed
that course numbers can be reused if these course meet the following criteria:

  1. The Subject and Course Number have been inactive and not printed in the catalog for a minimum of 20 years
  2. There is no duplication of the course listed under a different subject and class number