Master of Arts: Music Therapy Emphasis

Student Learning Outcomes

Students graduating from this program will:

  • Graduate students will initiate the skills of community contact, planning, and collaboration in order to complete an advanced clinical experience within the community for 1-2 semesters prior to finishing their degree
  • Graduate students will demonstrate advanced knowledge of a selected population and/or clinical area of practice as evidenced by treatment plan and implementation that are informed by a theoretical framework and the therapeutic function of music by the end of their advanced clinical rotation(s)
  • Graduate students will use advanced clinical musicianship in practice as demonstrated by the use of bar chords and advanced strumming and fingerpicking techniques on guitar, and advanced accompaniment patterns on piano, as well as composition for therapeutic effectiveness by the end of their advanced clinical rotation(s)
  • Graduate students will demonstrate an understanding of a theoretical framework to inform practice and research in an area of specialty before completing their degree
  • Graduate students will develop a project that supports translational research before completing their degree

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Graduate students will initiate the skills of community contact, planning, and collaboration in order to complete an advanced clinical experience within the community for 1-2 semesters prior to finishing their degree.
  2. Graduate students will demonstrate advanced knowledge of a selected population and/or clinical area of practice as evidenced by treatment plan and implementation that are informed by a theoretical framework and the therapeutic function of music by the end of their advanced clinical rotation(s).
  3. Graduate students will use advanced clinical musicianship in practice as demonstrated by the use of bar chords and advanced strumming and fingerpicking techniques on guitar, and advanced accompaniment patterns on piano, as well as composition for therapeutic effectiveness by the end of their advanced clinical rotation(s).
  4. Graduate students will demonstrate an understanding of a theoretical framework to inform practice and research in an area of specialty before completing their degree.
  5. Graduate students will develop a project that supports translational research before completing their degree.

Required Courses

CONSVTY 5544Advanced Clinical Experience2
CONSVTY 5542Clinical Supervision in Music Therapy3
CONSVTY 5541Theories and Practice of Music Therapy3
Take the following course two times:4
Seminar In Music Therapy
CONSVTY 5500-5600 Music History or Music Theory3
Total hours in this section: 15
Specialization in Clinical Research:
CONSVTY 5594AResearch and Analysis in Music and Behavior3
CONSVTY 5594BResearch Applications in Music and Behavior3
EDUC-R&P 5508Principles And Methods Of Research3
CONSVTY 5599Thesis3
Academic Portfolio
Total hours in this section: 12
Electives in Area of Special Interest (suggested options):
VOICE, PIANO or GUITAR 5500C (applied lesson)
Health Services Administration
Gerontology Administration
Counseling Psychology and Counselor Education
Total hours in this section: 7
Total Credits: 34