Psychology (PSYCH)
PSYCH 210 General Psychology Credits: 3
A survey of the fundamental principles, theories, and methods of psychological science.
PSYCH 210 - MOTR PSYC 100: General Psychology

PSYCH 212 Social Psychology Credits: 3
Survey of behavior in the actual, imagined, and implied presence of others, including attitudes, the self, conformity, altruism, aggression, prejudice, and group processes.
Prerequisites: PSYCH 210 with a C- or better.
PSYCH 217 Academic and Career Opportunities in Psychology Credits: 3
An introduction to the applied fields of Psychology. Students will explore post-BA career options and engage with professionals who will share their career paths, their academic interests, and challenges of their current positions. Emphasis will be placed on students developing academic plans that will prepare them for professional success.
Prerequisites: PSYCH 210 with C- or better. Must be Psychology BA major and have completed a minimum of 15 credit hours.
PSYCH 222 Child Psychology Credits: 3
Survey of child development from conception to adolescence, including major theories, developmental milestones and research related to the physical, cognitive, social and emotional growth of children.
Prerequisites: PSYCH 210 with a C- or better.
PSYCH 231 Health Psychology Credits: 3
An overview of the scientific study of the attitudes, behaviors, and personality variables related to health and illness. Emphasis is placed on the interaction of biological, psychological, social, and cultural factors that relate to illness and disease, and their influence on treatment and prevention.
Prerequisites: PSYCH 210 with a C- or better.
PSYCH 302 Research Design in Psychological Science Credits: 3
An overview of research designs and data collection methods used in psychological science. Emphasis is placed on comparing strengths and limitations of various research designs and data collection methods as well as identifying appropriate uses of those research designs and data collection methods.
Prerequisites: PSYCH 210 with a C- or better.
PSYCH 305 Psychology of Gender Credits: 3
This course is an introduction to the study of gender. The focus is on the investigation of psychological gender in its diversity rather than biological sex. Using theory, research, and our own experiences, we will examine how gender shapes our sense of self, relationships, culture, history, social structures, opportunities, power, marginalization, and discrimination.
Prerequisites: PSYCH 210 with a C- or better.
PSYCH 316 Quantitative Methods In Psychology Credits: 3
Introduction to the use, calculation, reporting, and interpretation of descriptive and elementary inferential statistical techniques in psychological science.
Prerequisites: PSYCH 210 with a C- or better; and MATH 110 or MATH 116 or STAT 115 or MOTRMATH 110 or higher level math; or ALEKS Score of 61 or higher; or MyMathTest College Algebra Score of 70 or higher.
PSYCH 320 Ethnic and Diversity Perspectives in Psychology Credits: 3
The theory, methods, and content of psychology relevant to the interests and needs of ethnic groups and other diverse identities, as well as their contributions to the field of psychology.
Prerequisites: PSYCH 210 with a C- or better.
PSYCH 323 Theory and Methods of Personality Credits: 3
The development, organization, dynamics and determinants of personality. May not be taken for graduate credit.
Prerequisites: PSYCH 210 with a C- or better.
PSYCH 405 Motivation and Emotion Credits: 3
A review of the principles of both human and animal motivation from classical drive, behavioral, and cognitive perspectives. May not be taken for graduate credit.
Prerequisites: PSYCH 210 with a C- or better.
PSYCH 407 Cognitive Psychology Credits: 3
Historical foundations and current state of knowledge regarding human information processing and the mental processes that underlie human behavior.
Prerequisites: PSYCH 210 with a C- or better.
PSYCH 418 Brain and Behavior I Credits: 3
Introduction to the neural bases of human behavior, including movement, learning and memory, sensation and perception, emotion, cognition, psychological, and neurological disorders.
Prerequisites: PSYCH 210 with a C- or better.
PSYCH 433 Psychological Perspectives on Mental Health Credits: 3
This course is an introduction to psychological problems and disorders. It includes a presentation of the many biopsychosocial influences on psychological health and an overview of current treatment modalities. Students will also learn about factors influencing positive mental health. May not be taken for graduate credit.
Prerequisites: PSYCH 210 with a C- or better.
PSYCH 440 The Psychology Of Aging Credits: 3
Survey of concepts, theory, and methods in the psychology of aging, including biological and social influences on behavior.
Prerequisites: PSYCH 210 with a grade of C- or better.
PSYCH 450 Special Topics Credits: 1-3
Offered as the result of student demand, specialized faculty interests, or the availability of a visiting expert in a field related to psychology.
Prerequisites: PSYCH 210 with a grade of C- or better.
PSYCH 461 Field Practicum Credits: 1-6
Provides supervised human services experience in an external community agency or organization that addresses human or social problems.
Prerequisites: PSYCH 210 with a C- or better.
PSYCH 490 Directed Individual Research Credits: 1-6
Students work on an individual research project under the supervision of a departmental faculty member.
Prerequisites: PSYCH 210 with a grade of C- or better.
PSYCH 491 Psychology Research Externship Credits: 1-6
Provides supervised research experience in an external community agency or organization that examines basic or applied research questions.
Prerequisites: PSYCH 210 with a C- or better.
PSYCH 495WI Contemporary Issues in Psychology Credits: 3
In-depth analysis of a contemporary issue in psychology. Emphasis will be placed on reading and writing about empirical approaches to contemporary challenges in psychological science.
Prerequisites: PSYCH 210 and PSYCH 302 both with a C- or better; and ENGLISH 225.