Classics (CLASSICS)
CLASSICS 119 Myth and Literature Credits: 3
A study of classical myth including readings from Homer to Ovid, analysis of selected myths in later literature, art, and music, and a study of contemporary definitions and approaches to myth.
CLASSICS 119 - MOTR LITR 201: Mythology

CLASSICS 210 Foundations Of Ancient World Literature I Credits: 3
This course studies ancient world literature such as The Descent of Inanna, Egyptian love poetry, Hebrew Scriptures, the epics of Homer and Virgil, the Analects of Confucius, and the wisdom of Laozi. The course also considers ancient creation epics such as the cosmic battle between Marduk and Tiamat, the Metamorphosis of Ovid, and the great Indian epic The Ramayana.
CLASSICS 210 - MOTR LITR 200A: World Lit-Beg w/Antiquity End 1660

CLASSICS 300CY Ancient World in Cinema Credits: 3
This course will explore the tradition of depicting the ancient Mediterranean world in film from the early silent era to the present. Topics to be covered include the ways that filmmakers respond to literary and historical sources from the ancient world, interact with the artistic tradition of films about the ancient world, the relation of these films to other works by the same creative personnel (directors, actors, writers, producers, etc.), and the political and cultural contexts in which the films were released.
CLASSICS 300CZ Archaeology Of Ancient Disasters Credits: 3
Remarkable human achievements are revealed by archaeological research, but the human past was frequently shaped as well by disasters of natural and human origin. Drawing on case studies that include data from the geosciences, archaeological excavations, and historical sources, this class examines how earth processes, the biosphere, and human cultural behavior were all sources of catastrophe. The study of ancient disasters not only gives us a wider understanding of human history, it may offer lessons for coping with future catastrophes.
CLASSICS 340AWI Classical Literature In Translation Credits: 3
This course will focus on representative authors and works from the Greek and Roman Classical periods, such as Homer, Sophocles, Euripides, Aeschylus, Aristophanes, Plato, the Greek Lyrics, Virgil, Horace, Juvenal, Ovid and Plautus.
Prerequisites: ENGLISH 225.
CLASSICS 391WI Ancient Greek and Roman Medicine Credits: 3
This course explores the practice of medicine in the Ancient Greek and Roman Worlds from 800 BCE until 300 CE. Students will read primary sources in English and will also be introduced to Greek and Latin grammar and medical vocabulary so that they can understand and study essential terms from the history of medicine in their original language.
Prerequisites: ENGLISH 225.
CLASSICS 499 Senior Tutorial Credits: 3
A three-hour comprehensive reading and research tutorial leading to the writing of a senior paper. It consist of tutorial sessions and independent research leading to a major paper using original source materials.