School of Law

Mailing Address and Physical Address

University of Missouri-Kansas City
School of Law
500 E. 52nd Street
Kansas City, MO 64110-2499
(816) 235-1644
Fax: (816) 235-5276

Lumen “Lou” N. Mulligan

Associate Deans:
Steve Leben, Associate Dean for Faculty and Academics
Allen Rostron, Associate Dean for Students
Jeffrey Thomas, Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives and Graduate Programs
Mikah Thompson, Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

This catalog covers the academic programs of the School of Law. Prospective students should be aware that the School reserves the right to make changes in admission requirements and other specifications in the catalog. All statements in this publication are announcements of present policies only and are subject to change at any time without prior notice. They are not to be regarded as offers to contract.


LAW 5001 Legal Method Credits: 3

This course will provide an introduction to legal reasoning and analysis, including reading cases, statutes, and regulations; case synthesis and application to facts, statutes and regulations; and standards of review

LAW 5002 US Legal Framework Credits: 2

This course will provide an introduction to the U.S. Legal System, including the powers of the different branches of government, checks and balances on governmental powers, function and importance of the Constitution, the importance of judicial power and the common law, the role of administrative regulation, and the functioning and importance of Federalism. The course will also provide an introduction to the foundational areas of legal study such as contracts, torts, property, criminal law, civil procedure and constitutional law.

LAW 5003 Professional Writing with Legal Issues Credits: 3

This course will provide instruction in effective written communication when dealing with legal issues, including structure, style, and citation. Written formats will include email, letters, memoranda, and guidelines.

LAW 5004 Legal Research for Non-Lawyer Professionals Credit: 1

Introduction to research sources in the U.S. and techniques to systematically process and solve basic legal research problems found in professional settings involving law but without direct supervision of lawyers.

LAW 5010 Professional Ethics Credits: 2

Students will explore basics of ethical reasoning and the influence of communities of practice in organizational settings and learn about the professional regulation of legal services and the professional responsibilities of attorneys through problem study and discussion.

LAW 5011 Learning from the Work Environment Credit: 1

This course will explore dimensions of professional development of non-lawyers in a work environment, including the capacity for reflection, deliberate improvement in knowledge and skills, and the ability to form meaningful professional relationships with lawyer and non-lawyers. Students will have an opportunity to reflect on and analyze professional ethics in the context of the work environment.

Prerequisites: Law 5001, Law 5002, Law 5003, Law 5004, Law 5010

LAW 5012 Capstone Portfolio Credits: 2

This course gives students the opportunity to reflect on their achievement of the learning outcomes for the MLS program. Students will collect, showcase, and present work product completed during the program. Assignments will include reflection papers, assembling a portfolio, preparing a final presentation to a panel, answering questions about achievement of the learning outcomes and demonstrating competence in the learning outcomes for the program.

Prerequisites: Law 5001, Law 5002, Law 5003, Law 5004

LAW 5015 Master of Legal Studies Bridge Credits: 1-6

This course is designed to allow JD students to transition from the JD program to the MLS program. The course will supplement the student’s JD training so that student’s educational program will meet the objectives of the MLS program. This course has flexibility in the modules that may be included depending on the needs of the individual student.

Prerequisites: At least one semester (15 credit hours) of courses in the JD program

LAW 5020 Contract Formation, Review and Drafting Credits: 1-3

Introduction to contract law doctrines, the method and practice of contract review, and basic elements of contract drafting

LAW 5021 Privacy Regulation Credits: 1-3

Provides a basic overview of laws that regulate privacy and provide security and protection of personal data including the common law, various federal laws (such as HIPAA and FTC regulation) and state privacy laws

LAW 5022 Wellness Compliance Credits: 1-3

Provides a basic overview of laws that influence the impact of a wellness program or business, including laws such as federal incentive law, HIPAA and data privacy, civil rights discrimination, state licensure and scope of practice laws, and FDA regulation of wellness products and devices

LAW 5030 Health Care Compliance Credits: 1-3

Introduction to the fundamentals of health care compliance using the topics covered by the Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA) as a guide, including such topics as compliance administration, policies and procedures, oversight and committees, enforcement and reporting requirements, screening of employees and vendors, billing and coding basics, auditing and monitoring, education and training, investigations, fraud and abuse laws, and HIPPA

LAW 5040 Corporate Compliance Credits: 1-3

Provides a basic overview of compliance systems used for corporations and other businesses, including various federal and state laws such as the Securities Act, the Securities Exchange Act, Sarbanes Oxley, Dodd-Frank, and Corporate Transparency Act as well as applicable state laws such as a state’s General Corporation Law, and the actions required to comply with those laws such as policies, training, reports and filings.

LAW 5041 Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance Credits: 1-3

This course will address compliance with various employment and anti-discrimination laws by covering topics such as employment at will, wage and hour law, and law related to various types of discrimination, including race, sex, sexual orientation and gender identity, age, religion, and disability.

LAW 5639B Legal Technology Competency Credit: 1

This course provides students with the opportunity to advance their knowledge in the software skills used by professionals who work on legal issues including word processing, visual communications, cloud computing, document automation, data analytics, and project management.

LAW 5714 Administrative Law Credits: 1-3

Introduction to the administrative process; role, function and processes of administrative agencies; policy issues of administrative government; judicial review of agencies and regulations

LAW 5714S Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity & the Law Credits: 1-3

This course will examine the evolving status of sexual orientation and gender identity in the law. The course will start with a brief history of the LGBT+ rights movement, before looking at issues that arise with relation to sexual orientation and gender identity. Subjects covered include criminal justice and the penal system, public accommodations, employment discrimination, domestic relations, treatment and care of LGBT+ youth, and the Constitution.

LAW 5760 Insurance Law Credits: 1-2

Nature of insurance, nature of insurance contract, special rules of construction, standard policy provisions, first-party and third-party insurance; principles of insurance regulation.

LAW 5761M Law, Medicine and Bioethics Credits: 1-3

A study of bioethics and selected legal and ethical issues in medicine with focus on decision-making at the beginning and end of life; reproductive rights and assisted reproductive technologies; the patient-provider relationship (fiduciary, treatment, confidentiality, and disclosure obligations); physician obligations of informed consent and patient care issues; potential hospital and physician liability for medical malpractice; and end of life decision-making (withdrawal and refusal of life sustaining treatment by individuals and their surrogates) and physician-assisted suicide.

LAW 5773C Environmental Compliance, Auditing and Permitting Credits: 1-3

This course provides students with an overview of key federal environmental statutes and their inter-relationships, including the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. Students will learn about inspections, enforcement and liability, environmental management systems and auditing; and generally, how Congress and the EPA formulate environmental law and regulations and the roles in the processes for the legislature, regulators, regulated communities, citizens, and public interest groups.

LAW 5793A Liability and Quality Issues in Healthcare Credits: 1-3

This is a survey course in Health Law focused on learning the players in our healthcare system. Topics include the laws effecting the relationship among patients, health care providers, and health care payers, licensing, quality control, negligence, confidentiality, the obligation to provide care, and commercial health insurance.

LAW 5793B Regulation, Organization, and Finance of Healthcare Credits: 1-3

This course examines the laws concerning the organization, delivery, and finance of health care in the United States.

LAW 5813 Employment Discrimination Law Credits: 1-3

Substantive and procedural aspects of Equal Employment Opportunity Act and related matters

LAW 5814 Employment Law Credits: 1-3

Survey of legal doctrines regulating the employment relationship, including the regulation of wages, hours and benefits; privacy in the workplace; workers' compensation; suits for suits for wrongful termination; non-competition agreements; and unemployment compensation.

LAW 5815R Disabilities and the Law Credits: 1-3

An interdisciplinary study of the law relating to disabled persons in the areas of employment, education, and access to transportation, health, welfare and social services to provide an understanding of how the law affects individuals with disabilities and public and private entities. Legislation considered include the American with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the Family and Medical leave Act, the Fair Housing Act, the Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act, and the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

LAW 834 Doing Business in Brazil: A Legal Overview Credit: 1

Exploration of basic principles of Brazilian law and key legal institutions and doctrines that would be useful for a person seeking to do business in Brazil.

LAW 8501 Contracts I Credits: 3

Formation and performance of simple contracts; consideration; express and constructive conditions, excuse of conditions; remedies for breach; contracts for benefit of third parties; assignment; impossibility of performance and discharge.

LAW 8502 Contracts II Credits: 3

Prerequisites: LAW 8501.

LAW 8511 Torts Credits: 3

Wrongs to the person and to property; legal remedies through which compensation or other relief may be obtained.

LAW 8521 Civil Procedure – Pleadings, Motions, and Related Matters Credits: 3

Pleading; joinder of parties and claims; pre-trial motions; discovery; summary judgment; pre-trial and trial procedure; post trial motions.

LAW 8522 Civil Procedure - Jurisdiction Credits: 2

Court systems; personal jurisdiction and venue; federal jurisdiction; choice of law; preclusion; appellate procedure.

LAW 8522D Discovery Practice in Civil Litigation Credits: 1-3

This course focuses on the various discovery techniques which are commonly used in federal civil practice, and also compares state procedures. General topics include the uses of discovery, informal discovery, building the discovery plan, ethical issues, privileges and protections, the discovery tools, electronic discovery, experts, motions to compel discovery, and sanctions.

LAW 8522E Electronic Discovery Credits: 1-2

Discovery practice and laws related to electronically stored information in litigation.

Prerequisites: LAW 8521 & LAW 8522.

LAW 8522W Civil Procedure: War or Justice Credit: 1

Philosophical problem in civil dispute resolution: identifying relevant criteria for evaluating a civil dispute resolution system, and assessing the extent to which the current system and alternatives satisfy those criteria.

Prerequisites: LAW 8521 Civil Procedure -- Pleadings OR LAW 8522 Civil Procedure -- Jurisdiction

LAW 8531 Lawyering Skills I Credits: 3

Introduction to legal reasoning; case analysis and synthesis; case research; structure and style in legal writing with emphasis on expository writing, including office memoranda.

LAW 8531I Common Law, Legal Analysis & Writing Credits: 0-3

Introduction to legal reasoning; case analysis and synthesis; case research; structure and style in legal writing with emphasis on expository writing, including office memoranda.

LAW 8532 Lawyering Skills II Credits: 2

Introduction to advocacy; introduction to interviewing, counseling and negotiation; statutory and computerized research; writing to and on behalf of a client, including a trial or appellate brief; oral advocacy.

LAW 8532I Introduction to American Legal Skills Credits: 2-3

Introduction to oral and written advocacy; interviewing, counseling and negotiation; and alternative dispute resolution.

Prerequisites: LL.M. students.

LAW 8532R American Legal Research Credit: 1

Introduction to research resources in the U.S. and techniques to systematically process and solve basic research problems found in law practice.

LAW 8541 Property I Credits: 3

Introduction to the nature of property; basic personal property law; adverse possession; possessory estates; basic future interests; marital and concurrent interests; landlord-tenant relationships.

LAW 8542 Property II Credits: 3

Licenses, easements, real covenants, equitable servitudes; nuisances; basic water law; brokerage; financing, mortgages, deeds of trust; contract of sale, deeds, closing; title insurance, warranties; recording; eminent domain; zoning.

LAW 8543 Adverse Possession Credit: 1

Explores the ancient yet evolving subject of adverse possession as it applies to real property in the United States and around the world. Topics explored include: the ancient doctrine as developed under the common law, the variety of statutory refinements to adverse possession doctrine in the United States and modern attempts to statutorily limit the doctrine, and comparative perspectives on adverse possession including the abrogation of the doctrine in Canada, and the effects of that abrogation on resolution of property disputes there.

Prerequisite: Property I

LAW 8552 Federal Taxation Credits: 3

Theory, history, and principles of federal income taxation; basic concepts of income, classification of income and deductions.

LAW 8590 Special Topics Credits: 1-6

The study of a contemporary topic of interest. This course is designed to facilitate one of two purposes: an initial offering of a new course (prior to formal approval) or an initial and possible only offering of new topics.

LAW 8601 Business Organizations Credits: 3

Partnership, limited liability company and corporation law; choice of business forms, formation of partnerships, limited liability companies and corporations; rights, duties, and powers of partners, members, shareholders, directors, and officers; closely held corporations; proxy regulation; derivative suites; dividends and stock redemptions; introduction to the Securities Act of 1933 and Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

LAW 8601A Corporate Governance Credits: 3

This course explores the corporate governance universe by examining key players in corporate governance and the mechanics that make corporations tick. It focuses on public companies, and sheds light on strengths and weaknesses of the current corporate governance model. The course surveys the relationship between corporations and civic society, and investigates solutions to ameliorate current corporate governance shortcomings

Prerequisites: LAW 8601

LAW 8601B Corporations, Law, and Technology Credits: 3

This course pioneers unexplored spaces at the junction of corporate law, technology (e.g., artificial intelligence, social media, mobile-first investing apps, etc.), and society. It examines the legal framework that governs the relationship between corporate governance and technology, and investigates how technology affects—and will affect—corporate law and policy. Examples of topics discussed in this course include: the role of artificial intelligence in corporate governance, opportunities and risks for corporate governance generated by mobile-first investing apps, finfluencers, and investomers.

Prerequisites: Business Organizations

LAW 8601C International Criminal Tribunals Credit: 1

This course will examine the types of international criminal tribunals available for the prosecution of individuals accused of war crimes, the crime of aggression, crimes against humanity, and genocide. The course will begin with an introduction to the history of international criminal law and a comparative examination of various international criminal tribunals, including the Nuremberg trials, ad hoc criminal tribunals (ICTY and ICTR), the permanent International Criminal Court in The Hague, and hybrid criminal tribunals (Cambodia, Lebanon, and Sierra Leone). The course will then focus more specifically on the International Criminal Court (ICC), including the ICC’s formation and jurisdiction and examples of individuals and situations investigated and prosecuted thus far by the court.

Prerequisites: Part of the Ireland Law Program.

LAW 8601L Transactional Lawyering Skills Lab Credit: 1

Students are trained in counseling clients and negotiating business formation, dissolution, and liability issues as well as drafting appropriate documents.

Co-requisites: LAW 8601.

LAW 8601R Doing Business In Ireland, Part I Credit: 1

A survey of International Trade Law and European and American Competition Law that impact on American multinational companies operating in the Republic of Ireland.

LAW 8601S Doing Business in Ireland, Part II Credits: 0.5

A survey of the Ireland Company Law and comparative United States Corporate Law and a survey of United States corporate taxation of multinational companies operating in Ireland.

LAW 8602 International Field Experience Credits: 1-2

In connection with relevant coursework, this limited international field experience will permit students to visit a foreign country to see the application of their coursework in a comparative perspective, including tours of legal facilities, visits with experts from the host country, and service learning opportunities.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and designated accompanying coursework.

LAW 8603 Taxation Of Business Organization Credits: 2-3

Survey course of the taxation of business enterprises, particularly partnerships, corporations and subchapter S corporations.

Prerequisites: LAW 8552, LAW 8601.

LAW 8604 Business and Personal Finance Credits: 3

This course is an introduction to the basic concepts of finance in the legal context (such as financial statements, the use and misuse of statistics, interest rates, debt, and valuations).

LAW 8605 Antitrust And Fair Competition Law Credits: 2-3

This course examines fair competition law as a body of law designed to protect consumers. Understanding fair competition law requires looking at Supreme Court case law but also lower court decisions, economic analysis, and government enforcement guidelines and policy statements.

LAW 8609 Ethical Issues In Family Law Representation Credits: 1-2

Advanced study of the ethical obligations of public and private attorneys in estate, family, and juvenile law representation. Topics may include identification of the client, ethical and legal obligations of confidentiality and disclosure, competence and client communication, respect for third persons (particularly obligations toward children of clients) and other related subjects. Paper and presentation required. When offered for 2 credit hours, the course fulfills the Schools Professional Responsibility graduation requirement.

Prerequisites: (or concurrent) LAW 8611, LAW 8751.

LAW 8610 Introduction to Trusts Credit: 1

This course explores the law of trusts, including the elements of a valid trust; its creation, administration and termination; the nature of a beneficiary's interest; and the fiduciary duties of trustees.

Prerequisites: Property I and Property II, Estates and Trusts

LAW 8611 Estates And Trusts Credits: 3

Intestate succession; testamentary dispositions; execution, modification, and revocation of wills; will contests; advancements, ademption, and exoneration; family allowances; rights of estate creditors; express, implied, resulting, and constructive trusts; basic tax aspects of estates and trusts; rule against perpetuities; will substitutes.

LAW 8613I Estate Planning and Drafting Lab Credits: 2

Students are assigned to attorneys at law firms or trust departments and will work on estate planning projects assigned by the supervising attorney. Exams may include drafting will and trust instruments, researching legal issues, and drafting memos.

Prerequisites: LAW 8611.

LAW 8614R Estate Planning For Retirement Plan Benefits Credit: 1

The income, gift, estate and generation-skipping transfer tax consequences and rules related to the ownership, distribution and withdrawal of retirement plan benefits, including minimum required distributions, designating beneficiaries, spousal rights and rollover options

LAW 8615R Estate Planning For Charitable Giving Credit: 1

Survey of federal income tax and transfer tax laws governing gifts to charitable organizations, charitable remainder trusts and charitable lead trusts; procedural requirements to assure deductibility; and planning and drafting considerations.

LAW 8617R Elder Law For Estate Planners Credit: 1

An examination of the legal tools available for the elderly client for decision-making, both health care and financial, in the event of incapacity, and asset preservation, including Medicare and Medicaid qualification. The course will cover the use of trust; durable powers of attorney, and advance directives for health care and living wills and the relationship to court guardianship.

LAW 8621 Evidence Credits: 3

General principles relating to proof of facts in civil and criminal trials; presumptions; order of proof; relevancy; judicial notice; real and demonstrative evidence; authentication; best evidence rule; hearsay; competency; impeachment; rehabilitation.

LAW 8631 Constitutional Law Credits: 4

Core issues relating to the U.S. Constitution, including the doctrine of judicial review, the powers of Congress and the President, limitations on state power, and judicial protection of individual rights.

LAW 8631S Second Amendment – Historical and Constitutional Foundation Credit: 1

This course introduces students to the historical and constitutional foundation for the Second Amendment. The course centers on theories of judicial interpretation and the differences between “collective” and “individual” rights. Students will evaluate historical documents and the constitutional text to argue the intent of the language used in the Second Amendment.

LAW 8633 First Amendment Law Credits: 2-3

Basic themes and advanced problems relating to the law of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, including exploration of the values behind the protection, subversive advocacy, regulation of speech in the public forum, access to the media, regulation of the press, symbolic expression, libel, obscenity, commercial speech, picketing, right of association, loyalty oaths, legislative investigations and government demands for information, separation of church and state, free exercise of religion, state aid to the religious schools, regulation of religion-based conduct.

LAW 8633R Law and Religion Credits: 1-2

Explores the interaction of the legal system with religious beliefs and institutions. The course examines issues such as the establishment and free exercise clauses of the United States Constitution, the influence of religion in law making, and religion issues presented in famous trials.

LAW 8634 Criminal Law Credits: 3

Introduction to substantive criminal law, its role and purpose in our society; principles of liability, common law and statutory offenses; defenses; punishment.

LAW 8634I International Criminal Law Credits: 1-2

An introductory course in International Criminal Law focusing on the criminal prosecution of individuals under international law, primarily by international tribunals (or 'hybrid' international/national tribunals) and secondarily by national tribunals applying international law. The course will include a consideration of aspects of criminal law that are common to most criminal legal systems, with a particular focus on those crimes that are 'international;' will revisit the concept of criminal jurisdiction, how it is acquired, and its limitations, such as immunity for heads of state and diplomats; and will examine the elements of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide, as well as a few other crimes of international concern; and excuses or justifications under international law, such as self-defense and insanity.

LAW 8635 Criminal Procedure I Credits: 3

Introduction to the administration of criminal justice; constitutional rights of the accused; due process; privilege against self-incrimination; right to counsel; arrest, search, and seizure; wire-tapping; police interrogation and confessions; pre-trial identification procedures.

LAW 8635S Wrongful Convictions Credits: 2-3

An examination of the causes of wrongful convictions, a consideration of systemic reforms that might minimize convicting the innocent and a focus on recurring ethical issues that confront prosecutors and criminal defense lawyers. Students also will work with The Midwestern Innocence Project on cases of possible actual innocence.This course provides an insider's look into the operation of the criminal justice system and is designed to help students gain insight into features of the criminal justice system that have a tendency to produce wrongful convictions. It should be of particular interest to any student interested in working in a prosecutor's office, public defender's office or for a firm doing defense work. It is a prerequisite for any student wishing to enroll in the Innocence Project clinic. Limited enrollment (normally, up to 16 students)

LAW 8636 Criminal Procedure II Credits: 3

Continuation of the study of the administration of criminal justice; exclusionary rules; bail; prosecutor's discretion; grand jury; preliminary hearing; jurisdiction, venue; joinder and severance of offenses and defendants; right to speedy trial; pleas of guilty; discovery; trial by jury; publicity; double jeopardy.

LAW 8636A Federal Trial Practice Credits: 2-3

A practical skills course involving consideration and application of the rules of procedure and evidence to civil and criminal cases brought in federal court, including, but not limited to the legal requirements of federal jury instructions, motions in limine, pretrial preparation, pretrial conferences, notice requirements, voir dire, opening statements, direct and cross, evidentiary foundations for exhibits, computerized and computer-related evidence, character and related evidence, witnesses (lay, lay opinion, summary, character, experts), and closing arguments.

LAW 8637R U.S. Attorney's Office Law Internship Credits: 3-6

US Attorney’s Office Legal Interns work in the United States Attorney's Office directly with Assistant US Attorneys (AUSA’s) in one of the Criminal Division units. Activities include legal research and drafting memoranda, motions and briefs; observations and participation in trials, pre-trial hearings, and motions, as appropriate; and general assistance with litigation.

Co-requisites: LAW 8749 or LAW 8731L.

LAW 8638R Entrepreneurial Lawyering: Solo and Small Firm Practice Credits: 2-3

Course will focus on law practice management for solo and small firms. Topics include organizational structure, firm management, fee setting and allocation, and effective and ethical marketing. Course includes attendance at the Missouri Bar Solo and Small Firm Conference.

LAW 8639 Legal Practice Technology Skills Credit: 1

The course will familiarize students with the basic legal technologies necessary for the twenty-first century lawyer. Course topics include hardware, system architecture, security, practice management, productivity, the cloud, and social media-networking.

LAW 8639A AI and the Law Credits: 1-3

Students will learn to how AI works generally, its positive uses, and the issues it creates in research and writing, ethics, privacy, copyright, libel, job displacement, “deep fakes,” manipulation of media, elections, and national security. The course will cover the developing bodies of regulatory and case law regarding these issues.

LAW 8639B Legal Tech-Competency Training Credit: 1

This course provides students with the opportunity to gain advanced knowledge in the software skills needed by legal practitioners, including: word processing, visual communication, cloud computing, document automation, data analytics, and project management.

LAW 8639D Legal Document Assembly Credits: 1-3

Document automation and assembly can help attorneys more efficiently and accurately deliver legal services to the public and their employer--thus helping attorneys be more competitive in the legal services market place. This two-credit hour course will teach students the skills necessary for document automation and familiarize them with HotDocs, the predominant provider of document assembly applications. Students will produce programmed documents, interviews, and systems for estate planning, businesses planning, or such other projects as are suitable for document assembly. The course may be taught over an eight week period or a summer term. No computer programming experience is required.

LAW 8639J Data, Decisions, & Justice Credits: 3

The course will offer an Introduction to data-driven decision making. It will compare artificial and human intelligence, considering issues of accuracy, transparency, fairness, bias, and legal regulation. Students will explore the use of data analytics in a variety of contexts, including the sentencing of criminal defendants, assessing creditworthiness, hiring employees, and forecasting judicial decisions. This course is designed to be fully accessible to those with no prior background in statistics or coding.

LAW 8641R Legislation Credits: 2-3

This course explores a variety of topics under the broad heading of 'Legislation.' Included among them are: electoral and representational structures, legislative drafting, canons of statutory interpretation, identifying and utilizing legislative history, the role of referendums and initiatives as a supplement to representative institutions, public choice theory, and other theories of legislation. The course also includes an opportunity for students to participate in the drafting of legislation for the Kansas for Missouri State legislatures. Paper optional.

LAW 8643C Applied Legal Research: Competitive Intelligence and Due Diligence Credits: 1-2

This course develops the skills necessary to search publicly available information to find vital facts about individuals, businesses, organizations, markets, and industries, and conduct so-called “due diligence” investigations. The first focus is on using public records, commercial services, and company information to gather information about parties. The second focus is on data and statistics, including finding, processing, and interpreting that information.

LAW 8643F Applied Legal Research: Foreign, Comparative and International Law Credit: 1

The course is designed to familiarize students with the basic resources of international law by taking an in-depth look at foreign and comparative law resources, teaching students how to utilize and think systematically about those resources and instructing students in the strategies and processes necessary to conduct scholarly research and practice international law. Students taking the course will improve their research competency in authorizing scholarly papers with a comparative or international perspective.

LAW 8643L Advanced Legal Research-Litigation Credit: 1

Prepares students who wish to focus on advocacy and litigation (including students in litigation with respect to Family Law and Urban, Land Use and Environmental law). The course is also intended to facilitate research for the student's legal research and writing requirement. the course will refresh and refine research skills, help students to think systemically about legal research, and familiarize students with applicable resources. As the final project, students will have the opportunity to develop an in-depth research 'path finder' or guide for an approved topic of their own choosing.

LAW 8643T Applied Legal Research: Transactional Law Credits: 1-2

This course prepares students who wish to focus on transactional law for the research component of the practice. The course is also intended to facilitate research for the student's legal research and writing requirement, although it does not satisfy the writing requirement. The course will refresh and refine research skills, help students to think systemically about legal research, and familiarize students with applicable resources relevant to transactional law including business organizations, tax, pension, labor and employment, competitive business intelligence, real estate, securities, sale of businesses, etc. As the final project, students will have the opportunity to develop an in-depth research 'path finder' or guide for an approved topic of their own choosing.

LAW 8644 Developing Legal Research Skills Credits: 2

Course content includes an introduction to mental constructs and thinking about legal research problems, exercises in how to work problems, working with various “problem types,” exercises to understand the terrain of legal research resources based on the characteristics of such resources, building a library for particular legal specialties, building a three-dimensional map of legal research resources based on their fundamental characteristics, aligning problem types with the best resources and techniques, exercises in the legal research process, and concludes with a “Pathfinder” on a subject withing a legal field of the student’s choosing.

Prerequisites: Lawyering Skills I (LAW 8531) and Lawyering Skills II (LAW 8532).

LAW 8649A Access to Justice Self-Help Clinic Credits: 2-3

An estimated 60% of people in civil cases go to court without a lawyer, usually because they cannot afford or access attorneys. In this clinic, student provide access to legal information and advice for these individuals. Students work in the Self-Help Clinic at UMKC, in collaboration with Legal Aid of Western Missouri, providing brief advice, referral, and limited scope representation. Clinic students will expand the reach of the clinic by building and assisting in conducting pro-se clinics for common legal problems. Clinic students will use technology to build tools for self-represented clients to understand and access their legal rights.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor

LAW 8650 Race and the Law Seminar Credits: 1-3

In-depth examination of the role that race plays in American society as a whole and in judicial decision-making in particular. Course will examine the effect of race on various areas of the law, including torts, contracts, property, criminal law, and criminal procedure. Course will also examine the effect of race on jury decisions and explore the concept of implicit bias. Research paper.

LAW 8651 Veterans and the Law Credits: 1-2

This course will introduce students to the laws governing the administration of federal veterans’ benefits, and the military discharge upgrade process. Students will learn about the military veteran experience and the challenges veterans face after separating from active-duty service with a “bad paper” discharge. Students will be introduced to the laws governing the administration of benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the military discharge upgrade process. The focus of the course will be on how lawyers can help veterans overcome the obstacles preventing them from obtaining benefits from the VA.

LAW 8656 Public Defender Trials Internship Credits: 3-6

Public Defender Law Interns assist in the defense of indigent criminal defendants. Each intern is assigned to a single public defender to allow the intern to observe the life and practice of a public defender, including direct engagement with client (fact development and defense strategy), case file analysis, research, drafting, and exposure to all stages of court proceedings. This is a two-semester internship providing a progression of skill building. Students eligible for Rule 13 student practice authorization may present directly in court.

Co-requisites: LAW 8749 or LAW 8731L.

LAW 8656A Missouri Attorney General's Office Internship Credits: 3-6

Law Interns work side by side with Assistant Attorneys General in the Kansas City regional office representing the State of Missouri in civil or criminal proceedings. Law Interns may be placed in one or more of the divisions of the AG’s office: financial services, litigation, labor, consumer protection, public safety, or governmental affairs. Students eligible for Rule 13 student practice authorization may present directly in court. Students may appear in Jackson, Clay, Platte, and/or Cass Counties.

Co-requisites: LAW 8749 or LAW 8731L.

LAW 8656C Jackson County Prosecutor Internship-Family Law Prosecution Credits: 1-3

Family Law Prosecution Interns assist Jackson County Prosecutor’s Office, Child Support Division, in prosecuting cases involving paternity establishment and child support. The internship provides formalized instruction, and individual mentoring and supervision from assistant prosecutors.

Co-requisites: LAW 8749 or LAW 8731L.

LAW 8656F Federal Public Defender Internship Credits: 3-6

Federal Defender Interns work in the Federal Public Defender's Office, under attorney supervision to engage with clients; undertake legal research; draft memoranda, motions and briefs; observe and participate in trials, pre-trial hearings and motion hearings; and assist, in general, with litigation.

Co-requisites: LAW 8749 or LAW 8731L.

LAW 8656G Government Internship Credits: 1-6

This course provides a substantial lawyering experience for students in government law offices (executive agencies or legislative offices) working on active matters that include advising or direct representation, under the supervision of a licensed attorney. The student’s work will include multiple opportunities for performance of legal skills, feedback, guided reflection, and self-critique. In most instances this Field Placement course will be paired with a companion seminar. The supervising attorney, student, and faculty advisor sign a three-way agreement defining their respective roles and responsibilities at the beginning of the semester.

Prerequisites: 30 credits toward JD degree requirements.

Co-requisites: LAW 8749 or LAW 8731L.

LAW 8656N Non-Profit /Pro Bono Internship Credits: 1-6

This course provides a substantial lawyering experience for students in public interest and non-profit organizations working on active legal matters that include advising or direct representation, under the supervision of a licensed attorney. The student’s work will include multiple opportunities for performance of legal skills, feedback, guided reflection, and self-critique. In most instances this Field Placement course is paired with a mandatory companion seminar. The supervising attorney, student, and faculty advisor sign a three-way agreement defining their respective roles and responsibilities at the beginning of the semester.

Prerequisites: 30 credits toward JD degree requirements.

Co-requisites: LAW 8749 or LAW 8731L.

LAW 8656P Jackson County Prosecutor Internship Credits: 3-6

Law Interns work with attorneys of the Jackson County Prosecuting Attorney's Office in downtown Kansas City and Independence offices. Interns are assigned to specific units: General Crimes, Violent Crimes, Sexual Violence, Warrant Desk, or Independence Office. The internship provides practical experience, courtroom exposure, and an introduction to prosecution hearings and trials. The internship is a two-semester progression of fieldwork allowing students opportunity to build skills and confidence. Students eligible for Rule 13 student practice authorization may present directly in court.

Co-requisites: LAW 8749 or LAW 8731L.

LAW 8662 Federal Court Internship Credits: 2-6

Federal Court Interns serve in a clerkship with a judge or magistrate in a federal court, principally in the Western District of Missouri. Students may also intern with federal judges in different states, with approval of the faculty director of the field placement program. Students generally undertake research, draft memoranda and other documents, observe court, and debrief with judges and clerks regarding the legal issues and lawyering styles in the matters before the court.

Prerequisites: LAW 8522.

Co-requisites: LAW 8749 or LAW 8731L.

LAW 8662F Family Court Internship Credits: 2-6

Family Court Interns serve in the chambers of Family Law judges and commissioners and observe mediation, conciliation, adult abuse docket, and cross-court visits. The internship offers students an opportunity to gain practical legal skills, learn about the programs ordered by the judges to assist families in crisis, and develop a working knowledge of the Family Court Division. Family Court judges hear a wide range of matter concerning families, marriage, and children, including marriage (dissolution, annulments, maintenance), child custody, paternity, child support, adult abuse, juvenile delinquency, adoptions, and guardianships.

Prerequisites: LAW 8521, LAW 8522; LAW 8751 (completed or currently enrolled).

Co-requisites: LAW 8749 or LAW 8731L.

LAW 8662M Missouri Court of Appeals Internship Credits: 2-6

Appellate Court Interns work in the chambers of a Missouri Court of Appeals Judge. Students generally undertake research, draft memoranda, and produce substantial written work under the supervision of the judge or the judge’s clerks. They also observe various proceedings (both in chambers and in the courtroom) and interact with the judges, their clerks, and court staff. Students debrief with judges and clerks regarding the legal issues and lawyering styles of the matters and advocates before the court.

Co-requisites: LAW 8749 or LAW 8731L.

LAW 8665A Animal Law Credits: 2

This course will begin with a brief overview of the philosophical and cultural issues underlying human/animal relationships, including basic theories of the legal systems's responses to social change. Legal issues relating to food animals, companion animals, laboratory animals, wild animals, and performing animals will be examined with reference to: (1) federal statues (Animal Welfare Act, Endangered Species Act, Marine Mammal Protection Act, Wild Horses and Burros Act, Animal Damage Control Act, National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act, Refuge Recreation Act, National Environment Police Act, and Humane Slaughter Act); (2) state statues (anti-cruelty, wills and trusts, hunting, racing and fighting statues); (3) local animal control regulations; and (4) extensive common law (standing, rights, free exercise of religion, property, landlord-tenant disputes, torts, marital dissolution and custody, and bailment).

LAW 8700 Trial Advocacy I Credits: 2

A practical skills course in advocacy which introduces students to the fundamental components of a typical civil and criminal trial and requires students to perform exercises involving each component and try a mock civil or criminal case from provided problem materials.

Co-requisites: LAW 8621.

LAW 8700C Drafting Civil Jury Instructions Credits: 1-2

Covering the essential skills in drafting appropriate civil jury instructions and preserving objections for appeal in civil cases. This is a 'skills course' in which students learn the fundamentals of drafting and arguing civil jury instructions.

LAW 8700D Taking and Defending Depositions Credits: 1-2

introduces the fundamentals of depositions, concluding with a mock deposition. Topical coverage includes: what is a deposition and what is the purpose of depositions; who may be deposed and when; deposition questioning; using exhibits; objections; preparing for the deposition; and producing a witness for deposition. Each student will take and/or defend a mock deposition.

LAW 8702 Conflict of Laws Credits: 1-3

Domicile; jurisdiction and limitations on the exercise of jurisdiction; judgments; full faith and credit; choice of law; conflicts problems in federal and international settings; conflicts problems in selected areas.

Prerequisites: LAW 8521.

LAW 8703 Trial Advocacy II Credits: 2-3

A practical skills course in the art of trial advocacy with an emphasis on technique, style, and methods of persuasion. During class sessions, students perform exercises involving the various stages of a law suit, and are critiqued on their performances. Following performance of the exercises, students are divided into teams and try a mock case in a trial competition, from which the Law School's National Trial Competition Teams are selected. The trials are evaluated by trial lawyers and federal or state judges. Limited enrollment.

Prerequisites: LAW 8700.

LAW 8704A Lawyering Skills Competition-Appellate Credits: 1-4

This course is limited to students who represent the law school in faculty supervised regional, national or international lawyering skills competitions. These competitions require application of lawyering skills in a range of substantive law areas and intensive practice of lawyering skills, judged by faculty and practitioners in the field. Students enrolled in this course will be representing the school in various moot court appellate advocacy competitions. Students will research and draft briefs or equivalent advocacy documents, develop oral arguments, conduct practice oral arguments before a range of student, faculty, and practitioner judges, and represent the law school in regional national or international competitions.

LAW 8704C Lawyering Skills Competition-Client Counseling Team Credits: 1-2

The course is limited to students who represent the law school in faculty supervised regional, national or international lawyering skills competitions. Students enrolled in this course will be representing the school in the client counseling competitions. Students will research a problem from a range of areas of law and develop problem solving and client counseling strategies and documents and conduct mock client interviews.

LAW 8704I Lawyering Skills Competition Credits: 1-2

This course provides an overview of international commercial arbitration and focuses with more specifically on international investment protection law and bilateral investment treaty provisions. The course will provide preparation for the International LL.M. Commercial Arbitration Competition, but it is open to J.D. students.

LAW 8704N Lawyer Skills Competition-Negotiation Team Credits: 1-2

The course is limited to students who represent the law school in faculty supervised regional, national and international lawyering skills competitions, Students enrolled in this course will be representing the school in various negotiation competitions. Students will research a problem from a range of law and develop negotiation strategies and documents and conduct mock negotiations.

LAW 8704T Lawyer Skills Competition-Transactional Practice Teams Credits: 1-2

The course is limited to students who represent the law school in faculty supervised regional, national or international lawyering skills competition. Students enrolled in this course will be representing the school in various negotiation competitions and meets, Students will research a problem involving business transactions or tax and prepare analysis and problem solving strategies.

LAW 8705 Trial Advocacy III Credits: 2

Students, under the supervision of trial advocacy faculty, participate in trial competitions. Enrollment by invitation only.

Prerequisites: LAW 8700, LAW 8703.

LAW 8706 Class Actions and Multidistrict Litigation Credits: 2-3

An examination of class action lawsuits and their prevalence in American civil litigation; rules, requirements and limitations for class actions; special issues for party joinder and intervention, and the analysis of prerequisites for multi-district litigation (MDL), a common feature of product liability cases and mass torts.

Prerequisites: LAW 8521

LAW 8707A Advanced Legal Writing: Practical Skills Development Credits: 2-3

Preparation of students for writing problems commonly encountered in the first two years of law practice: jury instructions, general correspondence, opinion letters, simple contracts, litigation motions and pleadings including a complaint, answer and some discovery documents. Individual feedback provided.

LAW 8707B Advanced Legal Writing: Business Contract Drafting Credits: 3

Preparation of transactional documents including, for example, confidentiality agreements, consulting agreements, employment agreements, technology licensing agreements.

Prerequisites: LAW 8501, LAW 8502, LAW 8601.

LAW 8707C Advanced Legal Writing: Civil Litigation Drafting Credits: 2-3

This course is a survey of the pretrial civil litigation process, with emphasis on practical drafting experience and the mechanics of writing. It is intended primarily for students interested in litigation, but all students can benefit from the coaching in writing skills and the feedback on their writing that the course provides. At course completion, the students should be able to draft basic litigation documents including settlement demands, initial pleadings, discovery, discovery motions, pre-trial motions, and summary judgment motions.

Prerequisites: LAW 8531, LAW 8532.

LAW 8707J Advanced Legal Writing: Compliance Drafting Credits: 3

Preparation of compliance-related documents to support businesses in highly-regulated industries like health care, higher education, and business and financial institutions. Drafting a portfolio of documents—e.g., policies and procedures; codes of conduct—common to corporate compliance programs.

Prerequisites: LAW 8531; LAW 8532.

LAW 8707R Applied Legal Research Administrative Regulations/Legislative History Credit: 1

The course is a mini-term designed to provide exposure to federal legislative history and administrative regulation. The course sessions will be equally divided between lecture/demonstration of sources meeting the Learning Objectives; and hands-on student work in assigned groups on a cumulative project throughout the week of the mini-term.

LAW 8708 Master Clinical Advocacy Course Credits: 3-4

This semester-long intensive course will introduce students to the law, advocacy and execution of trial strategy in active litigation. The course will function as a unique clinical course, with a law school professor and local counsel serving as the supervising attorneys. The professor will select an active case in local litigation, preferably in its early stages. The students will be reponsible, with supervision, for all areas of the litigation process from drafting pleadings, motions, discovery and taking and attending depositions and trial.

LAW 8710 Lawyering Skills Teaching Assistant Methods Credits: 1-3

Legal analysis, research and writing; instruction and discussion of the research and writing process and related topics in legal method and legal education; supervised production of an expository writing, advocacy writing and scholarly writing; development of research and writing exercises for use in the first-year Legal Writing Program and service as Teaching Assistants in the Program; limited enrollment.

LAW 8710B Legal Analysis & Methods Credits: 2

Preparation of students for the bar review and exam process with a focus on improving analytical skills to approach and do well on practice bar exam questions, including essay, multiple-choice, and performance questions. The course will cover specific topics tested on the bar exam with additional emphasis on refining memorization skills and learning how to self-assess understanding of concepts.

LAW 8711 Remedies Credits: 2-3

Remedies for violation of legally protected interests; history and development of equity jurisdiction and modern equity practice; injunctions; declaratory judgments; rescission; reformation; restitution; contempt; damages.

Prerequisites: LAW 8521.

LAW 8712 Problems And Issues In The Death Penalty Credits: 1-2

Issues and problems in the administration of the death penalty; the Missouri capital sentencing scheme; constitutional limitations, statutory schemes, state review systems, procedural matters and collateral review of death sentences.

LAW 8713 Death Penalty Clinic Credits: 1-2

The post-conviction process of collateral review in death penalty cases; training in legal representation of the postconviction petitioner.

Co-requisites: LAW 8712.

LAW 8713E Expungement Clinic Credits: 3-5

Through the Expungement Clinic, students have the opportunity to represent indigent people seeking expungement while learning critical lawyering skills. The Clinic represents people from communities that have been traditionally underserved.

Prerequisites: Must be 2 or 3L, Permission of Instructor.

Co-requisites: Rule 13 Certification is strongly recommended.

LAW 8713L Introduction to Postconviction Advocacy Credits: 3

This course is a practical skills course combining elements of Postconviction Remedies (habeas corpus, state postconviction procedural rules and statutes, extraordinary writs, parole, clemency, and other procedural paths for release from prison), Fundamentals of Investigation (document gathering, locating and interviewing witnesses, Internet investigation), and Mental Health Investigation (methods unique to biopsychosocial history investigation), and synthesizing work product into legal claims for relief and arguments for release. Prerequisites: Completion of two semesters of Law School, including Criminal Law and Lawyering Skills.

LAW 8713M Master Class in Postconviction Advocacy Credits: 3-6

Students will work in conjunction with professors and other pro bono attorneys, paralegals, social workers, and investigators to represent indigent clients in matters relating to securing release from prison through habeas corpus, parole, special statutory procedures, executive clemency, or other appropriate proceeding. The focus of the client representation will be geared towards investigation, development, and presentation of legal claims for relief or mitigating evidence to impact discretionary release decisions.

Prerequisites: LAW 8713L OR any one of: LAW 8903, LAW 8822, or LAW 8913

LAW 8713P Wrongful Convictions Clinic Credits: 1-6

Students, under supervision, provide investigate and legal assistance to prisoners with persuasive actual innocence claims. Students meet weekly with the director of the program for training and evaluation. Assigned tasks depend on the needs of the Innocence Project, and may include interviewing potential clients, gathering records, investigating actual innocence claims, consulting with experts, drafting post-conviction and/or clemency pleadings, and appearing at court hearings. Clinical students work in conjunction with law and journalism students enrolled at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Limited enrollment (normally, 8 students).

Prerequisites: LAW 8634, LAW 8635, LAW 8635S.

LAW 8714 Gender and Justice Credits: 2-3

Students will examine and discuss legal issues of special importance to women. Topics will include (among others) sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, domestic violence, reproductive autonomy, and pornography. The course seeks to present each topic in its social context by supplementing legal readings with materials drawn from the social sciences, literature, and film. Paper required. Enrollment limited to fifteen students.

LAW 8714R Adoption and Assisted Reproduction Credits: 3

This course will examine the law of adoption and how this area of law both shapes and reflects normative understandings of family and parentage. The course also addresses numerous issues with assisted reproductive technology, such as parentage, genetic engineering, and postmortem conception.

LAW 8714S Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and the Law Credits: 2

This course will examine the evolving status of sexual orientation and gender identity in the law. The course will start with a brief history of the LGBT+ rights movement, before looking at the issues that arise with relation to sexual orientation and gender identity. Subjects covered include criminal justice and the penal system, public accommodations, employment discrimination, domestic relations, treatment and care of LGBT+ youth, and the Constitution.

LAW 8716 Cyberlaw Credits: 2-3

Survey of the areas of the law with existing or potential application to the internet and computers and how changes in the information environment affect law and its application. Areas of law include jurisdiction, contract law, intellectual property law, criminal law, and constitutional law.

LAW 8716C Cybercrime Credits: 1-4

Cyber threats are a global problem challenging all areas of business, and attorneys must be able to advise and defend clients from these threats. Criminal lawyers must be fluent in how new technologies work and how they impact investigations. In this course, students will learn how these new cyber threats and emerging technologies are challenging attorneys across the country. The course will prepare students to think as lawyers when confronting these threats. Course topics will include computer hacking, spamming, spear phishing, Internet fraud and social engineering, cyberstalking, and the rising use of computers and social media in violent crimes.

LAW 8720 Secured Transactions Credits: 3

Secured Transactions in personal property under Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code, function and form of a security agreement, process of perfecting a security interest, priority among unsecured parties; secured sales of goods under Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code.

LAW 8721 Commercial Transactions Credits: 3

This course offers a study of the Uniform Commercial Code provisions that deal with negotiable instruments (commercial paper)(Article 3), bank collections and deposits (Article 4), funds transfers (Article 4A), and letters of credit (Article 5), as well as the study of alternate payment systems (including electronic fund transfers, credit and debit card payments, and related federal law).

LAW 8722 Introduction to Commercial Arbitration Credits: 1-2

This course is designed to give students a working familiarity with “the other forum” – the increasingly popular but often misunderstood private alternative to court litigation known as “commercial arbitration.” It will focus on the differences between arbitration and litigation, the types of evidence admitted in arbitration hearings, and how to vacate unfavorable arbitration awards.

LAW 8723 Banking Law Seminar Credits: 2

Federal and state law governing banking activities; regulation of bank holding companies; formation of banks; the FDIC and FSLIC; interstate banking; deregulation of banking transactions; banking activities by non-banks; regulation of securities activities of banks. Paper required.

Prerequisites: LAW 8721.

LAW 8725 Water Law Credits: 2-3

Private acquisition of water rights through riparian ownership and prior appropriation; public rights to water existent in bed ownership easements and trusts; ground water management; water distribution organizations; federal allocation and control of water resources; interstate allocation.

LAW 8725E Energy Law Credits: 3

The course will deal with the legal, economic and environmental issues of energy production on federal lands and/or under federal jurisdiction. It will focus on a number of energy sources including: oil, coal, natural gas, oil shale, coal bed methane, geothermal, water, wind, and solar. It will also cover the special problems of hydraulic fracturing, air and water pollution, climate change spills, collapses, meltdowns and other disasters as well as liability for cleanup and reclamation.

LAW 8728 Law And The American Indian Credits: 2-3

An anthropological, historical and legal study of the American Indian, including a focus on American Indian traditional law and values, federal policy and current legal issues.

LAW 8729 Preservation Law Credits: 2-3

An exploration of the legal and economic issues impacting preservation of land, wilderness, buildings and archeological and historical sites, including a study of various federal and state preservation legislation, and private land use preservation measures.

LAW 8729C Cultural Preservation Law Credits: 3

This course will focus on Federal, State, and Local Law, directed at the preservation of Prehistoric, Historic, and Modern Culture. It will include sections on: The Values and Philosophy of Preservation, Archaeological Protection Law, the Native American Grave Protection and Reparation Law, Sacred Site Protection, Historic Protection in State and Local Government, the Takings Clause, Land trusts and Conservation Easements, Public-Private Partnerships and Modern Ethnic and Socio-economic Communities.

LAW 8730I Introduction to American Law & Culture Credits: 2-3

Introduction to the American legal system, including government structure, sources of law, common law development, and core substantive areas. Available to LL.M. International students only.

LAW 8731 Professional Responsibility Credits: 2

This course covers the Model Rules of Professional Conduct; role of the lawyer as a professional; confidentiality; conflict of interest; zeal within the bounds of the law; competency; providing legal services. The course explores the meaning of professional judgment and client-centered lawyering.

LAW 8731E Professional Responsibility in Context: Environmental and Resource Law Credits: 2

Covering the law governing lawyers and professional responsibility, setting the perspective and context in the practice of environmental law and resource law. The central focus relates to understanding the role of the lawyer and professional responsibility. The experiential focus is to achieve this goal in a practice context of environment and natural resource law.

LAW 8731L Professional Responsibility in Context: Learning from Practice Credits: 2

Covering the law governing lawyers and professional responsibility, the central focus of this course will be using the rules of professional responsibility to explore how a lawyer conceives of his or her role in the profession, in society, and for a client.

LAW 8733 Children In The Law Credits: 2-3

The ways in which the legal system treats children differently from adults and the justifications for such treatment, who should make decisions for the child, decisional authority that should be granted to parents, children and the state in various contexts (e.g., abuse and neglect, health care for the child, foster care, adoption and education).

LAW 8733E Elder Law Credits: 2-3

A course providing a basic foundation for legal practice with older persons, including the following substantive topics: The Older Americans Act, the delivery of legal services to the elderly,ethical considerations,consumer protection, discrimination, Social Security and Supplementary Security Income, Medicare, Medicaid, capacity issues, guardianship and alternatives to guardianship,elder abuse and neglect, adult protective services, nursing homes, long term care, housing, healthcare decisions, end-of-life decisions,estate planning and grandparents' rights.

LAW 8733R Juvenile Offenders & The Law Credits: 2-3

An examination of our justice systems's historical treatment of juvenile delinquent and status offenders, and how the goals and objectives of the past have evolved into today's juvenile offender laws; the rights of juvenile offenders in contrast to those of adult criminals; pre-trial and trial procedural issues under the juvenile code; certification of the juvenile offender as an adult; dispositional/treatment alternatives for juvenile offenders; schools and the juvenile offender.

LAW 8734 Mediation Credits: 2

The process in which a neutral third party assists others in resolving a dispute or planning a transaction; introduction to the nature of the process, its possibilities and limitations, its current and future uses, and how lawyers can and should be involved in it; public policy and political issues surrounding the mediation movement; professional responsibility and malpractice.

LAW 8735 Seminar In Famous Trials Credits: 2-3

Historical and jurisprudential issues involved in a number of 'political trials.'

LAW 8735R Law Of The European Union (Part I) Credits: 1-2

An in-depth study of the legal and political framework and institutions of the European Union; the Commission, Council of Ministers, Court of Justice, Court of Auditors, and the European Parliament. Course will examine the interlocking web of European treaties, the expansion of the European Union, the European Union as a trade block and Ireland as a gateway to the European Union for non-bloc nations.

LAW 8736 Debtor-Creditor Rights Credits: 2-3

Creditors' remedies and debtors' rights; provisional remedies; secured transactions (Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code); liens and exemptions; overview of bankruptcy law.

LAW 8736B Introduction to Bankruptcy Credit: 1

This course will provide an introductory overview of the bankruptcy process and what debts are dischargeable, including considerations for bankruptcy filing, with an emphasis on Chapter 7 cases.

LAW 8737R Law Of The European Union (Part II) Credits: 2

An examination of the substantive and procedural law governing the member states of the European Community including such topics as the nature and application of European Union Law, the relationship between European Union and national laws, remedies in national courts, enforcement actions, damages and money claims, free movement of goods and workers competition laws, intellectual property, equal treatment of women and men, and non-discrimination.

LAW 8738 Immigration Law And Process Credits: 2-3

Admission, exclusion, deportation, and naturalization of aliens; structure and powers of relevant federal agencies; categories of immigrant and non-immigrant visas and visa application procedures; asylum, extradition, and refugee status; rights of aliens; public policy issues and proposals for reform; practical problems in immigration.

LAW 8738V Immigration Law & The Violence Against Women Act Credit: 1

A practical lawyering skills course in which students learn how to help abused immigrant women and children to apply for permanent residence inthe united States, and how to help victims of violent crimes to apply for legal status. The course includes a short overview of the applicable immigration law and instructs in such matters as client interviewing; analysis of cases; working with victim advocates and experts; drafting affidavits, evidence indexes, petitions, motions and supporting documents; preparation of checklists for clients, case flowcharts, and case tinelines; the review and development of evidence; and the drafting of letters to clients and the government.

LAW 8740M Missouri Civil Procedure Credits: 2-3

Selected problems in Missouri civil procedure under Missouri statute and rules. Topics may include venue and personal jurisdiction, pleading and motion practice rules on joinder of parties and claims, statutes of limitation, trial procedure, post-trial motions & appellate procedure, discovery, and preclusion.

LAW 8743 Global Legal Systems Credits: 1-3

A study of different legal traditions and systems, mainly within the Civil and the Common Law traditions, focusing on each tradition's history, legal structures, legal actors, procedures, and sources of law. Non-Western Legal traditions such a s Islamic, Jewish, Hindu and Indigenous Law may also be considered, time permitting.

LAW 8743C Comparative Criminal Law Credit: 1

A comparative analysis of criminal law jurisprudence in the United States and Europe (especially Ireland and the United Kingdom) with respect to the exclusionary rule, the death penalty, the jury system and the reintegration of ex-offenders into society.

LAW 8743F LL.M. Capstone Portfolio Credit: 1

This course gives LLM students the opportunity to reflect on their learning of the U.S. legal system and improvements in stated student learning outcomes. It is also an opportunity to collect, showcase, and present work product completed during the LLM program. Assignments will include reflection papers, assembling a portfolio, preparing a final presentation to a panel, answering questions about the U.S. legal system and demonstrating competence in the stated student learning outcomes for the LLM program.

Prerequisites: Intro to Common Law, Legal Analysis & Writing (LAW 85531I) ; Intro to American Law & Culture (LAW 8730I); Intro to American Legal Skills (LAW 8532I).

LAW 8743I Ireland Program: Selected Topics in Comparative Law Credits: 1-2

This course addresses a focused area of law from a comparative perspectives of United States, Ireland, and/or EU legal systems.

Prerequisites: part of Ireland Study Abroad Program

LAW 8745 Law Review Credits: 1-4

Editorial work in connection with the 'UMKC Law Review.' Open to students selected on basis of scholarship. Ungraded.

LAW 8745R Law Review Board Credits: 1-5

The members of the Law Review Editorial Board edit articles and student notes and comments for publication in the University of Missouri Kansas City Law Review; and shepherd the articles and student pieces through the production process.

LAW 8746 Research & Writing Requirement Credits: 2

Completion of a paper of publishable quality, demonstrating intensive research and analysis under faculty supervision.

LAW 8746C Court Internship Credits: 3-6

Judicial Interns serve in a clerkship with a judge, magistrate, commissioner, or other judicial officer in a state court. Students generally undertake research, draft memoranda, observe hearings and other judicial proceedings, and debrief with judges and clerks regarding the legal issues and lawyering styles in the matters before the court.

Co-requisites: LAW 8749 or LAW 8731L.

LAW 8746I Internship-Estate Planning Credits: 2-6

Estate Planning Interns are mentored by an attorney with an estates law practice, in a private firm or trust company. Law Interns undertake assignments such as review and analysis of estate planning documents, draft provisions for such documents or probate court filings, and/or conduct legal research. The objective of this internship is to expose student to the estate planning law practice.

Prerequisites: LAW 8611 AND LAW 8552.

Co-requisites: LAW 8749 or LAW 8731L.

LAW 8746R Independent Study Credits: 1-3

Independent study, including research and writing projects, under faculty supervision.

LAW 8746W Introduction to Workers' Compensation Law and Practice Credits: 1-2

An introduction to the general history and purpose of the workers' compensation laws with a particular emphasis on Missouri law. Students will be presented with and guided through actual workers' compensation problems which will introduce them to the practical aspects of the practice in this specialized area. With permission from Jefferson City and the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations,the students will be exposed to actual workers' compensation hearings,mediations and other courtroom practices held at the law school and presided over by an Administrative Law Judge.

LAW 8747 Introduction to Appellate Advocacy Credit: 1

Preparation of memorandum (points relied on and summary of argument); presentation of two arguments before practicing attorneys.

LAW 8748 Appellate Advocacy - Ellison Moot Court Competition Credits: 2

Ellison Moot Court Competition; preparation of an appellate brief and presentation of two oral arguments before federal and state judges. Open to the 16 finalists from Appellate Advocacy II. Ungraded.

Prerequisites: 8747 Intro to Appellate Advocacy.

LAW 8749 Field Placement Seminar: Learning from Practice Credits: 0-2

Learning from Practice (LFP) is a seminar (tied to a field placement). The seminar will explore dimensions of professional development of an effective lawyer, including the capacity for reflection, deliberate skill acquisition, and ability to form meaningful professional relationships. Each LFP section has a different focus, but all are designed to complement and provide deeper context to the law interns’ fieldwork. One LFP seminar, focused on attorney ethics and values, is catalogued under Professional Responsibility (LAW 8731). It covers the Model Rules of Professional Conduct and explores the dimensions of client-centered lawyering.

Prerequisites: Completion of 30 credit hours toward JD.

Co-requisites: Any field placement course.

LAW 8750C City of Kansas City Municipal Internship Credits: 1-6

City Law Interns work in the Law Department of the City of Kansas City, in municipal court litigation, legal advising, and legal aspects of policy development. Intern assignments include litigation and non-litigation based research and drafting. In litigation context, law interns draft briefs, conduct discovery and case file analysis, and prepare witnesses, and other aspects of trial preparation.

Co-requisites: LAW 8749 or LAW 8731L.

LAW 8751 Family Law Credits: 3

Pre-marital contracts; marriage; annulment; paternity; parent and child; divorce; alimony; division of property; separation agreements; adoption.

LAW 8751S Family Violence Credits: 2-3

An in-depth examination of family violence from a legal perspective. Course topics will include interdisciplinary study of the dynamics and psychology of family violence, of historical and social policies, specialized problems of family violence (including intimated partner violence, child abuse and neglect, gay and lesbian battering, and elder abuse) and legal responses. Students will receive practical training in safety planning, intake, review of community resources, case logistics, and advocacy for temporary orders.

LAW 8752G Guardian Ad Litem Workshop Credits: 2

This is a one semester, 2 credit hour experiential course. Study of guardian ad litem best practices in all types of actions involving representation of children. (GAL). Topics include domestic violence /adult and child orders of protection, requirements for guardian ad litem appointments, role of the GAL, ethical considerations, trauma-informed legal representation, child permanency and cross cultural competence. Live client representation when possible.

Prerequisites: Rule 13 certification.

LAW 8752R Family Law Practice Credits: 2

A practical skills course in family law in which students participate in all phases of family law practice, including the initial client interview; the drafting of questionnaires, pleadings, motions custody and discovery plans, support and maintenance proposals, orders and other documents; negotiation, and preparation for litigation. Students work in teams and perform exercises which simulate 'real world' situations.

Prerequisites: LAW 8751.

LAW 8752S Child & Family Services Clinic Credits: 1-6

A two semester experiential course involving live client representation. Students represent the parents or custodians in obtaining permanency for children who are under the jurisdiction of the Jackson County Family Court or relatives/custodians needing a probate guardianship for a minor whose parent is unable, unwilling or unfit to care for the child. Students work under the supervision and direction of clinic faculty who are licensed to practice law in Missouri and receive classroom instruction in the substantive law and procedure governing domestic relations, adoption, minor guardianship, or juvenile court actions.

Prerequisites: Family Law, Rule 13 certification.

LAW 8753 International Law Credits: 2-3

Survey of international legal studies; nature and role of international law, its effectiveness in dealing with international problems and its application in domestic jurisdictions.

LAW 8754 International Business Transactions Credits: 2-3

Legal problems encountered in international business; jurisdiction and choice of law; enforcement of judgments; methods of protecting foreign investments; extra-territorial application of United States regulations, e.g. anti-trust law.

LAW 8757 Business Planning Credits: 2-3

Problem-method study of choice of entity and various other legal issues and planning challenges in forming a closely held business entity and in private and public financing of an existing enterprise. The course includes practical training from drafting organizational documents to conducting simulated client interviews and providing written advice concerning hypothetical transaction. Limited enrollment.

LAW 8757E Entrepreneurial Innovation Mining Credits: 3

In this course law students will work in faculty-supervised project teams with students from other academic disciplines (for example, business, engineering, or science students) while learning to review innovation disclosures in a systematic manner and generate information and observations relevant to assessment of the potential impact and viability of commercialization of such innovations. Topics addressed in course instruction will include identification of intellectual property and steps needed to protect it, technology commercialization processes and related regulatory and licensing considerations, and various aspects of product development and preliminary business modeling for technology-based ventures. PREREQUISITES: Permission of Course Instructors. J.D. candidates need to have completed at least 20 credit hours of J.D. course work to be considered for permission to enroll in this course.DESIRABLE PREREQUISITES: Completed one or more of the Patent Law (LAW 8882), Intellectual Property Survey (LAW 8531I), Business Planning (LAW 8757), or Entrepreneurship & New Venture Creation (LAW 8757N) courses.

Prerequisites: ESSENTIAL

LAW 8757L Special Topics in Entrepreneurial Lawyering Credits: 0-2

Examination of issues related to ethical and effective management and marketing of law practice, emphasizing solo and small firm practice. Topics will vary from year to year, but will generally address issues such as forms of practice, dissolution of practice, practice management systems (including technology assistance), human resources management, advertisement and solicitation, insurance and malpractice.

LAW 8757N Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation Credits: 3

Jointly-taught by Law School and Bloch (Business) School faculty, this interdisciplinary course provides education in entrepreneurship to a combined class of students from law, business, engineering and perhaps other graduate-level disciplines. Using a combination of readings lectures, electronic blackboard discussions, team business planning projects and presentations, and individual presentations on selected topics, the Course is designed, from a law student's perspective, to both (1) familiarize the student with substantive knowledge of issues from multiple disciplines involved in creating a new venture to commercialize technology and (2) train law students in techniques designed to effectively communicate and resolve legal issues inherent in such projects in a collaborative manner with clients and their advisors from other disciplines.

LAW 8757R Entrepreneurial Law & Practice Clinic Credits: 2

Under faculty supervision, students will counsel start-up companies and their owners and implement business planning advice by drafting articles of incorporation and organization, by-laws, partnership agreements and other business contracts. Other business-related matters ranging from regulatory, consumer, licensing, and taxation requirements; copyrights, trademark, and patent creation; and 501(C)(3) applications for non-profits may also be covered in this course. Clinic students will also receive classroom instruction in the areas of client counseling and business planning and drafting of business documents.

Prerequisites: LAW 8601 and LAW 8552.

LAW 8757V Social Entrepreneurship Ventures Credit: 1

This course provides a detailed survey of the legal requirements and the planning strategies to establish, finance and operate a social business enterprise, and to help clients choose from among non-profit tax-exempt organization, specially-tailored traditionally for-profit company, or one of the recently created “hybrid” legal forms available through business organization statutes in various—e.g., benefit corporations, social purpose corporations, and low-profit limited liability companies (L3Cs)—for the conduct of social enterprises. After an introduction to the field of social entrepreneurship, students will learn the state laws, tax laws, and financing arrangements that apply to nonprofit organizations, traditional for-profit taxable businesses, and the evolving “hybrid” forms of business organization.

Prerequisites: LAW 8601 and LAW 8552.

LAW 8758S Securities Regulation Credits: 2-3

Problem and policy method study of the Securities Act of 1933 and selected aspects of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; financing of an enterprise; reorganizations; tender offers; proxy regulation; and securities fraud claims.

LAW 8760 Insurance Credits: 2

Life, fire, accident, and liability insurance; nature of insurance; nature of insurance contract; special rules of construction; standard policy provisions; regulation of insurance industry.

LAW 8761M Law, Medicine & Bioethics Credits: 2-3

A study of bioethics and selected legal and ethical issues in medicine with focus on decision-making at the beginning and end of life; reproductive rights and assisted reproductive technologies; the patient-provider relationship (fiduciary, treatment, confidentiality, and disclosure obligations); physician obligations of informed consent and patient care issues; potential hospital and physician liability for medical malpractice; and end of life decision-making (withdrawal and refusal of life sustaining treatment by individuals and their surrogates) and physician-assisted suicide.

LAW 8763 Labor Law Credits: 2-3

Regulation of labor relations pursuant to the national Labor Relations Act, focusing on the establishment of collective bargaining relationships, unfair labor practices, collective bargaining, strikes, picketing and pre-emption.

LAW 8764 Administrative Law Credits: 1-3

Introduction to the administrative process; role, function, and processes of administrative agencies; policy issues of administrative government; judicial review.

LAW 8765 Federal Courts Credits: 2-3

This class focuses on the federal court system and jurisdiction of the federal courts; diversity of citizenship; removal of cases from state to federal courts; conflicts between state and federal judicial systems; original and appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.

Prerequisites: LAW 8521.

LAW 8766 Land Use Law Credits: 2-3

Legal and administrative aspects of land use and the problems and techniques of urban planning; statutory anti-nuisance devices; controlling land use by private methods (restrictive covenants, easements, and servitudes); zoning; subdivision controls; public acquisition of land; building and housing; urban renewal and redevelopment; environmental quality control (air, water, and conservation); relationship of lawyers, planners, private builders, and owners to governmental policies.

LAW 8767 Land Title Clinic Credits: 1-6

Under supervision, students provide legal assistance to The Land Bank to bring quiet title actions and pursue other legal strategies necessary to return vacant and abandoned properties to productive use.

Prerequisites: Rule 13 eligibility.

LAW 8768R Department of Labor Internship Credits: 3-6

Department of Labor Law Interns assist agency attorneys in the Regional Solicitor’s Office of the United States Department of Labor enforcing federal labor statutes, including the Fair Labor Standards Act, Occupational Safety and Health Act, and Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, among others. Students undertake legal research, draft discovery requests, review and analyze evidence, participate in client and staff conferences related to enforcement strategy, and assisting enforcement personnel in investigations.

Co-requisites: LAW 8749 or LAW 8731L.

LAW 8770 State And Local Government Law Credits: 2-3

Structure, powers, and divisions of local governments in metropolitan areas; role and powers of cities, counties, towns, school and special districts; decentralized and neighborhood governmental units and other local governmental units; legislative, home-rule, and constitutional sources of power; sovereign immunity; boundary adjustments; public employee relations; citizen participation; reapportionment; licensing and permits; ethics and public access to records; regional governance; intergovernmental cooperation; interstate compacts and authorities; function of local government with reference to solution of problems created by urban growth; role of judicial, administrative, and political processes.

LAW 8771 Public Finance Credits: 2-3

Fiscal, economic, and taxation problems and powers of local government in metropolitan areas; constitutional limitations; spending and public finance; property taxes; special assessments and exactions; interstate tax acts; local income taxes; debt financing; debt adjustment; public expenditures and contracts; financing education.

LAW 8773 Environmental Law Credits: 2-3

This course covers law developed to control pollution and to protect our country's physical environment. The course provides introductions to ecological theories and to early common law efforts to protect the environment. But the course mainly focuses on current environmental statues (for instance, the Superfund Act, the Resourse Conservation and Recovery Act, the Clean Air Act, and the Clean Water Act) and on current federal constitutional issues involving the environment. (Priorities in this mix may vary from year to year, depending on current events and related course offerings). Enforcement policies, citizen activism the needs of private industry, and the administrative process are also considered.

LAW 8773C Environmental Compliance Auditing and Permitting Credits: 3

This course provides students with an overview of the key federal environmental statutes and their inter-relationships, including consideration of the Clean Water Ace, the Clean Air Act, the Emergency Planning and Community Right ti Know Ace and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. Students will learn about inspections, enforcement and liability; environmental management systems and auditing; and generally, how Congress and the EPA formulate environmental laws and regulations and about the roles in the process of the legislature, the regulators, the regulated communities, citizens and public interest groups.

LAW 8773R Environmental Law Internship Credits: 3-6

Environmental Law Interns work with attorneys in government agencies, such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or non-profit organizations focused on environmental protection, resource conservation, public health and related issues. The nature of the lawyering assignments will vary with the host office.

Co-requisites: LAW 8749 or LAW 8731L.

LAW 8773S Sustainability and the Law Credits: 2-3

This course will involve an in-depth examination of laws and norms applicable to the concept of sustainability and to the possibility of enhancing legal protections for the earth and people. It will identify environmental threats to society and the rule of law, including climate change and rising sea levels. The course will address relevant environmental laws, treaties, and concepts, including reference to the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the Public Trust Doctrine, the Kyoto Protocol, and concepts related to sustaining human and nonhuman life, the stable state society, communitarianism, environmental justice, and ESG (environment, sustainability, governance).

Prerequisites: None; Environmental Law is desirable

LAW 8775 Appellate Advocacy National Moot Court Competition Credits: 1-2

Participation on National Moot Court competition team. Ungraded.

Prerequisites: LAW 8748, Ellison Moot Court Competition.

LAW 8778 American Academy Matrimonial Lawyers Board Credits: 2

Under direction of professor, students provide editorial assistance in publishing Journal of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, write a paper on selected topics and prepare summaries and bibliography of current works. Limited enrollment.

LAW 8783B Buffalo National River: Issues in National Park Law & Management Credit: 1

Specialized study of topics in natural resources law as it relates to the Buffalo National River in northern Arkansas. Students will explore the history of the Buffalo River; the state and federal laws in operation governing the park (e.g., the wild and scenic rivers act, the endangered species act, national historic preservation, etc.); and planning and management issues presented by the multiple uses of the area and its surroundings.

LAW 8790 Legal Aid Internship Credits: 3-6

Legal Aid Interns are assigned to one of the practice groups in Legal Aid, focused on legal issues of people with limited means (housing (public and private), consumer protection, community development, government benefits, family law, municipal criminal defense). Principally, students work in one of the Kansas City offices, but may also intern in other offices in Missouri or another state, with approval of the faculty director of the field placement program. Students eligible for Rule 13 student practice authorization may present directly in court.

Co-requisites: LAW 8749 or LAW 8731L.

LAW 8793A Health Law 1: Liability and Quality Issues in Health Care Credits: 2-3

This is a survey course in Health Law focused on learning the payers and players in our health care system. Topics include the laws effecting the relationships among patients, health care providers, and health care payers, licensing, quality control, negligence, confidentiality, the obligation to provide care, and commercial health insurance.

LAW 8793B Health Law II: Regulation, Organization and Finance Credits: 2-3

This course examines laws concerning the organization, delivery, and finance of health care in the United States.

LAW 8793C Legal Rights in Health and Wellness Credits: 2-3

This course will explore the rights (or lack thereof) to health and wellness in the United States. It will consider the origins of health inequity in the United States, and compare U.S. healthcare to that in other countries. The course will address specific inequities involving race, gender, and disability and how those inequities adversely impact health and wellbeing. It will also address efforts to provide some rights in health care, such as HIPAA privacy and security, informed consent, and religious freedom in health care decisions.

LAW 8795 Civil RICO Credits: 1-2

This course teaches an overview of the civil RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) act, which is one of the most widely litigated statutes in civil cases today. The course takes an “element by element” approach to provide a comprehensive survey of the RICO statute and will emphasize how to draft a civil RICO claim and a motion to dismiss a civil RICO claim.

Prerequisites: First-year courses

LAW 8796 Economics And The Law Credits: 2-3

Tools of economic analysis which have particular application in the law; equity and efficiency are weighed in regulation, pollution, discrimination, monopoly, financial markets, human resources and government expenditure and taxation policy. Principles will be introduced and expanded upon using both lecture and case study techniques.

LAW 8797 Business Torts and Unfair Competition Credits: 2-3

The common law applicable to relations between businesses that compete against each other or that cooperate with each other in the production and distribution of the same product. Tort, contract and property law principles as remedies not available in parallel statutory schemes, such as the antitrust or patent laws. Statutes that codify the common law or create statutory procedures or remedies for common law rights.

LAW 8798 Copyright Law Credits: 2-3

Surveys when copyright protections are extended, the exclusive rights included in copyright, and the limitations of those rights. Additional consideration is given to third-party liability, the challenges of digital technologies, and protections afforded by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

LAW 8798A Art Law Credits: 2-3

This course examines several key topics related to the protection of visual arts, including copyright and moral rights and their intersection with First Amendment protection.

LAW 8800 Legal Research Thesis Credits: 1-8

Research for LL.M. thesis.

LAW 8808 Intellectual Property Law Credits: 2-3

Substantive and procedural law of intellectual property. Coverage includes copyrights and patents and other areas at the option of the instructor.

LAW 8808L Intellectual Property Licensing Credits: 2-3

This course provides for advanced engagement with intellectual property concepts while also providing training in practical skills. The course will first entail reminding students of the differences among the three essential areas of intellectual property law (copyright, patent, and trademark) and indentifying how these differences translate into different standard license agreements. Additionally, students will consider the challenges in drafting a consolidated license agreement that transfers interests in multiple types of intellectual property. Second, the course will include considerable practice for students in drafting contract language.

LAW 8808S Intellectual Property Remedies Credits: 2-3

This course will explore the remedies available to intellectual property owners and the protections available to those accused of infringing copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets and patents. The course will delve into issues of how rapidly advancing technology has made it more difficult to apply the current remedies and explore whether they go too far or not far enough in protecting owners of intellectual property. It will also help students recognize that case evaluation does not end after analyzing whether liability exists.

LAW 8809 Missouri Cannabis Law Credit: 1

This miniterm course will survey the essential features of medical marijuana law in Missouri. It will cover the regulations regarding application for a medical marijuana license (cultivation, dispensary, and infusion/extraction).

Prerequisites:Administrative Law is recommended, but not required.

LAW 8813 Employment Discrimination Law Credits: 2

Substantive and procedural aspects of Equal Employment Opportunity Act and related matters.

LAW 8814C EEO Compliance Credits: 2-3

This course will cover the major employment law and employment discrimination issues faced in businesses across the country, ranging from discharge (at will employment and whistleblower issues), wage and hour violations, and unemployment compensation to discrimination based on various identity characteristics (such as race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, and religion). The course will focus on how to read the federal statutes, regulations, and case law to advise businesses on how to remain compliant with equal opportunity rules.

LAW 8814R Employment Law Credits: 2-3

Survey of legal doctrines regulating the employment relationship, including the regulation of wages, hours and benefits; privacy in the workplace; workers' compensation; suits for suits for wrongful termination; non-competition agreements; and unemployment compensation. May be offered as a seminar.

LAW 8814S ERISA Basics Credit: 1

This course provides students an overview of the major provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), enacted in 1974 to protect funds set aside for workers’ pension and health and welfare benefits. Title I of ERISA was created because of public concern that funds of private pension plans were being mismanaged and abused. ERISA has expanded since 1974 to encompass more areas of in the health arena such as the Affordable Care Act and the Mental Health Parity Addiction Equity Act.

LAW 8815 Products Liability Credits: 2-3

Theory and practice in products liability cases; negligence; misrepresentation; strict liability; theories of product defect; applicability of the Uniform Commercial Code including warranties and disclaimers; actions among members of the distribution chain.

LAW 8815R Disabilities And The Law Credits: 2-3

An interdisciplinary study of the law relating to disabled persons in the areas of employment, education, and access to transportation, health, welfare and social services to provide an understanding of how the law affects individuals with disabilities and public and private entities. Legislation considered include the American with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the Family and Medical leave Act, the Fair Housing Act, the Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act, and the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The enrollment of graduate students from other disciplines, such as education, business, and health sciences is encouraged to allow for interdisciplinary discussion of the topics involved.

LAW 8815S Leadership In Disability Studies: A Multidisciplinary Approach Credits: 3-4

An overview of the history of disability issues, some individualized perspectives of persons with disabilities, the rationale for interdisciplinary approaches regarding disability studies, and opportunities for leadership development with regard to disability issues. The students will participate in a forum that encourages reflection, exchange of ideas, interaction with persons with disabilities and persons from various fields of study, and case analysis. After an orientation to the study of disabilities, various aspects of community membership for persons with disabilities will be addressed, particularly with regard to the workplace, the neighborhood, and the home. Emphasis with placed on vital leadership roles that facilitate community membership and contribution of persons with disabilities to society.

LAW 8820 Criminal Trial Techniques Credits: 2

Strategy and tactics in handling a criminal case; effective representation of the accused at various stages of the criminal process; securing pre-trial release; plea bargaining; motion practice; discovery; voir dire; opening and closing statements; examination of witnesses; use of the expert; sentencing; appeal; collateral attack.

LAW 8821 Sentencing Mitigation Clinic Credits: 1-6

Students will work in conjunction with practicing attorneys, paralegals, social workers, and investigators serving clients of the Federal Public Defender Offices in the District of Kansas and the Western District of Missouri. The focus of the client representation will be geared towards investigation, development and presentation of mitigating evidence to impact sentencing outcomes.

Prerequisites: LAW 8913.

LAW 8822 Post Conviction Remedies Credits: 2-3

Federal and state remedies for collateral attacks on criminal convictions; vacation of sentences and convictions; federal habeas corpus and similar devices. Paper required when course is offered as a seminar.

Prerequisites: LAW 8635.

LAW 8831R International Human Rights Law Credits: 1-3

Study of the law protecting individuals and groups against govermental violations of internationally guaranteed rights; historical antecedents and theoretical underpinnings; human rights in national law (the United States); post World War II developments; principal international human rights instruments; regional human rights arrangements; human rights of women, refugees, ethnic minorities; implementation of rights; international obligations of the United States; selected civil, political, ecomomic and social rights.

LAW 8832 Law of International Trade and Finance Credits: 3

Study of the World Trading System, focusing on policy and application, including the WTO, the NAFTA, U.S. trade remedies, foreign direct investments controls, and export controls.

LAW 8832I Introduction to International Trade Credits: 1-3

An examination of the structure and workings of the major global trade regimes, including the World Trade Organization ("WTO") and the North American Free Trade Agreement (the "NAFTA"). The role of international trade in such areas as the environment, labor rights, national security, the developing world, and non-market economies will also be considered. The course will also focus in depth on United States domestic trade remedies, including antidumping, countervailing duties, section 301 and 337 actions as well as on other international trade restricting practices.

LAW 8834 Tax Procedure Credits: 2

Problem-method study of procedures and taxpayers' rights when deficiencies are assessed by the Internal Revenue Service; tax liens; commencement of litigation in Tax Court, Federal District Court, and Court of Claims.

LAW 8834R Tax Clinic Credits: 1-4

Students in the Kansas City Tax Clinic represent low-income clients before the IRS and in United States Tax Court under the supervision of the Clinic Directors. Cases may include delinquent filers, examinations, administrative appeals, Tax Court litigation, innocent spouse, and collection cases including due process, installment agreements, and offers-in-compromise. Students also receive classroom instruction in tax procedure subjects and in client counseling. There is a ten hour orientation prior to the beginning of classes. There is also an additional five hour lecture held during the course of the semester.

LAW 8835 Blockchain, Cryptoassets and the Law Credits: 1-2

Covering blockchains, cryptoassets and related topics in the FinTech area. Blockchains are incorruptible decentralized digital ledgers maintained by a distributed network of computers. All transactions on a blockchain are recorded chronologically and publicly. Cryptoassets are digital assets that use blockchains and cryptography to regulate the creation of new units, verify transactions, and secure the transactions without the intervention of any middleman. Will address whether whether governments have the power to regulate blockchains and what is the right balance of regulation to protect the public but encourage innovation.

LAW 8837 Negotiating Mergers And Acquisitions Credits: 2-3

Problem-method study of corporate, tax, securities, and business problems entailed in buying and selling a corporation; fundamental corporate changes: recapitalizations, mergers, sale of assets, sale of stock, and tender offers; corporate finance and rehabilitation of financially distressed corporations.

LAW 8837R Mergers & Acquisitions Deals and Corporate Governance Issues Credit: 1

An introduction to the tactical and strategic complexities of litigation and client counseling arising from contested mergers and acquisitions and corporate tactics involving activist shareholders.

Prerequisites: Business Organizations

LAW 8838L Legal Accounting Credit: 1

Accounting as it relates to the work of a lawyer. Understanding financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow, shareholder's equity), analysis of financial statements; defferal concepts (inventory, depreciation, prepaid expenses), understanding accounting principles, valuation (present value, future value.).

LAW 8838R Tax Practicum I Credits: 1-3

Practical skills training in the sources and methods of tax research (including electronic database sources) using problem method approaches; analytical and planning skills are developed through in-depth case study research.

LAW 8843 Federal Income Taxation Of Estates And Trusts Credits: 2

Income tax problems of the fiduciary; grantor's trusts; income, estate, and gift tax problems relating to optional or discretionary acts of the fiduciary in retention and/or distribution of income or corpus.

LAW 8845 Deferred Compensation Credits: 2-3

Problem-method study of deferred compensation arrangements; qualified pension and profit sharing plans; individual retirement accounts; qualified stock option plans; other methods of deferred compensation.

LAW 8847 Personal Injury Tort Litigation Credits: 1-2

Introduction to the fundamentals of personal injury litigation, including case intake, pre-discovery investigation, settlement demand packages and other communications with opposing counsel, injury petitions, initial discovery, depositions, retention of experts, pre-trial motions, and mediation.

LAW 8848R State and Local Taxation Credits: 2-3

State and local taxation of income, sales and property, including the apportionment of tax obligations to multiple states. Restrictions imposed by constitutional doctrines such as the uniformity and equality requirement and the prohibition on interfering with interstate commerce.

LAW 8850 Applied Evidence Credits: 1-3

Problems and simulations in evidence; application of the rules of evidence in many of the following topic areas: objections to the form of the question; hearsay; lay and expert opinion; authentication, the introduction of real and demonstrative evidence, rules of relevance, cross-examination and impeachment.

LAW 8853 Seminar in Law Science & Technology Credits: 2-3

This class surveys a variety of current topics lying at the intersection of law, science, and technology. During the course of the semester each student will develop their own thesis relating to some specific issue arising out of the interaction of law, science, and technology.

LAW 8858 Consumer Protection Credits: 2-3

Protection of consumers from false advertising, unfair sales practices, and consumer credit and debt collection abuse. Topics which may be covered are Truth-in-Lending Act, Uniform Consumer Credit Code, Fair Debt Collection Practices Act; Interstate Land Sales Disclosure Act, Federal Trade Commission and Missouri Attorney General activity, Missouri consumer credit legislation, consumer warranties, consumer class actions, abusive collection practices.

LAW 8858L Consumer Protection Lab Credit: 1

This course provides students with skills needed for reviewing and investigating consumer complaints; developing problem solving strategies and drafting Attorney General letters, pleadings, and other documents necessary for the enforcement of the complaint. Students work with the Missouri Attorney General's office to screen consumer complaints and recommend actions.

Prerequisites: LAW 8858.

LAW 8863 Fair and Affordable Housing Seminar Credits: 1-3

This seminar course will explore issues of fair and affordable domestic housing law through a real property lens. It will be unique in its approach to housing law from an advanced property perspective. Through a mixture of classroom lectures and discussions, experiential exercises and scholarly writing, housing issues will be examined from many perspectives including that of residential and commercial owners, developers, homeowner associations, landlords, tenants, and government regulators.

Prerequisites: LAW 8541 Property I; LAW 8542 Property II.

LAW 8868 Trusts: Planning, Drafting, Administering & Litigating Credits: 2-3

Focus on advanced planning and drafting of inter vivos private express trusts for individuals, including proper use of readily available forms (tax-related drafting limited to marital and charitable deduction forms), consideration of trustee's duties, powers and liabilities pursuant to the Missouri Trust Code and related cases, and special emphasis on the recently-adopted Uniform Investor Act and the significant changes it has introduced to Missouri trust investment law.

Prerequisites: LAW 8611.

LAW 8870 Seminar in Educational Equality and the Law Credits: 1-3

This seminar will explore the legal aspects of providing educational equality in a nation of diverse ethnicities, cultures, religions, sexual identities, and socio-economic conditions. Through the lenses of legal scholarship and primary legal authorities, students will examine past and current attempts to address the inequities that have long plagued U.S. public education in the K-12 setting. In addition, the course will include extensive instruction in scholarly research, writing, and publication skills.

LAW 8870R Education Law: Government & Legal Aspects Of Education Credits: 2-3

This course is designed to give students an introduction to the major legal doctrines that affect K-12 schools, as well as the policies that underlie or are changing those doctrines. Students should gain a working understanding of the impact of federal and state law on the operation of schools, the rights and responsibilities of teachers and administrators, and the rights of the students who attend those schools.

LAW 8874 Tax-Exempt Organizations Credits: 2

An in-depth examination of the state and federal laws that govern the formation and operation of tax-exempt organizations, with emphasis on Sec. 501 (c) (3) charities; criteria for tax-exempt status; IRS application and reporting procedures; unrealted business income tax issues.

LAW 8875 Real Estate Transactions Credits: 2-3

Practice-oriented course, including the development of drafting skills, in which questions involving basic residential and commercial real estate sales and civil and leasing transactions are considered, such as title, title insurance, contract conditions, contract remedies, commercial leasing (office and shopping center issues) and issues concerning and confronting brokers; special emphasis on Missouri and Kansas law.

LAW 8875L Legal Context of Real Estate Decision Making Credits: 1-3

A study of fundamental matters involved in real estate decision making, including an understanding of basic real estate terms of art; the unique attributes of commercial real estate the distinction between office, retail and industrial property leases; the significant business and legal issues that arise in lease negotiations; financing issues, including the negotiation of construction and permanent loan documents; loan application/brokerage agreements; the impact of bankruptcy on real estate transactions; an explanation of different types of insurance coverage applicable to commercial real estate; and construction issues, including how buildings are constructed and the 'green' movement impact on current construction practices.

LAW 8876 Sales and Leasing Credits: 1-3

This course is a survey course on the law of sales & leasing. The course will examine the sale of goods under Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), studying the rights, duties, and liabilities of parties to modern sales transactions. The course will also analyze Article 2A (leasing) of the UCC and explore the rights, duties, and liabilities of parties to modern lease transactions. The course will also consider the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). Topics encompassed will include sale and lease contract formation, establishment of express and implied contract terms,

LAW 8877 Bankruptcy Court Internship Credits: 2-6

Bankruptcy Court Interns serve in the chambers of US Bankruptcy Judge, principally in the Western District of Missouri. Students may also intern with bankruptcy judges in different federal districts, with approval of the field placement faculty director. Legal issues arise under the Bankruptcy Code, as well as secured transactions, contract law, labor law, and tax law. Students undertake research, draft memoranda, observe hearings and other judicial proceedings, and debrief with judges regarding legal issues and lawyering styles.

Co-requisites: LAW 8749 or LAW 8731L.

LAW 8881 Seminar on the Supreme Court Credits: 2-3

Students simulate the work of the Supreme Court on nine cases presently pending before that court. The student justices study the briefs and related material filed in each case, discuss and vote on the cases, and write majority and dissenting opinions. Enrollment in the seminar is limited, fittingly, to nine justices.

LAW 8882 Patent Law Credits: 2-3

This course will focus primarily on substantive U.S. patent law, including the laws governing the patentability of particular inventions, the patent procurement process, the rights granted by a patent, and patent enforcement and litigation. As time permits, the course will explore policy issues raised by the current patent system, discuss proposals for reform and international harmonization, and consider alternatives to patent protection such as trade secret and regulatory exclusivity.

LAW 8882R Patent Prosecution Credits: 2-3

This course will focus primarily on the practical application of substantive U.S. patent law, including the laws governing the patentability of particular inventions, the patent procurement process, the rights granted by a patent, and patent enforcement and litigation. In particular, this class will focus on teaching students how to draft a patent application and how to prosecute the application in the U.S. Patent and Trademark office. This class will be designed to mirror the substantive patent law being taught in the Patent Law course. For example, the Patent Law course will present the law and theory of obviousness or novelty; the Patent Prosecution course will instruct in how to deal with and respond to an obviousness or novelty rejection from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Co-requisites: LAW 8882.

LAW 8884 White Collar Crime Credits: 2-3

Examines substantive federal law in the areas of fraud, public corruption, financial crimes and conspiracy; it also includes examination of procedural and policy issues related to business and white-collar investigations.

Prerequisites: LAW 8634.

LAW 8885 Seminar In Philosophy And Law Credits: 2

An examination from a philosophical perspective of the historical and conceptual relationships present in the evolution, development and analysis of law, including natural law theory, legal positivism and legal realism, and focusing on a specific area of controversy in the law.

LAW 8886 Corporate Taxation I Credits: 2-3

Tax treatment of corporations and shareholders with respect to formation, non-liquidating distributions, stock dividends, redemptions and liquidations. The course may also cover the personal holding company tax, the accumulated earnings tax, collapsible corporations, multiple corporations and tax consequences of corporate reorganizations; survival of tax attributes; acquisition of loss corporations; and a survey of consolidated return reporting.

LAW 8888R Partnership Taxation I Credits: 2-3

An in depth examination of the tax principles governing partnerships limited liability companies and other unincorporated organizations classified as partnerships for tax purposed, including questions involving the tax consequences of the formation of such organizations, operating distributions, basis computations, liquidating distributions, and sales of ownership interests.

LAW 8889R Subchapter S Taxation Credits: 1-2

An examination of the tax principles governing Subchapter S Corporations, including the tax consequences of their formation; the taxation of their income and the deductibility of their losses; operating distributions; basis computations; liquidations; distributions; and sales of S Corporation shares of stock.

Prerequisites: LAW 8886.

LAW 8890A Sports Law I, Amateur Sports Law Credits: 2

Coverage of various amateur sports law issues with a focus on the regulation of interscholastic, intercollegiate sports, Olympic and international sports, and sports broadcasting; including such topics as constitutional law, tort law, contract law, and Title IX gender discrimination; and a consideration of federal disability discrimination laws, the status of collegiate athletes who participate in big time sports programs, the regulatory authority of the National Collegiate Athletics Association, The National High School Athletic Association, international and Olympic sports organizations.

LAW 8890B Sports Law II, Professional Sports Law Credits: 2

A focus upon the multitude of legal issues and unique relationships in the sports industry, including, among other issues, professional team sports, other professional sports, facilities management in professional sports, legal implications and the practical realities of the unique labor-management relationships in professional sports. The most significant areas to be studied in the context are antitrust, labor, communications, taxation, contracts law, and intellectual property law.

LAW 8890M Missouri Cannabis Law Credit: 1

Surveys the essential features of medical marijuana law in Missouri, the requirements to obtain a license, Interactions between state and federal law, and how to advise entrepreneurs in this new business space.

LAW 8890R Entertainment Law Credits: 2-3

An examination of the legal issues affection the print and broadcast media. Topics covered may include copyright, antitrust, spectrum allocation, right of privacy, first amendment issues (prior restraint, obscenity, commercial speech, defamation and access to both information and judicial proceedings), licensing and new technologies including and beyond cable television.

LAW 8890X Sports Law Internship Credits: 2-6

Sports Law Interns work in offices focused on collegiate or professional sports to learn about the regulatory, compliance, and business aspects of sport and the sporting enterprise. Students analyze and apply regulatory standards, conduct legal research regarding novel legal issues, draft memoranda, legal documents, or other documentation.

Co-requisites: LAW 8749 or LAW 8731L.

LAW 8892R Estate and Gift Tax Credits: 2-3

Problem method study of estate, gift and generation skipping transfer taxes and the income taxation of estates and gifts. Emphasis on lifetime and post-mortem planning as well as compliance requirements.

LAW 8893 International Taxation Credits: 2-3

An introduction to the taxation of income of U.S. citizens, residents and corporations from foreign sources and the income of foreign residents and non-residents from U.S. sources. Topics may include sources of income rules, foreign tax credit provisions, the earned income exclusion for foreign source income, income tax treaties and a survey of the tax treatment of U.S. investments made offshore.

LAW 8893R Taxation Of Property Transactions Credits: 2-3

Income taxation of property transactions. Detailed study of capital gains and losses, passive losses, the at-risk rules, and the alternative minimum tax.

LAW 8897 Seminar In Analytical Strategies Credits: 1-2

Pedagogical philosophy of legal education; common themes in first-year legal education; techniques of cooperative learning of legal materials. Students may act as study group leaders for various first-year course subjects. Ungraded.

LAW 8897B Building MBE Skills Credit: 1

Preparation of students for the bar exam by building bar exam multiple choice skills. Focus will be on strategies and tactics in the topics tested by multiple choice questions. Additional emphasis will be on learning how to self-assess understanding of concepts and judgment errors through intense review of errors. The course will require eight to ten hours a day of class and outside work.

LAW 8897E Introduction to Law Study Credits: 0

This course is designed to help incoming law students navigate the challenging transition to law study. The course is a rigorous, five-day introduction to law school. Each day focuses on a 'stage' of law school learning; orientation, class preparation, class, after class review, exam preparation, and exam taking. The course addresses the skills of reading, writing, and thinking at each of these stages through simulated classes, direct teaching of study skills, written and oral exercises, and individual meetings with faculty.

LAW 8897R Governmental and Legal Aspects of Education Credits: 2-3

Study of legal issues within higher education. Focus is on state and federal law and regulations as they pertain to issues from academic freedom to governance and administration. Focus on strategies for preventive law is a major component of the course.

LAW 8898 Construction Law Credits: 2

The Construction Law course would emphasize state and federal construction law and would provide the students with practical experience in drafting contracts, negotiating disputes, and conducting a mock arbitration. The course would cover the contract responsibilities and remedies of contractors, subcontractors, design professionals, sureties and owners, including the United States Government. The course would emphasize the controlling state and federal statutes and regulations, as well as case law which illustrates the application of the statutes and other areas of law not covered by statute. The classroom sessions will include discussion of the practical aspects of legal practice in the construction industry, with instruction and examples regarding the drafting of documents and contracts, negotiation of disputes, and decision-making regarding the type of dispute resolution forum to recommend to a client.

LAW 8901 Advising Life Sciences and Technology Entrepreneurs Credits: 1-2

A condensed study of the key legal issues for the entire cradle-t-grave (founding-to-exit transaction) life cycle of high-growth technology and life sciences ventures, focusing on these critical phases: structuring and organizing the high-growth venture; relationships with key constituencies; acquiring, protecting and licensing intellectual property assets; financing transactions and realizing wealth through exit transactions.

Prerequisites: LAW 8601.

LAW 8902 Topics and Cases Related to In-House Counsel Credit: 1

This course surveys a wide range of legal issues from the in-house counsel perspective, including those related to professional responsibility, corporate governance, transactions, compliance, risk management, intellectual property and litigation. Through the use of case studies, students will use legal principles and business judgement to analyze scenarios in various corporate settings.

Prerequisites: LAW 8601.

LAW 8903 Fundamentals of Legal Investigations Credits: 2

This course focuses on skills and methods needed to fully obtain facts so as to determine strategies and analyze possible outcomes for all stages of litigation, both criminal and civil. Detailed information on searching public records, Internet sites, and other document retrieval, as well as methods to locate and interview people, will be provided to students through an interactive format. Using an investigation on parallel tracks approach, i.e., paper and people, students will learn the relationship between documents/physical evidence and thorough, reliable interviewing of clients and witnesses.

LAW 8904 Multicultural Lawyering and Spanish for Lawyers Credits: 1-2

In this course, students acquire skills and knowledge needed to represent Spanish speaking clients, including mastering selected Spanish legal vocabulary, working with translators, conducting initial client interviews, and identifying cultural impacts on communication. Ethical dimensions of cross-linguistic and cross-cultural counseling are examined and students receive training in counseling skills.

Prerequisites: Audition with professor to determine minimum Spanish language ability.

LAW 8905 Intellectual Property Litigation Credits: 2-3

This course will cover fundamental concepts of IP litigation, with a specific focus on patent litigation. It will consider a variety of topics pertinent to patent infringement litigation in federal court, including the question of choice of law, pre-suit investigations, jurisdiction and venue issues, pleadings, discovery, use of experts, post-discovery strategies, claim construction (and particularly the importance of a claims chart), proving infringement (or non-infringement), proving invalidity, proving unenforceability, injunctive relief and damages, jury instructions, the appeal process, settlement agreements, and the assignment and licensing of patents. Students who successfully complete this class will gain a working understanding of patent litigation practice.

Prerequisites: Civil Procedure Pleadings LAW 8521 AND one of the following: Intellectual Property LAW 8808 OR Patent Law LAW 8882 OR approval of instructor.

LAW 8909 State and Local Government Law in a Nutshell Credit: 1

This course will examine the laws and structures through which Kansas City local government operates. Topics will include the context for local government functions, the city charter and structure of local government, and examination of the particular topics such as economic development tools, property tax abatement, and local agency interactions.

LAW 8910 Intellectual Property Clinic Credits: 2

Under the supervision of faculty who are licensed attorneys, students will counsel start-up companies and their owners and assist with intellectual property matters related to Trade Secrets, Copyright Trademark, & Patent and planning in connection with concepts related to Business Torts. Students will conduct patentability and trademark searches, prepare patent landscape reports, trademark registrations, opposition and cancellation responses and assist Clinic clients in identifying trade secrets and potential patentable inventions and preparing invention disclosures as well as provide general intellectual property information and advice to Clinic clients.

Prerequisites: LAW 8808 or LAW 8797 and LAW 8798 or LAW 8882.

LAW 8911 Winning Voir Dire Credit: 1

LAW 8912 Client Interviewing Credits: 1-3

Basics of client interviewing. Training will include the following components: a) Passive vs. Active Listening b) Forms of Questions c) Preliminary Problem Identification d) Techniques for conducting Initial Interviews e) Providing Information the Supervising Attorney Wants/Needs”

LAW 8913 Mental Health Investigation 1 Credits: 1-2

This is a one-week, one or two-credit hour practical skills course which focuses on skills and methods needed to identify and understand mental health issues and phenomena that every lawyer will encounter. Students will examine what mental illness is, how it affects sufferers, and how it presents to lay observers so that it can be understood and explored in relevant legal contexts. This course is offered in connection with the Mitigation Skills Workshop, which trains lawyers representing capital clients how to interview clients and witnesses for information relevant to developmental, cognitive and mental health issues; students will participate in role-playing an practical skills exercises with Workshop participants.

LAW 8914 Selected Reading in Legal Scholarship Credit: 1

Students and faculty will read and discuss a substantial book by a legal scholar examining a contemporary issue in law and society from a historical, comparative, or jurisprudential perspective. The course will include discussions with the author and students will complete a short project related to the book topic.

LAW 8914F Law and Film Credits: 1-3

Exploration of the function of law and lawyers in society by examining legal decisions, statutes, and legal commentaries in the context of films, including classic, contemporary mainstream, foreign, documentary, and independent films. Students will view and critique films in light of assigned reading materials. Using films as analytical tools, the seminar examines the ways in which popular culture products (such as films and television) both reflect and change the social views about law and lawyers.

LAW 8914H Harry Potter and the Law Credit: 1

This course uses the stories from the Harry Potter series to explore themes about the role of law and justice in society. The course is designed to help students become more familiar with narrative criticism and the persuasive role of narrative in discourse.

LAW 8917 Law and Human Trafficking Credits: 1-2

Theory and legal structures relating to human trafficking, including practical skills in representing victims.

LAW 8919 The Insanity Defense Credits: 1-2

This course will review several aspects of the insanity defense: its history, how it works, and the public perception of the defense. The course will focus on the trial of John Hinckley Jr. for attempted murder of President Ronald Reagan as a vehicle for discussing how the defense is presented, the changes in the defense that the verdict in that trial brought about, recent significant cases and possible future changes in the defense.

LAW 8921 Selected Projects in Law, Technology and Public Policy Credits: 1-6

This “studio” course involves the creation of interdisciplinary teams of law and graduate students from UMKC and other graduate and law schools and their media laboratories to work on cutting edge projects at intersections of law, technology and public policy.

LAW 8925 Entrepreneurial Urban Development Credits: 1-4

The projects-based Entrepreneurial Urban Development course will feature interdisciplinary teams of faculty and graduate or upper-level undergraduate students providing analysis on real estate-based projects relating to the development or redevelopment of properties in urban areas, with a particular focus in, but not necessarily limited to, Kansas City, MO and Kansas City, KS. Students enrolled in the course will receive classroom instruction through modules related to development, land use controls and entitlement processes, affordable housing law and policy, cost analysis, market analysis, feasibility analysis, investment analysis, finance, incentives, design, urban planning, and community engagement.