School of Dentistry
650 E. 25th Street
(816) 235-2100
Fax: (816) 235-2157
(816) 235-2080 (Admissions)
(800) 776-8652 (Toll-free admissions)
(816) 235-2050 (Division of Dental Hygiene)
Steven E. Haas
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs:
Mary Elizabeth Kaz
Assistant Dean of Business Affairs and Strategic Development:
Jeffrey L. Primos
Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs:
Eric Gottman (Interim)
Assistant Dean for Student Programs:
Richard H. Bigham
Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Programs:
Mary P. Walker
Assistant Dean for Engagement and Wellbeing:
Makini L. King
Mailing Address
University of Missouri-Kansas City
School of Dentistry
650 E. 25th St.
Kansas City, MO 64108-2784
Information and History
General Information
All statements in this section are announcements of present policies, requirements (admission and academic progress), curricula, fees and services. They are subject to change at any time without prior notice. They are not to be regarded as offers to contract.
The UMKC School of Dentistry traces its roots to 1881, when the Kansas City Dental College was founded as a department of the Kansas City Medical College. In 1919 the Kansas City Dental College merged with Western Dental College to form the Kansas City Western Dental College. It became the School of Dentistry of the University of Kansas City in 1941. In 1963 the school became the School of Dentistry at UMKC.
Continuous and distinguished service for more than 135 years has established the School of Dentistry as an important institution in the region and throughout the nation.
Over the years, the school's educational standards and opportunities have increased as the school has consistently demonstrated its ability to educate well-qualified dentists and dental hygienists to contribute to the improvement of oral health. As an affirmation of this, the D.D.S., the graduate certificate programs: advanced education in general dentistry, periodontics, oral and maxillofacial surgery, endodontics, and orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics, and the B.S. in dental hygiene are fully accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association.
The school is situated on the Health Sciences Campus, where University Health, Children's Mercy Hospital and the UMKC Schools of Medicine, Nursing and Health Studies, and Pharmacy are also located.
Degrees Offered
The School of Dentistry offers a four-year professional program leading to the doctor of dental surgery (D.D.S.) degree, and the bachelor of science degree in dental hygiene (B.S.). The School offers a graduate program leading to a master of science degree in oral and craniofacial sciences, and advanced education residency certificates in general dentistry or recognized dental clinical specialties. In addition, the school participates in UMKC's Interdisciplinary Ph.D. program through the discipline of oral and craniofacial sciences. Please refer to the School of Graduate Studies section of the catalog for information on admission criteria and degree requirements for the Ph.D program.
Grading System
The grading and grade-point system used by all academic programs in the School of Dentistry is defined by the University. It is outlined in the General Graduate Academic Regulations and Information section of this catalog.
Incomplete Grades
Students may earn an incomplete grade (I) due to illness or other valid reasons beyond the student's control and has been unable to complete the work in a course. A student who receives an incomplete, and who subsequently does not elect to withdraw from the course, must complete the required work by a date specified by the instructor. Failure to complete required work by this date is cause for the incomplete to be changed to an F (failure without credit). This is exclusive of those courses that are considered directed individual studies, internships, special topics, practicums, and research and thesis courses.
An incomplete grade is appropriate when enough work in the course has been completed that the student can finish the remaining work without re-enrolling in the course in question or attending additional classes. Otherwise students should initiate withdrawal (but only with permission).
Students may not re-enroll in a course for which an incomplete remains on their records.
The dental and dental hygiene clinics have more than 280 operatories with separate areas for pediatric dentistry, oral surgery and radiology. The clinic also contains an Innovation Clinic equipped with different operatory equipment provided by various dental manufacturers so students may practice on various dental delivery systems. Newer technology, such as electric handpieces, integrated ultrasonic units, Cerec acquisition and milling units, digital radiology (both plates and sensors), NOMAD units and axiUm (electronic patient record program) are available in the general clinic for use by students. The school uses an evidence-based approach to the disposables and supplies used in the clinic and recently incorporated an innovative impression system and fabricating milled complete dentures appliances.
The school also offers to Advanced Education Residency Programs in Periodontics, Orthodontics, Endodontics and General Dentistry as well as joint programs in Oral Surgery and Pediatric Dentistry.
Three large lecture halls and five smaller classrooms/seminar rooms. All lecture halls are equipped with networked computers and modern projection systems.
Two state of the art dental preclinical simulation facilities with fully equipped working stations and manikins; an anatomical model laboratory.
Health Science Library
The Health Sciences Library located within the School of Medicine and adjacent to the School of Dentistry supports the curricular, scholarly and research activities of the students, faculty and staff. Extending beyond the library walls through electronic resources are nearly three hundred online databases, over two hundred online journal titles specific to Dentistry and thousands of journals in related Health Sciences, Chemistry, and Engineering that pertain to dental research and practice. Housed within the library physical collection includes over four hundred journal titles and over seventeen thousand monographs. All UMKC students have full access to each of the UMKC libraries as well as the opportunity to establish user accounts to the Linda Hall Library, the world’s foremost independent research library devoted to science, engineering and technology, located adjacent to the Volker campus.
Study Commons
Located on the third floor of the School of Dentistry is a space allocated for students to gather and study. There are seating areas to accommodate varying study habits.. Twenty-eight computers are arranged in a computer lab available for hands-on training.
The school also supports a full-service Biomedical Communication Department that contributes significantly to its educational and administrative missions. The Health Sciences Bookstore supplies all textbook, and some supply needs of the student body; it is housed on the Health Sciences Campus.
Outreach Programs/Community Affiliations
In keeping with its goal of developing a sense of professional and societal responsibilities, and an awareness of community needs and problems in its students, the school offers numerous outreach opportunities. Dental and dental hygiene students provide oral health care in over 30 community-based health centers. The dental school also maintains affiliations with groups invested in oral health promotion, including University Academy, Kansas City Free Health Clinic, Give Kids a Smile, Missouri and Kansas Missions of Mercy, and Students Take Action.
Research Programs
Research plays a prominent role in the School of Dentistry. The Interdisciplinary Ph.D. program, M.S. degree program (Oral & Craniofacial Sciences) as well as the advanced dental programs all have strong research components. The intent of these programs is to expose the student to basic and translational research, and clinical application. Research and the scientific method are formal parts of the educational program of all dental school students, contributing to their education, as well as serving to advance science and dentistry. There is significant external grant funding supporting the research efforts. Many of the researchers who have obtained these grants serve as mentors for dental students participating in the Summer Scholars Program. In this selective program, a limited number of students participate in a nine-week research experience in the mentor's area of research interest and present their project results at a national meeting.
Kenneth Abramovitch; professor & chair, department of oral pathology, radiology, and medicine; D.D.S. (McGill University); Certificate in Dental Diagnostic Science (University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio); M.S. Dental Diagnostic Science (University of Texas-Health Science Center at San Antonio).
Richard J. Ackerman; professor emeritus; D.D.S., M.S., Certificate, Pediatric Dentistry (University of Missouri-Kansas City); Certificate, Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics (Forsyth Dental Center); Certificate, Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (Harvard University).
Cynthia Amyot; professor emerita; B.S.D.H., M.S., Ed.D. (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
James L. Andrews; professor emeritus; D.D.S., Certificate, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (The Ohio State University).
John Ball, clinical professor; B.S., D.D.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Bruce F. Barker; professor emeritus; D.D.S. (University of Michigan); Certificate, Oral Pathology (University of Southern California).
Gerry J. Barker; professor emerita; B.S. (University of Michigan); M.A. (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Timothy M. Barry; assistant clinical professor; B.A. Biology (University of Missouri-Columbia); D.D.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Neal L. Bilyeu; assistant clinical professor; premedical-Missouri Valley College; (Southwest Missouri State); D.D.S. medical - (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Robert E. Blundell, Jr., associate clinical professor emeritus; D.D.S., (University of Missouri-Kansas City); Certificate Endodontics (U.S. Navy Postgraduate Dental School, Bethesda, MD)
Brenda S. Bohaty2; professor & chair, department of pediatric dentistry; D.D.S. (University of Nebraska); M.S.D., Certificate, Pediatric Dentistry (Baylor College of Dentistry).
Catherine Boles; associate professor; B.S.D.H., M.S. Dental Hygiene Education (University of Missouri - Kansas City).
Bonnie Branson; professor emerita; B.S. (University of South Carolina); M.S., Ph.D. (Southern Illinois University-Carbondale).
Kimberly S. Bray2; professor; A.A. (Sinclair Community College); B.S.D.H., M.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City); PhD (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Michelle Briner-Garrido; assistant professor; D.D.S. (University of Los Andes); Certificate in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (University of Florida).
Todd Brower; assistant clinical professor and team leader team 2, D.D.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Alan R. Brown; associate professor emeritus; D.D.S. (The Ohio State University); Certificate, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Fitzsimmons Army Medical Center).
Erin Bumann2,3; associate professor; B.S., D.D.S., Postdoctoral Fellowship, Certificate in Pediatric Dentistry, M.S. (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor); Ph.D, Certificate in Training in Clinical Research (University of California, San Francisco).
Barbara R. Clark; professor emerita; Pharm.D. (University of California).
Charles M. Cobb; professor emeritus; D.D.S., M.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City); Ph.D. (Georgetown University).
Kathleen Cooper; assistant clinical professor; B.S. (UMKC); DDS (UMKC)
Ann Marie Corry1; associate professor emerita; B.A. (Washburn University); M.A.L.S. (University of Denver); M.A. (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Timothy Cox2,3; professor; endowed chair in mineralized tissue; Ph.D. Molecular Genetics (University of Adelaide)
Tsau-Mau Chou; associate professor emeritus; B.D.S. (Kaohsiung Medical College); D.Sc.D., M.Sc.D., D.M.D. (Boston University).
Robert D. Cowan; professor emeritus; D.D.S. (University of Michigan); M.S., Certificate, General Dentistry (University of Texas-Houston).
Sarah L. Dallas2,3; professor; Lee M. and William Lefkowitz Endowed Professor, B.S. Anatomical Studies (University of Birmingham); Ph.D. (University of London).
Karen Davis; assistant clinical professor; B.S.D.H., M.S. Dental Hygiene Education (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Donna N. Deines; associate professor emerita; A.B. (Drury College); D.D.S., M.S., Certificate, Prosthodontics (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Laura Maria Diaz; assistant clinical professor; BS (Palo Alto Community College); DDS (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana); Endo Residency (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana)
Charles L. Dunlap; professor emeritus; D.D.S., Certificate, Oral Pathology (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Shara M. Dunlap; clinical professor; D.D.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Caryn Ehrenberger; assistant clinical professor; B.S. (Pittsburg State University); D.D.S (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
J. David Eick2,3; Curators' professor emeritus; B.S. (University of Michigan); M.S. (George Washington University); Ph.D. (State University of New York).
Dean A. Elledge; associate professor emeritus; B.S. (Missouri Southern State College); D.D.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City); M.S. (University of Minnesota).
C. Weldon Elrod; clinical professor emeritus; D.M.D. (Medical College of Georgia); Certificate, Prosthodontics (Walter Reed Army Medical Center).
Harvey C. Eplee; associate professor emeritus; B.S. (Kansas State University); D.D.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City); M.P.A. (University of Kansas); M.J. (Loyola University).
E. Grant Eshelman; clinical associate professor emeritus; A.B. (Franklin-Marshall College); M.S. (University Missouri-Kansas City); D.D.S. (Columbia University).
Philip H. Feil; professor emeritus; B.A. (Sir George Williams University); M.S. (State University of New York); Ed.D. (Indiana University).
Brett L. Ferguson1; adjunct associate professor, department of oral surgery and hospital dentistry; B.S. (Lane College); D.D.S., Certificate, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
David J. Ferguson; associate professor emeritus; D.D.S., Certificate Prosthodontics (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Hayley Ferris; clinical instructor; B.S.D.H. (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Kenneth Frick2; associate clinical professor; BS (University of California, Davis); DDS (University of Missouri-Kansas City); Certificate General Practice Residency (USAF GPR Barksdale AFB); MS (Marquette University Graduate School); Certificate in Endodontics (Marquette University School of Dentistry).
Lynn Roosa Friesen; research professor emerita; B.S. (Kansas State University); D.D.S., Certificate, Periodontics and M.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Jared Gerhardt; assistant clinical professor; B.A., B.S. (Southwestern College); D.D.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
Tanya Marie Gibson2; associate professor; BA (Capital University); DDS (Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry); Certificate in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology (Long Island Jewish Medical Center).
John A. Gilbert; associate professor emeritus; D.M.D. (University of Oregon); (Washington University); M.L.A. (Baker University).
Alan G. Glaros1; professor emeritus; A.B. (Stanford University); Ph.D. (State University of New York).
Lance Godley, interim director of clinical operations & associate clinical professor; B.S. (Florida State University); D.M.D. (University of Florida).
Jeff P. Gorski; professor emeritus; B.Sc. (University of Wisconsin-Madison); Ph.D. (University of Wisconsin-Madison).
Eric Gottman; clinical professor & interim associate dean for clinical affairs; D.D.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City); Certificate, Prosthodontics (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Steven E. Haas; associate professor; Dean; D.M.D. (University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine); Certificate in General Practice Residency (The Graduate Hospital); Certificate in Prosthodontics (Boston University School of Graduate Dentistry); J.D. (Touro College Law Center); M.B.A. (H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship).
Patrick K. Hardman; professor emeritus; B.S. (Fort Hays State University); D.D.S., M.S., Certificate, Oral Diagnosis/Oral Medicine (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Terrance B. Harris; associate professor emeritus; B.S. (University of Kansas); D.D.S., M.S., Certificate, Oral Diagnosis/Oral Medicine (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Harlan Hassen, assistant clinical professor, DDS (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Ashley Hobbs; assistant clinical professor; B.S.D.H. (University of Missouri-Kansas City); M.S. Dental Hygiene Education (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
James K. Hocott; associate professor emeritus; B.S. (Kansas State University); D.D.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Tamara Jan Hoffman; clinical instructor; B.S.D.H. (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Lyndal G. Holmes; associate professor emeritus; B.S. (Drury College); D.D.S., M.S., Certificate, Periodontics (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Lorie Holt2,3; associate professor emerita; B.S., M.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City); IPhD (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Robert Hurst; clinical assistant professor; D.D.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Shirley H. Hung; associate professor emerita; D.D.S. (National Taiwan University); M.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City); D.D.S. (University of Southern California-Los Angeles).
Mark L. Johnson2,3; professor emeritus; B.S. (University of Minnesota-Minneapolis); Ph.D. Biochemistry (University of Minnesota and Mayo Graduate School of Medicine-Rochester).
Solon Kao; associate clinical professor and vice-chair of oral surgery & hospital dentistry; B.E. (Vanderbilt); D.D.S. (University of Tennessee); Certificate, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Medical College of Georgia).
Jerald O. Katz2; professor emeritus; B.S. (Albright University); D.M.D. (University of Pittsburgh); Certificate in Dental Diagnostic Science (University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio); M.S. (University of Texas-Health Science Center at San Antonio).
Mary Elizabeth (Liz) Kaz2; clinical associate professor and associate dean for academic affairs; B.S., M.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City); EdD (Nova Southeastern University).
Emma Kaz Frick; research assistant professor; A.A.S.(Rio Salado College), B.A. (Arizona State University) M.A. Education (University of Phoenix).
Susan K. Kessler; clinical assistant professor; B.S., D.D.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
John W. Killip; clinical professor emeritus; B.S. (Northern Arizona University); D.D.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Lana Krause; assistant clinical professor; D.D.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Dentistry), certificate in periodontics (University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Dentistry), and M.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Dentistry).
Pin-Chuang Lai2; associate professor and director of periodontics, D.D.S. (Taipei Medical University), Periodontics certificate, PhD (The Ohio State University).
Gustavo Leal, assistant clinical professor, D.D.S. (University of San Carlos College of Dentistry Guatemala), Certificate in Prosthodontics (University of Iowa).
Abraham B. Lifshitz; clinical professor and chair, Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, D.D.S. (Technological University of Mexico, School of Dentistry), M.S. (University of Iowa), Certificate in Orthodontics (The University of Iowa).
Stefan Lohfeld2,3; assistant professor; Dipl.-Ing. (University of Bremen, Germany); Dr.-Ing. (RWTH Aachen University).
Alison Louie; associate clinical professor; B.S., (University of California-Los Angeles), D.D.S., (University of Pacific School of Dentistry-San Francisco)
James W. Lowe; professor emeritus; A.B. (William Jewell College); D.D.S., M.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Simon R. MacNeill2; professor; B.D.S. (King's College, London); D.D.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City); Certificates, General Dentistry, General Practice, Periodontics certificate (Louisiana State University).
William E. Mayberry; professor emeritus; A.B. (Washington University); M.S. (Southern Illinois University); Ph.D. (University of Illinois).
Michael D. McCunniff; associate professor emeritus; B.S. (Creighton University); M.S. (University of Iowa); D.D.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Melynda Meredith; associate clinical professor; B.S. Biology (University of Missouri-Columbia); D.D.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Tanya V. Mitchell; professor and chair of the division of dental hygiene; B.S., M.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
David L. Moore; professor emeritus; B.S. (Oklahoma State University); D.D.S., M.A., M.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Michael Murphy; associate clinical professor and team leader team 3; D.D.S., Advanced Education in General Dentistry (University of Missouri-Kansas City); M.B.A. (Indiana University); M.S. (University of Minnesota).
Jack Nelson; associate clinical professor emeritus; BA (Ottawa University); MPA (University of Missouri-Kansas City); DDS (University of Missouri-Kansas City); Geriatric Oral Health Fellowship Certificate (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
James Stephen Oakson; assistant clinical professor; D.D.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Luana Oliveira; associate clinical professor and director, AEGD residency; D.D.S. (Federal University of Uberlandia); MS (Sao Paulo State University); Ph.D (Sao Paulo State University); Certificate in Advanced Education in General Dentistry (University of Florida).
Pamela R. Overman2; professor emerita; B.S., M.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City); Ed. D. (University of Kansas).
Bethany Palesh; assistant clinical professor; B.S.D.H. (University of Detroit Mercy), M.S.D.H. (University of Michigan School of Dentistry).
Tressa Parkinson; clinical professor; D.D.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City); GPR (VA Leavenworth, KS).
Cynthia S. Petrie2; professor and chair, department of restorative clinical sciences, Dr. George Tanaka Hawaii professor of Restorative Dentistry; D.D.S. (Athens, Greece); D.D.S., M.S., Certificate, Prosthodontics (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
David J. Pippin; associate professor emeritus; B.S., D.D.S., M.S., Certificate, Periodontics (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Marsha A. Pyle, professor emerita; D.D.S., (Case Western Reserve University); Certificate General Practice Residency, (Veterans Administration Medical Center, Cleveland, OH); M.Ed., (Cleveland State University).
John W. Rapley2; professor emeritus; B.A. (University of Missouri-Columbia); D.D.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City); M.S. (University of Texas-Houston); Certificate, Periodontics (Wilford Hall Air Force Medical Center).
Lorraine Forgas Rauckman; associate professor emerita; A.A.S.-DH (Pueblo Community College); B.S.D.H., M.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Ingrid Reed; clinical assistant professor emerita; D.D.S., certificate orthodontics, M.S. (SUNY-Buffalo).
Michael J. Reed; professor and dean emeritus; B.Sc. Hons. (University of Durham); B.D.S. (University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne); Ph.D. (State University of New York at Buffalo).
Richard L. Reiff; associate professor emeritus; B.A. (William Jewell College); D.D.S., M.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Christopher D. Rice; associate professor emeritus; B.S., D.D.S. (Creighton University); M.A. (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Thomas Russell; clinical assistant professor; B.S. Biology, D.D.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Keerthana Satheesh; associate professor & chair, department of periodontics; B.D.S. (Sharavathi Dental School, Kuvemp University, Shimoga, India); D.D.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City), Periodontics certificate, M.S. (University of Minnesota).
JoAnna Scott2; associate professor; B.S. (Missouri Southern State University); M.S. (Missouri State University); M.S., Ph.D. (University of Washington).
Linda S. Seabaugh; associate clinical professor; D.D.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Rudane E. Shultz; professor emeritus; B.S., D.D.S. (University of Pittsburgh); Certificate, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Walter Reed Army Medical Center).
Maria Sierra; assistant clinical professor; Dental Surgeon (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana); Specialist in Endodontics (Universidad Autonoma of Guadalajara); Specialist in Periodontics (Universidad Autonoma of Guadalajara).
Melanie Simmer-Beck2,3; professor and chair in the Department of Dental Public Health and Behavioral Science ; B.S.D.H. (University of Missouri-Kansas City); M.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City); PhD (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Becky Smith1; clinical professor and team leader team 1; B.A., D.D.S. (University of Missouri - Kansas City).
Paulette Spencer3; curators' professor emerita; D.D.S., Ph.D. (University of Missouri-Kansas City); M.S. (Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute).
Austin E. Stiles, Jr.; associate professor emeritus; B.A. (Gettysburg College); D.D.S. (Temple University).
Julie Sutton; associate professor; B.S., M.S. (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill).
Timothy S. Taylor; associate professor emeritus; B.A. (University of Missouri-Columbia); D.D.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
David J. Thein; associate clinical professor; B.A. (Southern Methodist University); D.D.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City); Certificate, General Practice (Hennepin County Medical Center); Periodontics certificate, M.S.D. (Baylor University); M.B.A. (University of Wisconsin).
John W. Thurmond; associate professor emeritus; D.D.S. (Creighton University); M.S. (University of Texas-Houston).
Daniel E. Tira; professor emeritus; B.S. (Benedictine University); Ph.D. (The Ohio State University).
Maxine N. Tishk; professor emerita; A.S. (State University of New York-Farmingdale); B.S.(Boston University); M.S.D.H.E. (University of Michigan).
John Uhlenhake; assistant clinical professor; D.D.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Christopher J. Van Ness; associate research professor; B.S. (Missouri Western State University), M.A., certificate clinical research (University of Missouri-Kansas City), Ph.D. General Psychology (Capella University, Minneapolis, MN).
Thomas A. Vopat; clinical professor; B.S. (Fort Hays State University); D.D.S. (Creighton University).
Mary P. Walker2,3; professor and associate dean for research and graduate programs; M.S., (North Dakota State); D.D.S. (University of Nebraska);Gen Prac Residency certificate (VA Medical Center, Omaha, NE); Prosthodontics certificate, Ph.D. (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Rong Wang2; associate professor; BS (Tsinghua University); Ph.D. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).
Yong Wang2,3; professor; M.S. Polymer Materials Science (University of Science and Technology Chengdu, China); Ph.D. Polymer Science (Sichuan University, China).
Wendy Weimer; assistant clinical professor; D.D.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City); Advanced Education in General Dentistry (University of Missouri-Kansas City); Fellowship, Academy of General Dentistry (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Rebeca Weisleder; clinical professor & chair, department of endodontics; D.D.S. (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico); Preceptorship in Endodontics (University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio); Certificate in Endodontics (University of North Carolina); Fellowship in Medical Education (University of Texas Health at Houston); Masters in Education and Instruction Design (University of Houston).
Meghan Wendland; assistant professor; D.D.S. (UCLA), M.P.H. (Dartmouth), Dental Public Health (NYU).
Timothy Luke Wezeman; assistant clinical professor, B.A. (Seattle Pacific University), M.A. (Seattle Pacific University), D.D.S. (New York University, New York, NY).
Connie L. White; associate professor emerita, B.A., D.D.S., Certificate, Oral Diagnosis/Oral Medicine (University of Missouri-Kansas City).
Derek R. Williams; clinical associate professor; B.S. (Rockhurst College); D.D.S. (University of Missouri-Kansas City); M.S. (University of Iowa).
Gerald D. Woolsey; professor emeritus; B.S. (University of Texas); D.D.S. (Baylor College of Dentistry); M.S. (University of Michigan); Certificate, Fixed Prosthodontics (Broke Army Medical Center).
Donggao Zhao2; research professor; BS (Nanjing University); MS (Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences); MS (University of Alberta); Ph.D. (University of Michigan).