Undergraduate Policies and Procedures

Admission Requirements

Admission to undergraduate programs is available in the fall, spring and summer semesters. Students can elect to attend classes full-time or part-time and although the majority of courses are offered during the day, courses are also offered in the evening. First-time college students are eligible to be admitted to the Bloch School if they meet regular UMKC entrance requirements. Those transferring from other institutions must have 2.25 cumulative and University of Missouri (UM) GPAs. Intra-university transfers can enter Bloch School programs with a 2.25 UM GPA.

Retention Standards

Students in the bachelor of business administration (B.B.A.) or the bachelor of science in accounting (B.S.A.) programs are required to maintain a 2.25 cumulative University of Missouri GPA while enrolled in these programs. Students with GPAs that fall below the minimum 2.25 requirement are placed in one of the academic standing categories detailed in the Academic Standing Policy. Note that the Bloch School's 2.25 requirement is higher that of the University overall. A 2.25 average in all junior/senior in-major courses completed at UM schools is required as well.

Graduation Requirements

The B.B.A. and B.S.A. degrees will be awarded on satisfaction of the following:

  1. Completion of the degree requirements and a minimum of 120 credit hours.
  2. Achievement of a 2.25 GPA; satisfactory academic standing is based on:
    • Cumulative GPA of 2.25 for all University of Missouri courses; and
    • GPA of 2.25 for all required junior- and senior-level, in-major courses completed at UM schools.
  3. Completion of 50% of junior/senior in-major courses at UMKC. Accounting students must complete at least 15 hours of upper-level accounting courses at UMKC.
  4. Completion of HEIghten, and other assessment exercises as assigned by the Bloch faculty.
  5. Completion of the Constitution Requirement.
  6. Filing of a required application for graduation at the beginning of the senior year.

Students are responsible for ensuring their course of study falls within program guidelines.

Academic Loads

See the General Undergraduate Academic Regulations and Information section of this catalog.

Concurrent Enrollment

Concurrent enrollment (simultaneous enrollment at UMKC and any other institution of higher education) is prohibited under University and Bloch School policy unless approved in advance of enrollment. Petitions are considered in limited situations including demonstrated scheduling conflicts, course cancellations, and in instances where needed courses are not offered. A separate petition is required.  Submitting a petition does not guarantee approval. Concurrent enrollment in the final semester may result in a delay of graduation.

Credit by Exam

For information on credit for prior learning, please see UMKC's Credit for Prior Learning Policy. Please note, credit by departmental exam is not available for Bloch School courses. 

Credit/No Credit

All undergraduate courses in the Bloch School must be taken for a letter grade, except for internship courses (496) and ACCTNG 423, Applied Taxation and Client Relationship Management Accounting, which are taken credit/no credit. 

Course Repeat Policy

When undergraduate students repeat courses, they can request to have only the grade for the final attempt used in calculating their GPA. The course repeat policy will not automatically be applied to a student’s GPA. After completing a repeated course, a student must submit a request for GPA adjustment form to their academic advisor. The full GPA adjustment policy is detailed in the Repeated Courses & GPA Adjustment Policy section of the catalog.


Exceptions to academic regulations must be approved by the authorized Bloch School representative, Department Chair or Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. To seek exceptions, students must file a formal written petition seeking an exception to academic policy with their academic advisor.

Independent Study and Internships For-Credit

Students are limited to a total of six hours of Bloch School internship and independent study coursework, numbering 496 and 497. Interested students should consult with their academic advisor.

Latin Honors

Students must complete a minimum of 60 hours of coursework at UMKC to qualify for Latin Honors consideration. For additional information visit the Registrar's Latin honors website.