Academic Regulations and Requirements

Class Attendance

 Students should refer to the UMKC Attendance Policy under the Academic Regulations section of this catalog.

Absences from Scheduled Examinations

Students must refer to the individual course policies within the syllabus.  

Policy for Examination Process

Students must refer to the individual course policies within the syllabus.

Inclement Weather Policy

Please refer to the School of Pharmacy inclement weather policy related to campus closures because of weather related issues - Inclement Weather Policy

Academic Loads

All coursework in the pharmacy curriculum is sequential and success depends upon the instruction and content from the previous semester and builds upon knowledge needed for subsequent semesters. Pharmacy students must enroll for the total program as outlined for each semester in the most current version of the curriculum. Therefore, all coursework and related requirements must be successfully completed in sequence, as outlined, before matriculating to the next professional year.

Time to Complete the Pharm.D. Degree

The degree requirements must be completed in no more than seven years from admission into the program, absent extenuating circumstances as determined by the School of Pharmacy.

Grading System 

Refer to the grade-point system listed in the General Undergraduate Academic Regulations and Information section of this catalog and to the individual course syllabi. Note: Letter grade changes must be made no later than four weeks from the beginning of the next semester, to include summers, unless a shorter time frame be affixed by a course coordinator. This policy applies to School of Pharmacy departmental courses only and does not apply to incomplete grades.

Doctor of Pharmacy students are not eligible for GPA Adjustment through the UMKC repeated courses policy.

Academic Standing for Doctor of Pharmacy Students

A student’s academic standing is determined by their academic performance while progressing through the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Pharmacy (UMKC SOP) Doctor of Pharmacy curriculum.

Reasons for the Policy

The UMKC SOP recognizes that students admitted to professional studies may encounter academic difficulty or need a leave to attend to personal issues.  The SOP has established policies designed to give students an opportunity to be reinstated following a leave of absence, withdrawal or poor academic performance.

Academic Standing Defined

Good Academic Standing:  The student is currently enrolled in the UMKC SOP.

Academic Concern: Less than a C grade on a test or major assignment.   Students meeting criteria for Academic Concern will be monitored through the Student Success Program.

Academic Probation: Less than a 2.00 term grade point average (GPA), with no grades of D, F, WF or NC, or less than a 2.00 cumulative GPA in any one semester.

Academic Dismissal:    

  • Receipt of a D, F, WF or a NC grade in any coursework in a single semester
    • Receipt of less than a 2.00 term GPA while on academic probation
    • Placement on Academic Probation two consecutive semesters
    • Placement on Academic Probation more than two non-consecutive semesters


  • Any student who is placed on academic probation is notified in writing by the Associate Dean for Student Affairs (ADSA).
  • A student will be notified in writing by the ADSA following their first and second academic dismissal from the Doctor of Pharmacy program.
  • A student may request reentry into the program following their first and second academic dismissal from the Doctor of Pharmacy program.

Ÿ      A student is not eligible for readmission if academically dismissed for a third time. The third dismissal causes the student to be irrevocably dismissed from the UMKC SOP. A student who is academically dismissed for a third time will be notified by the Dean of the School of Pharmacy.

A student who is irrevocably dismissed from the UMKC SOP may consult with the ADSA or the Director of Student Affairs regarding options for their academic career beyond pharmacy and logistics of transferring to another major.  A Faculty Advisor (FA) cannot advise students who are irrevocably dismissed from the UMKC SOP and should refer them to the ADSA or the Director of Student Affairs.

Leave of Absence:

Pharmacy students can petition the Academic Progression Committee for a leave of absence under the following stipulations:

  • Student is eligible for reentry into the UMKC SOP.
  • P1-P3 year: Petition must be initiated during the current term no later than the 12th week of class.
  • P4 year: Petition must be initiated no later than one week before the start of the next rotation.
  • Petition includes a personal statement detailing reason for leave.
  • Documentation from a health care professional is provided to support reasons for a medical leave.
  • Documentation from Department of Defense is provided to support reasons for a military leave.
  • NOTE: Petitions for leaves resulting from catastrophic events will be given an exception to the timelines stated above.

Requesting a Leave of Absence

Students requesting a Leave of Absence must see the Program Policies and Procedures and submit the School of Pharmacy Petition Form, as well as the UMKC Request for Leave of Absence form and required supporting documentation.  The forms are submitted to the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) for the School of Pharmacy who forwards the materials to the Academic Progression Committee Chair.  The Chair calls a meeting of the Academic Progression Committee who hears the petition.

Pharmacy students approved for Leave of Absence:

  • Will be withdrawn from all courses as per University policy.
  • Are approved for up to one year leave only.  An extension may be requested if needed and well documented. The extension cannot extend more than two years beyond the original date that the leave started. Students who do not return by the date noted on their approved leave and who are not granted an approved extension will be required to reapply for admission.
  • Will not be enrolled for pharmacy coursework in the subsequent semester(s).

A student on a leave of absence will not:

  • Be eligible for any financial aid disbursements during the semester(s) while on a leave of absence.  A student on a leave of absence will be reported to lenders and loan service agencies as “non-attending” and will need to contact his/her lenders for information on possible repayment requirements, deferments and forbearances.
  • Have access to campus computing labs, Student Health and Wellness Services, or any campus or university services available only to currently enrolled students.  Students on a leave will be able to maintain their UMKC exchange email account.

NOTE – Any student dismissed from the Doctor of Pharmacy program or approved for a leave of absence must notify the Missouri Board of Pharmacy and their current pharmacy employer of their change in status immediately as they are ineligible to maintain any current pharmacy intern license.  

Procedures After a Change in Academic Standing

Academic Probation:

All cases of probation are reviewed by the Academic Progression Committee to discuss reasons for the unsatisfactory progress.  Following review, the ADSA will notify the student of their academic probation status by letter.  In order to be removed from Academic Probation status, the student must:

  • Receive no less than a 2.00 term GPA in the next academic semester;
  • Raise their cumulative GPA above 2.00 in the next academic semester.

Readmission After a Leave of Absence:

Petitions for readmission after a leave of absence will be reviewed by the Academic Progression Committee.  Re-entry is contingent on their eligibility to continue, results of a new Criminal Background Check, and space available in the class the student seeks to re-enter.  Pharmacy students returning from a leave of absence must:

  • P1-P3 year: Submit the petition form at least two months prior to the beginning of the term applying for re-entry. Upon re-entry will continue under the student’s same academic standing status that was in place at the time the leave of absence began.
  • P4 year: Submit the petition form at least one month prior to the desired re-entry date. Note that students are rescheduled to rotations on a space available basis.  Attempts will be made to restart the student on their desired date, but there are no guarantees of availability.
  • Be held under the policies and procedures in place at the time of their re-entry.
  • Complete a new Criminal Background Check.
  • If applicable, supply a letter from a health professional and/or other entity verifying that the student can return to full-time, collegiate work.
  • Provide any additional documentation from other entities as required by the SOP to support readiness for readmission.
  • Incorporate any curricular or policy changes into modified plan of study.

NOTE: Program and graduation requirements may change during a student’s leave of absence.  It is at the discretion of the SOP to define the program and graduation requirements once the student has been approved to return from a leave of absence.

Readmission of Eligible Students After Academic Dismissal:

  • A student is eligible for readmission to the Doctor of Pharmacy program after their first and second academic dismissal.  The student must request reentry and complete the School of Pharmacy petition form within one year from notice of their academic dismissal.  Readmission is not a guarantee and is determined on a case-by-case basis.
  • If readmitted, the student is placed on an academic contract and must meet the conditions of their contract throughout their remaining time as a UMKC SOP student.  A student cannot continue in the program until the Dean or designee has approved the students’ academic contract.
  • An academic contract includes an individualized modified plan of study to complete the curriculum and other programmatic requirements and additional expectations needed to maintain enrollment in the program.
  • A student is not eligible for readmission if they are dismissed after failing to meet the terms of their academic contract for a third time. A third academic dismissal causes the student to be irrevocably dismissed from the UMKC SOP.

The following steps must be completed for an eligible student to request reentry:

  • Meet with their FA and the ADSA to discuss factors contributing to their dismissal and their proposed readmission plans (timing, coursework, additional improvement strategies)
  • A written contract is developed by the FA, ADSA, ADAA (Associate Dean of Academic Affairs) and other individuals as deemed necessary by the ADSA. Readmission contracts consider, but are not limited to, the following factors:
  • Performance in previous course work completed by the student and other circumstances surrounding their dismissal.
  • Corrective measures taken by the student to address academic readiness, financial problems, personal matters, course work deficiencies, and/or ongoing support needed to address any relevant issues.
  • Availability of space in the professional class the student seeks to enter.  The student may be assigned to their original campus location or to an alternative campus location based upon space availability.
  • Conditions of readmission include, but are not limited to:
    • The student remains on contract and meets all terms in their contract for the duration of their tenure in the Doctor of Pharmacy program.
    • The student meets with their FA and other individuals as set forth in the contract.
    • The student does not receive any grades of NC, D, F in any course during the remainder of their tenure in the Doctor of Pharmacy program.
    • The student does not receive less than a 2.00 term GPA.
    • The student cannot withdraw from any required course unless they have a Leave of Absence approval from the Academic Progression Committee.
    • Completion of a new Criminal Background Check, when necessary.
  • The student, FA, ADSA and ADAA discuss the contract. If the student agrees to the stipulations in the contract, he/she signs it and provides a signed copy to ADSA.  If the student disagrees, submit a written appeal using the petition form within 10 working days of receipt of the contract. The appeal is submitted to the ADSA who forwards it to the Academic Progression Committee.  The Chair calls a meeting of the Academic Progression Committee who hears the appeal.   The student is required to present their appeal in person to the Academic Progression Committee.  The ADSA, ADAA and FA will answer any questions about the original contract at that meeting.  The Academic Progression Committee determines the student’s final contract.

Request for Modified Plan of Study for Students Not on Academic Contract

In exceptional circumstances, a student can request a modification to their original curricular plan of study if they are not on an academic contract.  Circumstances can include but are not limited to:

  • Health or personal reasons not resolved by a Leave of Absence.
  • Receipt of course withdrawal without assessment or course withdrawal passing.
  • NOTE:
    • The SOP follows the UMKC Undergraduate Course Withdrawal policy.
    • Students should not withdraw from any coursework without first communicating in writing with their FA or the ADSA.
    • Students who withdraw from required coursework are ineligible to continue in the regular curriculum, must be approved for a modified plan of study to continue in the program.  They may have a delayed graduation completion date.

Students who seek a Modified Plan of Study must meet with their FA, ADSA, ADAA and other individuals as deemed appropriate to develop the plan and submit that plan for approval by the Academic Progression Committee prior to continuing in the program. All modified plans of study are approved on a case-by-case basis, must meet all UMKC and UMKC SOP prerequisites and policies and procedures and be approved by the Academic Progression Committee.

Remediation Policy for UMKC Pharm.D. Program

This remediation policy addresses didactic course-specific remediation.

Remediation Policy:

A. Remediation is a privilege. Considerations for eligibility include (but are not limited to) the following: The student must have demonstrated regular attendance, completed assigned coursework, communicated with the instructor and/or course coordinator, and utilized other available academic resources throughout the semester in an attempt to meet the course learning outcomes and avoid a failing grade. The course coordinator has the right to deny the student the option of remediation.

B. If a student earns a non-progressing grade and has been granted permission to remediate, a course grade of “Incomplete” (“I”) will be given.

C. Course remediation will be determined by the course coordinator and completed within 4 weeks following the end of the semester.

D. No grade higher than a “C-” can be earned in the course with remediation. If the student fails remediation, the original course grade will take the place of the “I” grade.

E. Students will be allowed to remediate no more than three (3) times during years 1 through 3 of the professional degree program with no more than 2 courses remediated in the same semester.

Appeal of Disputed Grades

Policy Statement

The School of Pharmacy affirms the principle that students are responsible for meeting the standards of academic performance established for each course. Further, the course coordinator is responsible for setting the criteria for grades, evaluation of student performance, and assignment of grades.

Students have the right to appeal for change of the grade they received in a course. Grade appeal is only available for reviewing allegedly capricious grading, and not to review the instructor's evaluation of the student's academic performance.

Capricious grading, as that term is used here, consists only of any of the following:

1. the assignment of a grade to a particular student on some basis other than the performance in the course;

2. the assignment of a grade to a particular student by resorting to more exacting or demanding standards than were applied to other students in the course; (Note: Additional and/or different grading criteria may be applied to graduate students enrolled for graduate credit in 300 and 400 level courses.)

3. the assignment of a grade by a substantial departure from the instructor's previously announced standards.

Procedures for Appeal of a Disputed Grade

Informal Disposition

Students are encouraged to meet with the course coordinator to discuss the disputed grade prior to formally initiating a grade appeal. If the student is still not satisfied with the grade, they can then initiate the formal grade appeal process as outlined below. The student can also discuss their case with their faculty advisor* as they seek informal resolution.

Pre Appeal Meetings

The student and their faculty advisor may meet with Associate Dean for Student Affairs before entering Step 1a or 1b or at any other time throughout the process to ensure all parties understand the processes involved in a grade appeal. The Associate Dean for Student Affairs is also available to meet with the course coordinator and the relevant division chair to discuss procedural issues.

Appeal Step 1 – Appeal to Course Coordinator

Step 1a

- Appeals involving didactic courses

The student will first discuss any disputed grade with the course coordinator.

The student must clearly state in writing that they are enacting Step 1 of the grade appeal process and provide a written petition stating how the disputed grade meets one or more definition(s) of capricious grading. This must be done within six weeks after the beginning of the succeeding regular academic semester.

Step 1b – Appeals involving Experiential Education

The student will first discuss any disputed grade with the instructor responsible of the assignment of an experiential rotation grade. In the case of a grade being assigned by an adjunct faculty preceptor, the Director of Experiential Rotations will serve as arbitrator on behalf of the adjunct member. The student must clearly state in writing that they are enacting Step 1 of the grade appeal process and provide a written petition stating how the disputed grade meets one or more definition(s) of capricious grading. This must be done within six weeks after the beginning of the succeeding regular academic semester.

Appeal Step 2 – Appeal to Division Chair **

If the matter cannot be resolved during Step 1, the student will describe their case in a written petition. The petition must be given to the Division Chair within 10 consecutive calendar days following the meeting with the course coordinator. An airing of the petition with the appropriate Division Chair and the student's faculty advisor* provides the student an opportunity to present the matter in dispute and to assist all parties to comprehend the issue germane to the situation. The Division Chair will report the outcome in writing to the student within 10 consecutive calendar days.

Appeal Step 3 – Appeal to School of Pharmacy Executive Committee

If the grade appeal is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student in Step 2, the student requests in writing that that the Division Chair refer the matter, with all pertinent records, to the Dean** of the School of Pharmacy. The request must be made within 10 consecutive calendar days of the Chair's notification to the student. The Dean will refer the entire case to the School of Pharmacy Executive Committee (members holding academic appointments) as soon as possible, but no later than 21 consecutive calendar days.

The Executive Committee will:

• Review the Chair’s decision and all documents reviewed during Step 2.

• Hear from the student.

• Hear from the course coordinator.

• Find and consider other pertinent data as indicated. The student has the right to submit additional evidence during Step 3.

By formal motion and vote, the Executive Committee will arrive at a recommendation to the Dean to either sustain the grade as assigned or to alter the grade in favor of the student. (NOTE - In this deliberation, the Dean, as Chair, may enter into the deliberation but will not vote on the recommendation, except as necessary to break a tie.) The outcome of this hearing will be reported in writing to the student within 10 consecutive calendar days.

Appeal Step 4 – Appeal to Provost

In the event that the student is not satisfied with the outcome of Step 3, the student can appeal to the Provost 10 consecutive calendar days after notification of the Dean’s decision.

Additional Procedural Considerations:

• Students can request permission to take next semester courses while appealing their grade from the previous semester. The student makes their request in writing to each course coordinator who teaches in the upcoming semester. The coordinator grants or denies permission to the student, in writing, on a case by case basis. The student must have permission from all course coordinators to attend their class while a grade is under appeal in order to progress. The student provides all written permissions to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs who will facilitate registration for that semester.

o No student will be allowed to continue into APPE's until all coursework through the P3 year is complete and all grade appeals are completed.

o If a student exhausts all steps in the appeal process and the grade is upheld, permission to attend the classes is immediately rescinded. Depending upon the timing the grade appeal decision – fees for that semester may or may not be able to be recouped.

• *The student has the right to use someone other than their assigned faculty advisor to assist him/her through the appeal process.

• **The Dean, Associate Dean or Department Chair can name a designee if they are unable to fulfill their role in the appeal process.

• Witnesses or statements of support are not allowed as part of any School of Pharmacy grade appeal hearing. Students can bring their faculty advisor or another individual of their choosing to the hearing. That individual cannot directly address the school representative hearing the case at that step. The student and the individual can speak to each other during the hearing step(s).

• Step 4 procedures are determined by the Provost's office. Appeals are submitted to .

Noncredit Requirements

All doctor of pharmacy students are expected to actively obtain certain certifications, meet specified standards, as well as participate in professional activities offered or required by the School of Pharmacy. These activities, standards, and certifications mirror those expected in professional practice and are intended to better prepare the student for professional life. The following are requirements for all Pharm.D. students that must be adhered to throughout the program.  Students will be notified if additional certifications or requirements apply.  Additional information regarding these requirements and other School of Pharmacy Policies and Procedures that must be followed are found on the School's web page at

The following requirements apply to Doctor of Pharmacy students (as defined for each item), unless a waiver is obtained from the appropriate school official.

Career Fair and Residency Showcase

All students are encouraged to attend and P4 Pharm.D. students are required to attend and participate at the Pharmacy Career Fair and Residency Showcase during held annually during the fall in Kansas City unless previously excused, in writing, in advance of the event by the Dean or designee.

Certifications in Basic Cardiac Life Support/Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (BCLS/CPR) for Health Professionals

All students must complete BCLS/CPR for Health Care Providers through the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross. Certification must be obtained and submitted to the School by the deadline date specified in the non-credit requirements of the P1 year and renewed during the P3 year.  The certification must remain current and be valid through the last Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiential [APPE] rotation.

Health Insurance Coverage

All Pharm.D. students must obtain and provide proof of health insurance coverage every fall semester and the coverage must remain current throughout enrollment in the program.

Criminal Background Checks (CBCs)

The University, on behalf of the School of Pharmacy, agrees to inform students that as a condition of full admission to the Doctor of Pharmacy program and for participating in any affiliated institution or site [academic service learning and/or introductory and advanced pharmacy practice experiential rotations], students must obtain and provide verification of a current, criminal background check prior to final acceptance/matriculation into the program and again prior to starting any Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE) and any Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE). The affiliated hospital/institution/practice site hereby understands and agrees that the decision to permit a student to participate at that affiliated hospital/institution/practice site on the basis of the result of any criminal background check remains solely with the affiliated hospital/institution and not the University. Failure on the student's part to submit to criminal background checks will delay progression or render a student unable to complete the professional degree program.  The School of Pharmacy is not responsible if a student is unable to be placed in an educational experience at any affiliation site because of findings on his/her CBC.

Drug Screens

Pharmacy students will be required to complete a urine drug screen annually prior to starting their summer Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences and again prior to starting Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences.  Students may be subject to additional requirements as a condition of participation in experiential education and patient care activities at affiliated sites.  The drug screen will be collected as per the Pharm.D. Student Urine Drug Screen Policy. If the school is made aware of the results of any positive findings, they will be shared with the Associate Dean for Student Affairs for further evaluation.

Students may be required to complete random drug screens as part of compliance with the UMKC School of Pharmacy Alcohol and Drug Use Policy.

Procedures for Alcohol and Drug Use Related Issue

A. Procedure for Reporting Any History of Alcohol or Drug Related Conviction - Prior to Admission

All applicants admitted to the SOP are provisionally admitted until their Criminal Background Check (CBC) is reviewed and cleared.  Failure to report prior drug or alcohol convictions that are discovered following entry into the Pharm.D. program can result in the case being submitted to the Honor Council for review. Any drug or alcohol related conviction on an applicant’s preadmission CBC will be investigated by the UMKC School of Pharmacy Associate Dean for Student Affairs (ADSA).  These findings can lead to a review by the Admissions Committee and result in the withdrawal of the offer of admission.

B. Procedure for Reporting Alcohol and Drug Related Offenses – Current Students

Any student arrested or charged with a drug or alcohol related offense at any time during their enrollment in the UMKC School of Pharmacy (e.g. minor in possession, driving under the influence, driving while intoxicated, public intoxication, open container, etc…) must notify, in writing, the ADSA within 7 days of the arrest or issue of a citation. The ADSA will investigate the incident and can refer the findings to the Honor Council for review and disposition.

Any student convicted upon a plea or a verdict of guilty or following a plea of nolo contendre to a drug or alcohol related charge, or who receives a suspended imposition of sentence will have their case will be reviewed by the ADSA and they may be remanded to the SOP Honor Council for review and disposition.

C. UMKC School of Pharmacy Procedure for Working with Chemically Impaired Students

UMKC is committed to providing an environment that is safe, healthy and conducive to the academic achievement of all. Abuse of drugs and alcohol is a disruption to this environment and poses significant health and emotional problems that can jeopardize campus safety, patient safety and the personal and professional development of students.

The School of Pharmacy recognizes its obligations to be supportive of students who are chemically impaired.  Students are strongly encouraged to self-report to the SOP ADSA any problems with substance abuse and to seek help voluntarily for their issues. The ADSA can offer information about resources for the student as they seek assistance.  If a student is determined to be impaired while in class or during professional practice experiences, their case will be reviewed by the ADSA and they may be remanded to the SOP Honor Council for review and disposition.  In these cases, the school may require monitoring in order for the student to continue as a student in the School of Pharmacy.

D. Available Resources: Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention

Kansas City Location - Counseling Center

  • Alcohol and other substance use services are offered to assist students, faculty and staff with concerns regarding alcohol and other substances. Specially trained staff are available to provide evaluations, support, educational and early intervention, and recovery related services. The staff can also assist students, faculty and staff in locating resources in the surrounding community for particular needs

Columbia Location

Springfield –The Counseling and Testing Center at MSU

The Counseling and Testing Center provides a wide array of alcohol and other drug services to currently enrolled students at Missouri State University.  Confidential alcohol and drug related assessments and services are provided at the Counseling and Testing Center.  Services range from information and referral services to assessments, counseling, and educational programs. Assessments require one session and may require a second follow-up session with a clinician specializing in substance abuse counseling.  The assessment will involve an interview and standardized assessment tools.  Students may also be seen for brief substance abuse counseling or referred elsewhere, as appropriate.

HIPAA Training

Students must successfully complete HIPAA training annually.

  • Note: completing the online HIPAA course does not relieve students from having to complete additional training as required by any individual practice site.

Intern Pharmacist Licensure and Liability Insurance

Students enrolled in the Doctor of Pharmacy curriculum at UMKC are required to obtain a valid Intern Pharmacist License issued by the Missouri Board of Pharmacy during the first semester of enrollment in order to fully participate in the curriculum.  In addition, students must provide proof of current professional intern pharmacist liability insurance during the first semester of enrollment.  The Intern Pharmacist License and Liability Insurance must remain valid through the last Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE).

In order to apply for and maintain a valid Missouri Intern Pharmacist License and proper liability insurance, the following rules apply - Student Intern Pharmacist License and Intern Liability Policy

Laptop/Tablet Requirements

Pharm.D students are required to have a laptop computer device for course completion. The MU Tiger Tech program through the MU Bookstore, The Computer Connection in the MSU Bookstore, and the UMKC RooTech program through the UMKC Bookstore offer a selection of hardware and software, financing options and services at educational prices. There is no required brand or model assuming they meet the below specification (please note that the Google Chromebook or other laptops running the Android operating system do not meet specification). Following is the minimum and preferred configurations for Windows and Macintosh computers. Also below is a list of required software for both laptops. Laptops must support Windows, OSX, or iOS. If you are unsure regarding compatibility, please consult Information Services prior to purchasing a device( -

Missouri Family Care Registry List

All students must register during their Fall P1 semester.  Instructions on how to complete this requirement will be provided from the Office of Experiential Education.

Immunization Requirements

Health care providers (HCP) are at risk for contracting and transmitting infectious diseases as a result of contact with their patients. All doctor of pharmacy students must provide proof of vaccination or evidence of immunity for their own protection and the protection of their patients for these diseases and conditions - Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR), Varicella (Chickenpox), Hepatitis B, Tdap (Tetanus-Diphtheria-Pertussis), Tuberculosis (TB) and influenza. Students living in university sponsored residence halls must abide by the immunization requirements of their respective facilities as well as those listed below.  For more information regarding the procedures for submitting documentation proofs, students must refer to the School of Pharmacy Immunization Requirements policy as follows: 

Pharm.D. Orientations and Boot Camp

All entering students must complete all online Pharmacy Boot Camp modules and attend and participate in all sessions of the Doctor of Pharmacy orientation prior to full matriculation into the First Professional Year unless excused, in writing, in advance of the event by the Dean or designee.  Students must also attend and complete IPPE and APPE pre-flight orientation meetings as directed by the Office of Experiential Learning.

Professionalism Policies and Standards

Students must adhere to all Professionalism Standards.

Standards of Professional and Ethical Conduct and Honor Council Procedures

All students entering the Doctor of Pharmacy program receive are informed about the Honor Council Procedures and Standards of Professional and Ethical Behavior. These policies and procedures provide peer and faculty review to ensure these standards are upheld by each pharmacy student. In all cases of academic dishonesty, the instructor shall make an academic assessment about the student's grade on that work and in that course.

Standards of Professional Attire and Classroom Behavior

Upon acceptance and entry into the School of Pharmacy, students begin a process of developing the knowledge, skills and attitudes that creates the fundamental core of the profession of pharmacy. The development of these competencies to a practitioner's level takes several years, but early initiation of these professional behaviors promotes the development of professionalism. In order to provide students direction to this end, upon entering the Doctor of Pharmacy program all students learn about the school's Standards of Professional Attire and Classroom Etiquette and must abide by these standards.

Minimal Technical Standards for Pharm.D. Admission, Matriculation and Graduation

As a condition for admission, students must read the Minimal Technical Standards for Pharm.D. Admission, Matriculation and Graduation and certify that they are able to meet these standards.

Safety Training

All pharmacy students are required to attend and complete required safety training and receive certification beginning with the First Professional Year and maintain certifications on an annual basis to include, but not limited to, Blood Borne Pathogens, Fire Hazard, Chemical Management, and Hazard Communication.

White Coat Ceremony

All students are required to attend and participate in the School of Pharmacy Professional Dedication Ceremony during the fall semester of the P2 year held in Kansas City, unless previously excused, in writing, in advance of the event by the Dean or designee.


All students are required to complete the Pre-NAPLEX during a predetermined date as a requirement for continued enrollment.  Information about dates and the exam will be provided by the Office of Experiential Education.

Course Evaluations and Graduating Student Exit Surveys

All students are required to complete and submit course and instructor evaluations at the end of each semester of enrollment in order to progress.  During the P4 year, all seniors are required to complete and submit the required Graduating Student Exit Surveys in order to finalize graduation completion requirements.

Co-Curricular Requirements

All students are required to complete co-curricular requirements for graduation from the Doctor of Pharmacy program.  Co-curricular activities complement and advance the learning that occurs within the formal didactic and experiential curriculum.  These experiences are conducted outside the classroom and encompass learning outcomes that take time to gain multiple exposures in order to hone and attain mastery.  Students are made aware of these requirements and deadlines for completion each semester of enrollment.

Note: The School of Pharmacy reserves the right to add other noncredit requirements as deemed necessary to protect the health and safety of the students or to further their education.

Directed Individual Study

The opportunity to undertake independent study is offered through Pharmacy 7497 courses. These courses may satisfy part of the pharmacy elective requirements. Generally, the student receives the individual attention of a professor in the chosen field of study, and the project may involve any topic considered appropriate to the academic needs of the student. Once the student and instructor have agreed on a project, a permission-to-enroll form that includes an outline of the proposed course of study signed by the instructor must be reviewed and approved for credit by the school's curriculum committee chair. This must be done at least one month prior to the start of the term in which the coursework is to commence. Pharmacy 7497 requests that are part of a national, regional, or local competitive proposal or any part of a student organizational initiative may not be used for Directed Individual Study proposals.

No more than five credit hours of Pharmacy 7497 courses may be counted toward the degree requirements.  Pharmacy 7497 courses are offered on a credit/no credit grading basis.

Off-campus Learning Experiences

All Pharm.D. students are required to participate in experiential learning rotations. All of the experiential learning courses--Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences and Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences--are conducted in actual practice settings (e.g., community, hospitals, nursing homes, etc.) under the supervision of licensed pharmacy practitioners—instructors who serve as exemplary role models in their particular types of pharmacy practice. Students are expected to provide their own transportation to sites assigned for the experiential learning.

Students may be assigned to an experiential learning experience at a different location than where they completed their didactic coursework. During the Introductory and Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiential rotations, living, travel, and health expenses are the responsibility of the student. Other expenses may apply.

Outside Employment

Because of the intensity of the professional curriculum, students are strongly urged to limit outside employment to no more than 10 hours per week while enrolled in the school. Students experiencing academic difficulties as a result of commitments to outside employment or over commitments to professional or other extracurricular activities may be asked by the school's academic progression committee to stop outside work or limit extracurricular involvement until their academic difficulties are resolved.

Campus/Site Transfer

In the event that a Pharm.D. student wishes to transfer from one program site to another, the following policies and procedures are in effect:

  1. A student will be allowed only one transfer between program locations during their enrollment in the School of Pharmacy.
  2. Students will be allowed to transfer only at the end of an academic year; there will be no mid-year transfers.
  3. Students requesting to transfer between program sites must submit a petition to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs by July 1.  The Associate Dean will discuss the petition with relevant parties in order to render a final decision.  Petitions will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis.
  4. Petitions will be granted only if space in the class is available at the program site to which the student wishes to transfer.  Transfers resulting in a class size that differs from the initial intended class size require special permission from the Dean.

Additional Policies and Stipulations

Students should refer to the UMKC School of Pharmacy website and individual course syllabi for additional policies and required forms.

Note: Program requirements and course descriptions are subject to change without notice after publication of this catalog. Pharmacy students are encouraged to remain in contact with their advisor and professional staff in the Pharmacy Office of Student Affairs to stay apprised of current program requirements in effect.