Entrepreneurship (ENT)


ENT 5508 Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Meeting the Management Challenge Credits: 3

This course seeks to equip students with the skills required to develop new ideas and create viable new businesses within the context of an established organization. The course will address the development of an internal culture of innovation, processes for reviewing ideas and for developing business concepts, strategic analysis, and positioning for competitive advantage.

Prerequisites: Enrolled in a Bloch School graduate program.

ENT 5525 Entrepreneurship: Managing Creativity And Innovation Credits: 3

The course examines the nature of creativity and innovation and how entrepreneurship involves the ability to identify market opportunity based on new ideas. Detailed attention is given to the entrepreneurial process: the concepts, skills, know-how and know-who, information, attitudes, alternatives and resources that entrepreneurs need to manage creativity in the process of creating something with tangible economic value.

ENT 5529 Entrepreneurship Scholars Credits: 3

This course is for students who have a business idea and want to learn the steps of launching the business over the course of a semester. Students must first apply to the program, interview with a program mentor, and be selected by the admissions team. In this course, students will acquire the skills required to manage and grow a successful new venture through hands-on, real-world work on their own venture. Students will work with the instructor and various mentors to identify specific deliverables and a long term venture plan. Students will manage their enterprise, attend a series of workshops, and work with their peers, instructional coaches and mentors to further their venture.

Prerequisites: Departmental consent.

ENT 5531 New Product Development Credits: 3

A systematic overview of the management issues that arise during the process of new product development (NPD). Students learn integration across the traditional management functions and the tools and concepts for linking development to strategy and for managing the development process for speed, efficiency, and market impact. Students will develop a prototype of a product that meets and exceeds real customer needs.

ENT 5533 Technology Management Credits: 3

This course introduces the student to formal frameworks for considering ethical, management, and commercial opportunities and challenges of new technologies. The student will consider the business model, business process, and commercial impact of cutting-edge technologies in a survey-style format. Technologies will be considered both from the perspective of an established organization seeking to innovate, as well as from the perspective of a new startup.

ENT 5535 Small Business Management And Entrepreneurship Credits: 3

This course focuses on the nature of the entrepreneurial organization; its volatility and flux, where standard operating procedures are lacking and organizational structure, culture and leadership style are created anew each day. Successful small business management requires that a series of developmental challenges be identified and addressed if the venture is to succeed.

ENT 5545 Entrepreneurship And New Venture Creation Credits: 3

The objectives of this course are: (1) to build personal appreciation for the challenges and rewards of entrepreneurship in an independent mode by examining/simulating its environment; (2) to present and examine, through the use of complex case studies and high level guest/lectures, economic, legal and managerial mechanisms proven useful in creating new wealth; and (3) to foster continued development of venture ideas, suitable as career entry options or for investments, using a tutorial approach to business plan development, presentation and evaluation.

ENT 5550 Entrepreneurial Experience Credits: 3

This course will teach students the skills needed to support and advise businesses. Students will be a taught a consulting framework for coaching and be introduced to a variety of methods to support and add value to entrepreneurs, small business owners and corporations. Student teams are expected to spend time meeting outside of class with their assigned company, learning their business, and understanding their challenges as the foundation for developing plans that provide value to the companies. Plans are presented both to the course instructors as well as to the assigned companies and should be a professionally developed product.

ENT 5561 Product and Service Innovation Credits: 2

Product and Service Innovation provides students with experience in new venture creation and product innovation management. Each learning team will be challenged to uncover opportunities in industry. In the process, students will explore customer preferences and translating preferences into the development process.

Prerequisites: Admission to the Executive MBA program.

ENT 5563 Social Entrepreneurship Credits: 3

This course introduces students to social entrepreneurship through lectures and discussions, key readings, guest speakers such as social entrepreneurs, case studies, videos, service-learning activities, and group assignments. Students will develop an understanding of the social entrepreneurship process, the differences between social entrepreneurship and business entrepreneurship, social enterprise, and different revenue streams including the importance of sustainability. In this course, students will develop a social entrepreneurship project proposal on a social problem in collaboration with a non-profit organization in the Kansas City area.

ENT 5567 Entrepreneurship and Innovation Strategy Credits: 3

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Strategy provides a capstone experience for Executive MBA students. Students are exposed to both venture creation in a traditional framework and corporate innovation or intrapreneurship within a company. Topics relevant to new ventures external or internal to a company including the various stages, processes, and issues involved with creation through to venture launch, harvest and exit. Through completion of the course students will understand and undergo the process for venture creation, developing specific skills of benefit in both entrepreneurial and corporate environments.

Prerequisites: Admission to the Executive MBA program.

ENT 5585 Entrepreneurial Finance and Venture Capital Investment Credits: 3

This course exposes students to the process of financing and investing in a new venture. The primary objective of this course is for students to develop a good understanding of the objectives, strategies, and challenges in financing and valuation of entrepreneurial firms through analyzing unique financial issues these firms and their investors face. Students will develop skills for assessing new venture financial viability, cash needs, funding sources, valuation, and funding structure.

ENT 5587 Special Topics Credits: 3

Special topics in entrepreneurship.

ENT 5595 Internship Credits: 1-3

An opportunity for students to integrate their academic studies via employment with a business/organization in the community.

Prerequisites: Departmental consent required.

ENT 5597 Independent Study Credits: 1-6

Independent study and research in areas of special interest under individual faculty direction.

Prerequisites: Departmental consent required.

ENT 5681 Multivariate Statistical Methods-II Credits: 3

Theoretical and research applications of MANOVA, canonical correlation, multiple discriminant analysis, factor analysis, and introduction to structural equation modeling using appropriate software. Students are expected to undertake a major research project during this class and to apply appropriate multivariate statistical analyses to their chosen academic research topic.

ENT 5682 Structural Equation Modeling Credits: 3

This course presents structural equation modeling. It includes a review of regression, as well as the study of path analysis, including model specification, methods of estimation, recursive and non-recursive models; direct, indirect, and total effects methods of estimation; single and multi-group analyses; moderators; mediators; structural equation model specification; identification, methods of estimation, second-order factor analysis, and the assessment of casual structure. Students are expected to continue a research project started in ENT 5681.

ENT 5683 Mathematical Models For Entrepreneurship Credits: 3

The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to mathematical models in entrepreneurship and related disciplines. Classes will focus on the use of mathematical models to characterize the nature of various entrepreneurship-related decisions in complex environments. For each topic considered (e.g., R&D investment decisions in new product entry, diffusion, and marketing mix variables), students will examine select examples of scholarly articles. Presentations and discussions are designed to help students understand and critique existing models and stimulate the development of new theoretical viewpoints.

ENT 5691 Doctoral Seminar In Theoretical Foundations Of Entrepreneurship I Credits: 3

ENT 5691 is designed as a broad survey of major topics in the field of entrepreneurship. Its objective is to familiarize students with some of the primary theoretical underpinnings of the field as well as some of the common and/or promising methodological approaches to the study of entrepreneurial phenomena. Topics covered in the course include a theoretical overview, entrepreneurs, environment and organizational founding.

Prerequisites: Doctoral standing.

ENT 5692 Foundations Entrepreneurship Credits: 3

ENT 5692 is designed as a continuation of ENT 5691, providing a broad survey of major topics in the field of entrepreneurship. Its objective is to familiarize the student with some of the primary theoretical underpinnings of the field as well as some of the common and/or promising methodological approaches to the study of entrepreneurial phenomena. Topics covered in the course include: entrepreneurship's links with other diciplines, venture capital and venture capitalists, new venture strategy, new venture performance, growth processes and challenges, and entrepreneurial networks and alliances.

ENT 5693 Technology, Innovation, And Entrepreneurship Credits: 3

This seminar will explore academic literature of technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Specific topics include emerging technologies, evolutionary theory, building capabilities based on networks, organizational learning, technological innovation, institutional economics, network externalities, knowledge transfer, technological trajectories and path dependencies.

Prerequisites: Doctoral standing.

ENT 5694 Doctoral Seminar In Theories Of The Firm And Strategy Credits: 3

In this course, students will become familiar with and develop an in-depth understanding of the concepts, models, and paradigms that collectively form the foundation for strategic thinking. Students will develop the ability to critically integrate findings from strategic research programs. Employing an appreciation for the interdisciplinary nature of strategic marketing and management, the purpose is to develop a keen awareness of major gaps that exist in the strategic literature. Students will strengthen the skills needed to conduct original strategic marketing research that can be published in the leading academic journals.

Prerequisites: Doctoral Standing.

ENT 5699 Dissertation and Research in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Credits: 1-12

Dissertation research and writing in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Discipline.

ENT 5899 Required Graduate Enrollment Credit: 1