Criminal Justice and Criminology (CJC)
CJC 101 Introduction To Criminal Justice Credits: 3
This introductory overview course is designed to familiarize students with the three main components of the adult criminal justice system: police, courts, and corrections. The course will investigate the viewpoints of offenders, victims, social scientists, the general public, and workers in the system on diverse issues of social control, criminal behavior, treatment and punishment.
CJC 101 - MOTR CRJS 101: Introduction to Criminal Justice

CJC 240 Delinquency And Juvenile Justice Credits: 3
This course focuses on the nature, extent and theoretical explanations of delinquency and the history and philosophy behind the juvenile justice system in terms of the roles played by law enforcement, juvenile courts, and corrections. Juvenile groups such as status offenders, delinquents, gang members, victims, and juveniles adjudicated as adult criminals will also be examined.
CJC 280 Gangs and Crime Credits: 3
This course will provide students with an overview of what is known about street gangs. Specifically, the course will cover definitional issues, gang organization and structure, gang culture, gang member onset and desistance, among other issues related to criminal street gangs. This course will also encourage students to think critically about communities, crime, and group formation.
CJC 282 Criminal Justice & Criminology in Popular Media Credits: 3
This course examines criminology and criminal justice as it is represented in popular film to explore critically the impact media has on the public's perception of the criminal justice system, the origin of criminal behavior, and the broad sociological constructs of criminology. A key focus is the media's power to shape criminal justice policy and practice.
CJC 301 Theoretical Criminology Credits: 3
A comprehensive examination of the major criminology theories, their philosophical assumptions, and the socio-historical context in which they were articulated.
CJC 302 Methods of Criminological Research Credits: 3
A seminar which explores the interrelationships between sociology theory, research methods, and statistics. May focus on major contemporary issues building on and integrating knowledge obtained in previous courses.
CJC 303 Introduction to Statistics in Sociology and Criminal Justice Credits: 3
A first course in the statistical analysis of quantitative data. Course emphasizes descriptive statistics, probability theory, parameter estimation, bivariate hypothesis testing, and computer applications.
Prerequisites: MATH 110 or MATH 116 or STAT 115 or MOTRMATH 110 or higher level math (with a grade of C- or higher); or ALEKS Score of 61 or higher; or MyMathTest College Algebra score of 70 or higher.
CJC 332 Race, Class and Justice Credits: 3
This course examines the intersection of race and class as it relates to crime and justice. Specifically, the course focuses on race and class in relation to criminological theory and the application of justice system practices and policies.
CJC 335 Blackness as Threat Credits: 3
This course examines from a criminological and socio-legal perspective the historical and contemporary influence of race on perceptions of threat/danger, violence, and justice. The class focuses particularly on the experiences of African Americans in these regards, using recent high-profile cases as empirical lenses through which to discuss this topic.
CJC 338 Immigration and Crime Credits: 3
This course examines concerns regarding a purported connection between immigration and crime in the United States. We will begin through an examination of how immigrants have become increasingly criminalized, shaping an overlap between immigration and criminalization. This class explores the threat narrative regarding the Latinx population, generally, and explore gender disparities in these depictions of Latina women compared to Latino men. Discussions will incorporate details about the immigrant population in the Kansas City metropolitan area and look at examples of how local community agencies and activists are working to address human rights issues.
CJC 351 Policing In The Community Credits: 3
The purpose of this class is to introduce the student to police operations and the effectiveness of different police programs. The material discussed in class focuses on empirical evaluations of police effectiveness, and the role of the police in today's society. This class is divided into four broad areas: the nature and effectiveness of patrol; criminal investigations; special operations including crackdowns, responses to domestic assaults, and hot spot policing; and the latest crime prevention strategies, such as community oriented policing and problem solving.
CJC 353 Ethical Issues in Policing, Law, and Corrections Credits: 3
This course covers various ethical and controversial issues confronting the criminal justice system and examines ethical dilemmas involved in police and prosecutorial decision-making, such as police misconduct and prosecutorial discretion. Students will learn moral and ethical principles implicated in decision-making and discuss approaches to addressing the policies which give rise to such dilemmas.
CJC 354 Policing in America Credits: 3
A comparison of law enforcement and peace-keeping functions of the police provides a basic theme for the course, with examination of several topics related to police accomplishing these functions. Some of the topics covered include police discretion, police professionalism, the police officer as a bureaucratic agent, and police-community relations.
CJC 357 Crime Scene Investigation Credits: 3
This course will examine contemporary issues in crime scene investigation and its relevance to the criminal justice system. It will include an overview of legal issues, proper evidence collection techniques, and the preservation of evidence. Several different types of crime scenes will be explored.
CJC 361 Principles & Practices of Criminal Courts Credits: 3
The course examines the American criminal judicial system, including the history, philosophy, and changing nature of criminal courts. The activities of lawyers, judges, and related professionals are emphasized, and current topics involving the criminal court are discussed.
CJC 364 The Supreme Court And The Criminal Process Credits: 3
Course examines recent Supreme Court decisions on the constitutional aspects of the administration of justice. Topics include the nationalization of the Bill of Rights and jurisdiction with an emphasis on problems involving the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, and 14th Amendments.
CJC 370 Principles Of Corrections Credits: 3
This course explores adult institutional and community-based corrections in the United States. Major areas examined include the evolution of corrections, the process of correctional reform, adult offenders and prison culture, treatment and rehabilitation of offenders, intermediate sanctions, and correctional workers.
CJC 371 Community Corrections Credits: 3
This course will examine intermediate sanctions in the United States, such as probation, halfway houses, boot camps, among others. Specifically, the origin and proliferation of the use of corrections in the community will be explored in depth. The effectiveness of several major community correctional strategies will be explored through a review of the research literature base. Several issues will be highlighted including (but not limited to ) ethical constraints, political problems, and treatment effectiveness in light of the use of community sanctions.
CJC 381 Advocacy and Crisis Intervention Credits: 3
This course focuses on the dynamics of sexual violence, advocacy skills, and how communities respond. The course will examine sexual violence in America, dynamics and trauma response to sexual violence, advocacy skills, and the role of community responders, including new strategies for response.
CJC 382 Human Trafficking Credits: 3
This course is designed to equip prospective Criminal Justice professionals with a comprehensive, trauma informed understanding of the issue of human trafficking, as it exists within the context of a modern, developed society. Students will learn the elements of a comprehensive strategy to address this crime; identification, exit, restoration, legal reforms, and prevention.
CJC 384 Mock Trial Credits: 3
A study of the trial process in the U.S. judicial system focusing on the structure and rules of trials, including the role of attorneys. Combination of student performance with in-class lecture and discussion.
CJC 385 Victimology Credits: 3
This course addresses the study of crime, criminals and victims. It examines the relationship between victims and offenders. Special treatment is given to criminological as well as victimological theories. A segment of the course will address the sporadic nature of juvenile crime. The course will examine viable strategies to reduce levels of victimization. In the final analysis the course will offer crime prevention strategies.
CJC 390 New Dimensions In Criminal Justice Credits: 3
Examination of contemporary topics, issues or problems related to the development of justice and/or operations in response to criminal and related behaviors addressed by the justice system. May be repeated for credit when the topic changes.
CJC 395 Justice-Oriented Career Mapping and Development Credits: 3
The course examines opportunities in U.S. Criminal Justice and Criminology within law enforcement, courts, and corrections, local, state, federal, private sector and academia. Students will learn ethics and professionalism, securing internships, preparing for interviews, effective networking and career-building.
Prerequisites: Criminal Justice and Criminology BA or minor students and 45 or more completed credit hours
CJC 430 Women, Crime And Criminal Justice Credits: 3
This course will focus on the experiences of women and girls with crime in America. The primary areas studied will be females as victims, offenders, and professionals in the criminal justice system. Various criminological theories and research will also be examined in light of gender.
CJC 431 Hate & Bias Crimes Credits: 3
The purpose of this course is to examine the development and enforcement of hate crime law within our legal system. Discussion focuses on the causes and consequences of hate crimes, the constitutional issues associated with bias crime statutes, and the effectiveness of formal and informal social controls for eliminating hate and bias crimes.
CJC 481 Restorative Justice Credits: 3
This course is an introduction to the concept of restorative justice. The course examines the roots of the concept, its theoretical perspective, and its applications in juvenile justice, mediation and correctional settings.
CJC 482 The Death Penalty In America Credits: 3
This course takes a sociological look at the most extreme punishment currently in use in the United States. Society debates its value without giving much weight to the research which social science conducts. Indeed, the political domain frequently misrepresents the data that is available. The course evaluates the adequacy of the research and separates the strands of the debates in order to understand the role of the death penalty in our society.
CJC 490 Directed Studies In Criminal Justice And Criminology Credits: 1-5
Individual research and study in the student's field of interest as approved and directed by major professors. The work involves examination and reporting of selected problems affecting the various agencies of our legal system. Only two of the 490 sequence courses and up to 3 credit hours can be applied to the major. A. Law Enforcement B. Court Operations and Administration C. Corrections D. Legal Theory and Philosophy E. Criminological Theory F. Sociology of Law.
CJC 491 Professional Placement and Skill Enhancement Credits: 3-6
Intern experience under faculty supervision in local, state, federal or private agencies working with justice system involved offenders.
Prerequisites: Junior or Senior CJC student.
CJC 495WI Capstone: Criminal Justice And Criminology Credits: 3
This course is designed to integrate student's program of study in the major of criminal justice and criminology. The class examines current conditions of the justice system with respect of race, gender and social class.
Prerequisites: ENGLISH 225 and Senior CJC student.
CJC 4EF UL Criminal Justice Elective Credits: 0-99
UL Criminal Justice Elective Transfer Credit