Communication and Journalism (COMM-ST)
COMM-ST 110 Fundamentals of Effective Speaking and Listening Credits: 3
An introduction to the dimensions of effective platform speaking with special emphasis on developing critical listening skills. Lecture, performance, and discussion.
COMM-ST 110 - MOTR COMM 110: Fundamentals of Public Speaking

COMM-ST 140 Introduction to Communication Credits: 3
This course provides an introduction to the principles of intrapersonal, interpersonal, and public communication.
COMM-ST 140 - MOTR COMM 100: Introduction to Communications

COMM-ST 203 Introduction to Journalism Credits: 3
Introduction to the styles and techniques of reporting and writing basic news through assignments in straight news, features and in-depth stories. Exposure to the history and principles of American journalism. Practical application in writing news and news feature articles.
COMM-ST 209 Cross-Cultural Interaction: Experience and Understanding Credits: 3
This course focuses on the social and cultural context of interactional patterns. U.S. and international students are paired in academic activities to encourage mutual understanding and self-awareness. They will draw on a variety of resources and learning modalities to examine aspects of their own and one another's societies, cultures, religions, and family relations. Making use of intercultural theories, students will reflect upon and explore cultural myths and stereotypes and develop a general understanding of cultural similarities and differences.
COMM-ST 212 Argumentation And Debate Credits: 3
A study of the nature of logical discourse generated through the preparation and presentation of oral argument within the framework of the debate format. Lecture, performance and discussion.
COMM-ST 212 - MOTR COMM 220: Argumentation & Debate

COMM-ST 220 Introduction to Modern Communications Media Credits: 3
A survey of content, structure and history of communications media in U.S. and global societies--print, film, radio, television, social media, digital and emerging media; providing an informational frame of reference that will enable discerning students to formulate and apply useful critical concepts in evaluating U.S. & world media.
COMM-ST 220 - MOTR SBSC 100: Intro to Mass Communications

COMM-ST 260P Introduction To Web Communications Credits: 4
This four credit hour web-based multimedia course will examine the process of critically evaluating information delivered on the Internet. It is designed as an introduction for adults and students who use Internet information for work and/or school. The process of critically evaluating Internet information will be described in four modules: traditional evaluation techniques; searching and researching strategies; Internet evaluation techniques; and Internet evaluation resources.
COMM-ST 270 Introduction to Broadcast and Digital TV Credits: 3
An introduction to the practices and principles of creating video, combined with audio, graphics, and data information, by newsgathering in the field, for both current and emerging mobile, non-broadcast, digital and social media platforms.
COMM-ST 277 Interpersonal Communication Credits: 3
An intensive analysis of the dimensions of intrapersonal and interpersonal communication designed to identify the philosophies and methods which underwrite effective human communication.
COMM-ST 277 - MOTR COMM 120: Interpersonal Communication

COMM-ST 284 Career Development for Communication Professionals Credits: 3
This course is about career planning and development. It provides a survey of careers and professional opportunities in the field of communication, helps students to connect school and the work environment, and gives them understandings of the professional roles that communication plays in the community.
COMM-ST 308 Introduction To The Study Of Human Communication Credits: 3
This course serves to introduce students to the basic theories, perspectives and methodologies used (historically and currently) in the study of speech, interpersonal and mass communication.
COMM-ST 311 Broadcast and Digital Media Presenting Credits: 3
This course examines the skills needed to become effective presenters in broadcasting and digital media. A study of key broadcast and digital media techniques used by professionals are simulated and then evaluated in online and virtual studio sessions.
COMM-ST 312 Advanced Public Speaking Credits: 3
Advanced study of rhetorical theory and its application to the presentation and criticism of public discourse.
Prerequisites: COMM-ST 110.
COMM-ST 316 Health, Science and Environmental Reporting Credits: 3
This course prepares students for using mass media and journalism in effectively covering health, science and environmental issues and challenges that affect communities.
COMM-ST 317 Persuasive Communication Credits: 3
A study of the rhetorical, psychological and ethical principles of influencing and controlling individuals and groups, and of the methods of adapting to various attitudes and audiences through the preparation, presentation and evaluation of persuasive speeches.
COMM-ST 318 Dialogue Across Difference Credits: 3
This course explores dialogue theory and practice. Dialogue includes difficult conversations, collaborative decision-making, and community problem-solving. Along with discussions and readings, students will practice participating in and facilitating meaningful interaction within the context(s) of power, prejudice, bias, discrimination, equity, and privilege.
COMM-ST 324 Journalism and Visual Storytelling in the Age of Data Credits: 3
This course introduces students to visual storytelling using data. This includes methods of analyzing and critiquing data visualization, identifying and evaluating publicly available datasets, processing and manipulating datasets, and journalistic methods of reporting data and storytelling. The course will help students to understand the influence of technologies on data storytelling and visualization.
COMM-ST 326 Sports Writing Credits: 3
This course will focus on the tools and techniques that are critical to succeeding as a sports writer, including conducting interviews, developing contacts, organizing stories, and writing on deadline. We will examine how sports writing is used on various platforms, such as newspapers, magazines, websites, and social media. We will discuss the larger role sports journalism has played in our culture in recent years, focusing in particular on they ways sports writing demands versatility, awareness, and a deeper sense of ethical responsibility.
COMM-ST 341WI Rhetorical Theory And Criticism Credits: 3
Writing intensive. An analysis of significant public discourse within the context of social protest and political rhetoric with attention to applying methods of communication criticism in evaluating the effectiveness of persuasive advocacy aimed at social change.
Prerequisites: ENGLISH 225.
COMM-ST 343 Group Dynamics Credits: 3
This course studies communication theories, strategies, and relationships integral to effective communication within small groups and teams.
COMM-ST 344 Organizational Communication Credits: 3
This course examines major theories and strategies necessary for understanding communication interactions and processes within organizations.
COMM-ST 344WI Communication in Organizational Settings Credits: 3
An examination of the major elements of interpersonal, group, and oral communication competence essential to human interaction in organizational settings. The course focuses on developing communication competencies and increasing theoretical understanding.
Prerequisites: ENGLISH 225.
COMM-ST 348 The Art of the Interview Credits: 3
This course will introduce students to the styles and techniques of conducting professional interviews with the goal of eliciting insightful, thoughtful answers fit for print or broadcast. Students will prepare Q&A interviews and articles for publication while gaining the confidence needed to work in professional newsrooms or office settings.
COMM-ST 351WI Fundamentals of Writing for the Media Credits: 3
This course is an overview of the different styles of writing for the media. The writing will be intended to inform, whether that’s journalism, public relations, social media, audio or digital. Students will learn to use professional journalistic standards, including AP Style, and write extensively on a variety of issues and topics.
Prerequisites: ENGLISH 225.
COMM-ST 353 Covering Urban Latinx Communities Credits: 3
This course focuses on journalistic methods of reporting Latinx communities in urban areas and bringing the voice of the Latinx communities into news stories. It covers topics on immigration, health care, policy, cultural diversity, race, legal issues, and education. Skills taught in this course will prepare students to cover the Latinx communities in urban areas and beyond.
COMM-ST 355WI The News Feature Writing Credits: 3
An intensive practicum in the art of writing feature stories with a special emphasis on shorter stories that will grab reader interest in an era of short-attention spans.
Prerequisites: COMM-ST 203 or ENGLISH 203; and ENGLISH 225.
COMM-ST 356 Writing, Broadcasting & Podcasting for Student Media Credits: 3
This course is workshop-based for students producing UMKC's weekly newspaper, U News. It also focuses on contemporary issues in American journalism and engaging with the university community.
Prerequisites: COMM-ST 110 or ENGLISH 110.
COMM-ST 356WI Writing, Broadcasting & Podcasting for Student Media Credits: 3
This course is workshop-based for students producing UMKC's weekly newspaper, U News. It also focuses on contemporary issues in American journalism and engaging with the university community.
Prerequisites: COMM-ST 110 or ENGLISH 110; and ENGLISH 225.
COMM-ST 361 Media Management Credits: 3
An analysis of the trends, patterns and methods of radio and television operations.
COMM-ST 363 Podcast and Audio Production Credits: 3
A study of the techniques of producing audio material for use in podcast, radio, in concerts, on film, on television and in the recording studio.
COMM-ST 366 Digital Games and Society Credits: 3
This course explores what digital games mean to the world. Digital games are one of the fastest growing sectors of the entertainment media industry, generating enormous profits for companies - with wide-ranging implications for individuals and society. We will evaluate and critique video game content and designs intended for entertainment, commerce, news, social activism, training, etc.
COMM-ST 383 Cross-Cultural Journalism & Mass Media Credits: 3
Cross-Cultural Journalism & Mass Media provides journalistic tools for mass media, social media and digital news coverage of diverse social, ethnic, gender, ability and religious communities in the United States and abroad. Students will be introduced to methods in effective communication that are inclusive of diverse U.S. and global cultures.
COMM-ST 387 Strategic Communication Research Credits: 3
This course will examine different research methods and research stages in advertising and public relations, including quantitative and qualitative research methods. Students will learn how to plan, conduct, and evaluate strategic communication research. Students are also expected to develop a greater appreciation for the role that research plays in effective campaigns.
COMM-ST 388 Media Ethics Credits: 3
A study of moral principles and values critical to sound ethical decision-making in the mass media, digital news media and social media. An analysis of the kinds of ethical issues and dilemmas that students who seeks careers in all media professions are likely to encounter.
COMM-ST 390 Forensic Activities Credits: 1-4
Participation in the intercollegiate forensic program. A practicum in debate, discussion, oratory and other forensic activities.
COMM-ST 400 Special Studies Credits: 1-3
(A-N) This is an upper-level course on a subject which is not a part of the regular department offering. The course results from one or more of the following: (1) the expressed desire of students (2) the broadened or refocused scholarship of a member of the communication studies faculty (3) the temporary presence of a scholar whose specialization is not reflected in the department's regular offerings (4) the conclusion by the department that the course meets a community need (5) the effort of the Communication Studies faculty to provide an interdisciplinary approach to an era or topic.
COMM-ST 412 Public Speaking for Professionals Credits: 3
This course focuses on preparing, organizing and delivering presentations for professional audiences.
Prerequisites: COMM-ST 110 or COMM-ST 312.
COMM-ST 415 Global Journalism: Cultures, Trends, and Conflicts Credits: 3
This course examines media coverage of international issues, world cultures and the interrelation of life conditions of people across the globe. The study of global media trends, including trends in digital news and social media, are applied to current and developing methods of reporting with an emphasis on cross-border events. The course assists students who are considering careers in global journalism, international marketing or non-profit agencies and non-governmental organizations. This course also introduces students to new forms of storytelling.
COMM-ST 431 Colloquium In Interpersonal Dynamics Credits: 3
This course examines practical applications of communication principles and theories within a specialized area or sub-field, such as (but not limited to) Health, Nonverbal, or Crisis Communication, Conflict Management, etc.
COMM-ST 432 Big City Issues: Race, Crime, Poverty and the Role of the Media Credits: 3
An advanced course in the study of the press and political establishments in the formation of public policy.
COMM-ST 441 Applications of Interpersonal Communication Theory Credits: 3
This course examines interpersonal communication theory as it pertains to a variety of interpersonal relationships. The course employs class discussions of theory and assignments that apply those theories to real life interactions.
Prerequisites: COMM-ST 277.
COMM-ST 444 Intercultural Communication Credits: 3
A consideration of communication phenomena in multicultural settings. A study of the public forum with an emphasis on the interpersonal aspects of international, intercultural, and co-cultural communication.
COMM-ST 444WI Intercultural Communication Credits: 3
A consideration of communication phenomena in multicultural settings. A study of the public forum with an emphasis on the interpersonal aspects of international, intercultural, and co-cultural communication.
Prerequisites: ENGLISH 225.
COMM-ST 446 Principles Of Advertising Credits: 3
A survey of advertising as an industry and a career field, examining its history and development in America, and its application in mass and special media. Specific procedures are studies for linking the development of advertising strategies, messages and campaigns to the marketing process, and for evaluation and selection of appropriate media to carry the advertising message.
COMM-ST 447 Interactive and Social Media Advertising Credits: 3
This course examines advertising on the Internet as a form of interactive communication, with a special focus on social media and search engines. It addresses basic concepts, current issues, and the development of interactive advertising strategies and plans. The coverage includes interactivity, pricing models, online targeting strategies, search engine optimization and advertising, social media advertising, and online video advertising.
COMM-ST 448 Principles Of Public Relations Credits: 3
An overview, presenting the function, purposes, procedures and practices of public relations, its role in society, industry, government and politics, and its potential as a career field. This is a survey course with primary emphasis on theory, supplemented with applied techniques.
COMM-ST 453 Urban Journalism Practicum Credits: 4
This course engages student journalists to produce stories with an urban focus across radio, online, and television platforms. By practicing convergence journalism, students gain practical story-telling experience for professional news organizations.
Prerequisites: COMM-ST 203 or ENGLISH 203.
COMM-ST 456 Intermediate Broadcast and Digital TV Credits: 3
A practical approach to the practices and principles of broadcasting news media, including preparing copy for microphone and camera, editing wire copy, reporting public affairs and public relations, and an intensive scrutiny of the concepts of freedom and responsibility as they apply to the press and current legislation.
COMM-ST 466 Advanced Broadcast and Digital TV Credits: 3
An advanced study of television and Internet news gathering, field production and performance for electronic media.
Prerequisites: COMM-ST 456.
COMM-ST 478 Media Law Credits: 3
A comprehensive examination of the law as it pertains to advertising, public relations, journalism, commercial and electronic media, broadcast regulatory agencies, corporate speech and corporate participation in elections. Students will study topics that include the First Amendment, defamation and privacy. Court opinions and legislation will be the course's primary focus, however students will also examine contemporary and historic theory of free expression.
COMM-ST 483 Research Seminar In Communication Studies Credits: 3
This is the departmental capstone course and is required for majors in their last semester of their senior year. The course summarizes and extends student's theoretical and applied understanding of the role of communication competence in the work place and beyond. The course also focuses on refining student's research competencies and their appreciation of the cultural role of modern communication methods.
Prerequisites: Senior standing.
COMM-ST 484 Internship Credits: 1-4
Internships opportunities for advanced students involved in community and campus activities. Student must receive approval of advising professor in semester prior to enrollment. No more than four hours with any one project.
COMM-ST 492 Advertising Campaigns Credits: 3
The course content focuses on branding, re-branding or development of an identity program, and combines advertising planning with creative execution. Students will learn how to develop advertising/marketing/creative campaign plans for a specific client(s), conceptualize, design and develop all creative aspects including but not limited to logo/identity, copy, advertising, website development, app design, etc., and complete a presentation of the plans/briefs and final creative developments of the plans/briefs and creative to the client(s).
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing.
COMM-ST 498 Independent Study Credits: 1-3
Research and/or projects for advanced upper class students. Student must receive approval of advising professor in semester prior to enrollment. No more than three hours with any one instructor.