Economics (ECON)
ECON 100 Economics Explained Credits: 3
Everything you need to know about how the economy works and where it's going. This course simplifies and clarifies the vocabularies and concepts used to describe all the important economic phenomenon in our society today: unemployment, trade deficits, government budget deficits or surpluses, inflation, investments, and customer debt. It describes where we've been (economically) and assess the future of the economic system we call capitalism.
ECON 100 - MOTR ECON 100: Introduction to Economics

ECON 150 Labor, Work, Society, and Politics Credits: 3
This interdisciplinary course covers the role of workers and the labor movement in society and the American political and economic system. Students will gain an overview, from a labor viewpoint, of the organization of work and workers, collective bargaining and representation, and labor's rights, roles, and strategies in a democracy and in the global economy. A particular focus will be the image of the working class and organized labor in the media and among public perception.
ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: 3
Principles of Macroeconomics deals primarily with macroeconomic or national economic concepts, the economics of the determination of recession, inflation, maintenance of full employment and economic growth, with an emphasis upon the economics of modern Keynesian analyses. It further introduces the economics of Marx and Ayres and discusses relevant and current economic issues. ECON 201 and ECON 202 are prerequisites for most other economics courses.
ECON 201 - MOTR ECON 101: Introduction to Macroeconomics

ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics Credits: 3
Principles of Microeconomics deals primarily with microeconomics, firm analysis, the principles of demand, supply, elasticity, price determination, costs, income distribution, market structures, trade, and other related social, economic issues. ECON 201 and ECON 202 are prerequisites for most other economics courses.
ECON 202 - MOTR ECON 102: Introduction to Microeconomics

ECON 301 Macroeconomic Analysis Credits: 3
This course provides more in-depth analysis of the macroeconomy. It examines the economic system as a whole and the ways in which its functioning is affected by the behavior of the interdependent sectors of which it is composed. It details the major factors affecting national income and the use of sectoral accounts in analyzing economic prospects and policies.
Prerequisites: ECON 201.
ECON 302 Microeconomic Analysis Credits: 3
This course provides in-depth analysis of the microeconomy. It examines the functioning of the individual enterprise and households. It specifically details problems confronting business enterprises operating under different types of market situations. It features analyses of the influence of the prices factors of production on methods of production and the effects that changes in income levels and in relative prices have on sales of different types of goods and services.
Prerequisites: ECON 202.
ECON 303H Special Issues In Economic Credits: 3
Readings and discussions of selected economic topics. Content varies over time as economic conditions change. Designed for outstanding students in Principles of Economics.
ECON 314 Political Economy of Race, Class And Gender: Theory, History, And Policy Credits: 3
Analyzes how the political economy of race , class and gender discrimination result in differences in opportunities and outcomes in society. Begins with an introduction to political economy. Then moves to an historical overview of the origins of oppression based on gender (patriarchy), class and race and their relation to the rise and development of capitalism. Discursive and non-discursive factors are investigated. Alternative theoretical approaches to understanding the intersections of race, class, and gender are evaluated. Policy debates on issues related to affirmative action, education, welfare, employment, and others are considered.
ECON 331 Money And Banking Credits: 3
A study of the structure, operations and problems of banks and other financial institutions with emphasis on their macroeconomic performance. The importance of banking in the financial system and the influence of Federal Reserve monetary policies are also studied.
Prerequisites: ECON 301.
ECON 336 The Kansas City Economy Credits: 3
This course explores the Kansas City economy in depth from both a micro and macro perspective. The macro approach details how important the Kansas City economy is to the state of Missouri, to the US economy, and in the international arena. The micro approach details the contribution of the many different sectors of the KC area to the overall local economy.
ECON 340 Collective Bargaining Credits: 3
This course involves a study of the economics and process of collective bargaining in the labor sphere, including contract negotiations, contract enforcement, and methods to resolve bargaining disputes. Both theoretical and applied issues in collective bargaining will be addressed. Students will participate in a contract bargaining simulation.
ECON 341 Labor and Community Leadership Credits: 3
This course focuses on the roles and challenges of union leadership in a changing environment. Topics include the union leaders' role as a representative, organizer and educator as well as administrative responsibilities within the union and the relationship with enterprise management in both adversarial and participatory situations. Options for leadership styles and organizational models will be discussed and explored in both theory and practice. Leaders will develop their skills of motivation, speaking, strategic planning and managing complex campaigns and diverse organizations.
ECON 353 Financial Analysis And The Economy Credits: 3
This course examines techniques of financial evaluation used by individuals, corporate managers, and portfolio analysts. Focus of the course will be on the interaction of the mechanics of analytical methods and economic activity. Topics covered will include individual portfolio building, asset evaluation, and financial market theory.
Prerequisites: ECON 301.
ECON 395A Economic Issues Credit: 1
ECON 402 Labor and the Global Political Economy Credits: 3
This course will examine current issues, trends, and developments which are shaping labor in today's global economy. Students will analyze the shifting balance of power between labor and capital, the role of government, and evaluate the strategic options for workers and unions operating in a global environment.
ECON 404R American Economic History Since 1865 Credits: 3
The course deals with the emergence of Industrial American since 1865. It covers the rise to dominance of the large modern corporation, the problem of economic and social instability and stability, the rise of trade associations, cartels, and government regulation in an unstable economy, and the evolution of American economic policy and national economic planning.
ECON 404RR American Labor History Credits: 3
This course examines history of work and the working class in the U.S. from 1750 to the present. We will focus on the transformation of the workplace, the rise of the union movement , the nature of cultural and political organizations, workers' relationships with other social groups, and the role played by gender, race, and ethnicity in uniting or dividing the working class.
ECON 406WI History Of Economic Thought Credits: 3
Analysis of basic concepts of economic thought, their historical sources and significance.
Prerequisites: ENGLISH 225.
ECON 411 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Urban Economic Development Credits: 3
An advanced quantitative methods course featuring the application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to the problems of urban economic development. Surveys federal, state, and local geospatial and attribute data resources, including Census Bureau TIGER files, and provides training in geodatabase construction and management. Geospatial processing, editing, and address geocoding are also covered. Formal analytical methods (cartographic aesthetics and visualization, spatial analysis, exploratory data analysis, network analysis, crime analysis, etc.) are all applied in the context of the problematics of urban and regional economic development.
ECON 412 International Trade And Development Credits: 3
This course emphasizes the global allocation of resources and distribution of income in the analysis of economic development and international trade. Major topics include various theories of economic development, comparative advantage, terms of trade, tariffs, quotas, economic integration and the use of trade to foster economic development.
Prerequisites: ECON 301.
ECON 416 Law And Economics Credits: 3
This course will examine the use of economic principles in the analysis and application of public and private law. Emphasis will be given to the efficiencies of laws in meeting social objectives, how laws can be modified to become more economically efficient, and the uses of economics in the actual practice of the law. Issues covered will include proofs of liability in antitrust, contracts and employment law using statistical and economic analysis, and the calculation of economic damages in commercial, employment and personal injury/death litigation. Graduate students will be assigned a specific research paper.
ECON 420 Environment, Resources And Economic Growth Credits: 3
This course focuses on the theory and policy issues involved in resource receation and depletion; environmental destruction, preservation and receation; and the interrelation of these problems of and prospects for economic growth.
ECON 421 Mathematical Economics Credits: 3
An introduction to mathematical methods as applied to the questions addressed by economists. The principal methods to be applied are matrix algebra and differential calculus in the context of optimization. Other topics may include integral calculus, differential equations, difference equations, or linear and non-linear programming.
ECON 425 Econometrics Credits: 3
An introduction to the empirical side of economics. Estimation theory and the properties of commonly used estimators are covered. Some of the more important topics dealt with are: multiple regression, heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation in regression analysis, analysis of variance and the use of qualitative variables in regression analysis. Hands-on work with computer software designed for econometrics is stressed. No experience with computers necessary.
Prerequisites: STAT 235
ECON 429 Environment, Resources And Economic Growth Credits: 3
This course focuses on the theory and policy issues involved in resource creation and depletion; environmental destruction, preservation and recreation; and the interrelation of these problems of and prospects for economic growth.
ECON 431 Monetary Theory And Policy Credits: 3
A study of the nature and functions of money and the financial system, with emphasis on monetary theory and its application to current banking and financial problems. Recent contributions to monetary theory and current literature.
ECON 435 Public Finance Credits: 3
Problems of public and private sector decision making of revenue-expenditure policies and an examination of the actual legal, political and economic policies for revenues and expenditures of federal, state and local governments.
ECON 437 State And Local Government Finance Credits: 3
This course investigates the role, problems and relative importance of municipal governments in the United States. Such areas as the demand for public services, tax and expenditure policies, and intergovernmental fiscal relations will be explored in detail. Case studies of state and local governments will be introduced to emphasize the problems and proposed solutions arising in modern municipal governments.
ECON 438 Economic Policy Credits: 3
Analysis of the confluence of political and economic behavior, the economics of collective action.
ECON 442 International Finance Credits: 3
This course emphasizes the global activity and balance of payments implications of government taxation, expenditure and monetary policies under various capital market conditions. Major topics include: exchange rates and the balance of payments; national income determination in an open economy; integrated and non-integrated capital markets; economic growth stabilization policies and the quest for global economic stability.
ECON 451 Institutional Economic Theory Credits: 3
Analysis of impact of modern philosophy and developments in social sciences on economic theory.
ECON 458 Urban Economics Credits: 3
An inquiry into the economics of location decisions and the influence of these on urban growth and on the real estate market; the evaluation of urban transportation and other public services; an examination of economic development of ghetto neighborhoods.
Prerequisites: ECON 302.
ECON 460 Industrial Organization Credits: 3
The structure, conduct, and performance of American industry. Historical evolution of American industry; alternative industrial systems. Antitrust policies and their alternatives. Technological change and industrial performance.
Prerequisites: ECON 302.
ECON 475 Economics Institutions and Policies Credits: 3
This course focuses on the economic system analysis of labor market phenomena in the context of historical-institutional development and labor market policies, this course is offered winter semester only.
ECON 486 Labor Economics Credits: 3
An examination of the theories of wage determination, the economic effects of wage determination upon the wage structure, the distribution of national income, employment, and an introduction to collective bargaining.
ECON 488 Radical Political Economy Credits: 3
This course will cover the ideas that constitute radical political economy. It will show how radical political economy can be used to examine current economics and social problems and will outline possible economic structures of utopian visions.
ECON 490 Readings In Economics Credits: 1-3
Intensive reading and/or research in an area selected by the student in consultation with the professor in any of the following fields: (a) economic theory, (b) history of economic thought, (c) labor economics, (d) urban economics, (e) monetary and fiscal policy and theory, (f) international economics, (g) economic development. (h) comparative economic systems, (i) public finance, (j) public policy toward business, (k) quantitative economics.
ECON 496 Practicum in Urban Economic Development Credits: 3
The Practicum in Urban Economic Development provides students with the opportunity to integrate and apply the knowledge and skills developed through previous coursework to real-world problems of urban economic development. Working on collaborative, service-learning projects in partnership with both community and metropolitan-level organizations, students will engage with the process of applied urban economic development in a team-structured context. Student teams will be each be responsible for one term project over the course of the semester. The course will culminate with the public presentation of project outcomes.