Film (FILM)
FILM 230 Introduction to Film Studies Credits: 3
The course is an introduction to the study of film as an art form and industrial practice. Students will study the basics of film analysis, cinematic formal elements, genre, narrative structure and the cultural functions of cinema.
FILM 230 - MOTR FILM 100: Introduction to Film Studies

FILM 250 Introduction to Film and Video Production Credits: 3
This course teaches the fundamentals of media making using digital video. Students will learn techniques in pre-production planning, camera, sound, and editing by creating a series of short videos. Students will also learn to think analytically about film, and to apply insights about what gives an image impact and meaning to their own work. It is the foundation and prerequisite for all film and video production courses in the department.
FILM 280 Introduction to Video and Design for Web Content Credits: 3
This digital media course is for non-majors covering basic techniques in video, audio, graphic design and web design. Students will create content for social media and other online environments.
FILM 300 Ancient World in Cinema Credits: 3
This course will explore the tradition of depicting the ancient Mediterranean world in film from the early silent era to the present. Topics to be covered include the ways that filmmakers respond to literary and historical sources from the ancient world, interact with the artistic tradition of films about the ancient world, the relation of these films to other works by the same creative personnel (directors, actors, writers, producers, etc.), and the political and cultural contexts in which the films were released.
FILM 310 Story Development Credits: 3
This course provides students with foundational work in story development for multiple digital and audio-visual forms, combining elements of cultural studies, creative writing, screenwriting, film and media arts and digital storytelling.
FILM 315 Editing with Adobe Premiere Credits: 3
Editing with Adobe Premiere is a focused course on video and audio editing for narrative and documentary film, corporate, and social media audiences. This course will prepare students to successfully pass the Premiere Pro Adobe Certified Professional exam.
FILM 323 Concepts of the Hero in Ancient Literature and World Cinema Credits: 3
This course explores how concepts of heroism are related to the principles of values and civic duty in a wide range of ancient world cultures and contemporary world cinemas. Students will also demonstrate an understanding of how these values impact individual heroes and their interactions with others in their society.
FILM 338 Film Adaptation Credits: 3
The class will explore the process of adapting both fiction and non-fiction literary works into motion pictures. Students will examine the original literary source, then the interim screenplay and finally the completed motion picture. This class will also explore the practical aspects of creating a film adaptation in Kansas City. Students will interact with Kansas City area film professionals and learn about the practical aspects of filming and exhibiting films in Kansas City.
FILM 339 Introduction to Film Theory Credits: 3
A survey of the history of theoretical and critical approaches to film theory/philosophy. Students will be introduced to major foundational and contemporary theoretical approaches to cinema that may include but are not limited to formalism, realism, auteurism, psychoanalysis, genre studies, structuralism, feminism, semiotics, cultural studies, post-structuralism, queer theory and digital studies.
FILM 345 German Film Credits: 3
This course introduces students to the important contributions of German films to the development of movies as a unique literary art form. The class will cover important terms and concepts in film theory, the specifically German context of film, and important themes and periods in German film history. Taught in English with subtitled films.
FILM 346 Art of the Short Film Credits: 3
Art of the Short Film examines the social, economic and aesthetic histories of narrative, documentary and experimental short form films from the birth of cinema to today.
FILM 347 Topics in Film Genre Credits: 3
A topics course that examines the history and theory of film genres. Repeatable up to six hours when the topic changes.
FILM 354 Introduction to Screenwriting Credits: 3
An introduction to the form and language of the motion picture screenplay. Students will learn to create a workable blueprint for a movie and undertake an in-depth examination of visual storytelling. This will include understanding the basics of dramatic structure, scene and sequence construction and the role of dialogue. Emphasis will be placed on students mastering the accepted movie industry format of the screenplay. They will also adapt a short story and revise it after giving and receiving feedback in small groups.
FILM 373 Intermediate Media Production Credits: 3
An intermediate-level production course emphasizing hands-on skills in cinematography and lighting, sound, and editing.
Prerequisites: FILM 250.
FILM 376 History Of The Film Industry Credits: 3
A history of the development of the American film industry from 1900 to the end of the studio era. The course will stress such issues as studio production, censorship, the economics of production and the selling of mass culture through the film medium.
FILM 379 African American Images in Film Credits: 3
This course examines the historical and social evolution of African Americans in film from the early 1900's to the present. The course will provide an overview of contributions from African Americans in cinema and trace their impact in Hollywood through critical analysis. Films show what a society accepts and rejects, therefore the course will consider major themes, historical movements, and how films capture societal issues. Most of the discussions will focus on images in front of the camera, although works from African Americans behind the camera may be explored as well.
FILM 381 Narrative Production Credits: 3
This course covers the creative, technical, and practical aspects of short-form narrative film production.
Prerequisites: FILM 250.
FILM 384 Documentary Film History Credits: 3
Documentary Film History is an overview of the history and theory of documentary cinema. The course surveys the documentary tradition with special attention to the relationship between content and style and the issues central to documentary film making, including ethical and legal questions, the relationship between representation and power and the ways in which film speaks to notions of truth and truth telling.
FILM 385 Documentary Production Credits: 3
This course is designed to familiarize students with the basics of documentary production from an artistic, ethical, and practical results-oriented perspective.
Prerequisites: FILM 250.
FILM 386 Animation Credits: 3
This course provides an introduction to animation production techniques and an overview of the history of American animation arts. We will address both stop-motion and computer animation using industry standard software.
Prerequisites: FILM 250.
FILM 392 Topics in World Cinema Credits: 3
A variable topics course focused on the histories and theories of international cinemas. Repeatable up to 6 hours when the topic changes.
FILM 393 Topics in Sound & Cinema Credits: 3
A variable topics course that focuses on the histories and aesthetics of sound in cinema. Repeatable up to 6 hours when the topic changes.
FILM 394 Topics in Gender and Cinema Credits: 3
A course focused on the relationship between popular culture, film history and the construction of gender and sexuality. Repeatable up to 6 hours when the topic changes.
FILM 400 Special Topics in Film Credits: 1-3
This is an upper-level course on a subject which is not a part of the regular department offering.
FILM 401 Special Studies in Film Studies Credits: 3
A course designed to deal with a topic which is not available in the regular course offerings. Topics, instructors and prerequisites to be provided at registration.
FILM 402 Special Studies in Film Production Credits: 3
A course designed to deal with a topic which is not available in the regular course offerings. Topics, instructors and prerequisites to be provided at registration.
FILM 454 Advanced Screenwriting Credits: 3
This course provides students with advanced theory in narrative screenwriting, training in industry standard script analysis (called 'coverage') and story editing. Students will be required to draft, revise and workshop a short film screenplay or will focus on a feature screenplay, delivering a draft and revision of the first act and a detailed outline for the rest of the script. Students will workshop feature screenplays in small groups, emphasizing the art of constructive story editing.
Prerequisites: FILM 354.
FILM 457 Client-Based Media Production Credits: 3
This course teaches the process of creating media for a professional client. Students will take on specialized crew positions and work together to plan, write, direct, shoot, edit, and distribute a short video for a local non-profit client.
Prerequisites: FILM 250.
FILM 471 Advanced Media Production Credits: 3
An advanced course in media production techniques focused on the creation of a significant individual media work and professional development.
Prerequisites: FILM 373.
FILM 473 Directing Actors and Scenes Credits: 3
This intensive workshop class seeks to deepen the student director's understanding of the acting process and provide ways of clearly and creatively communicating with actors. The course will deepen students' understanding of blocking scenes and designing camera coverage. It will explore the role of the director as a guiding creative force in the making of a film through collaboration and provide techniques for scene analysis and preparation. Students will cast, rehearse and present a live performance for their final project and design appropriate camera coverage.
Prerequisites: FILM 250.
FILM 498 Internship Credits: 1-4
Internships opportunities for advanced students involved in community and campus activities. Student must receive approval of advising professor in semester prior to enrollment. No more than four hours with any one project.