Physical Sciences (PHY-SCI)
PHY-SCI 110 Foundations Of Physical Sciences I Credits: 4
Fundamental principles and concepts of the various physical and mathematical sciences, integrated by the history and philosophy of science.
PHY-SCI 110 - MOTR PHYS 110L: Essentials Physical Sciences w/Lab

PHY-SCI 110L Foundations Of Physical Sciences, Laboratory I Credit: 1
General laboratory and discussion sessions on various topics in the physical and mathematical sciences.
PHY-SCI 110L - MOTR PHYS 110L: Essentials Physical Sciences w/Lab

PHY-SCI 171 Physics For Future Presidents Credits: 3
A course intended for liberal arts students focusing on the physics they need to be informed citizens in a democracy. Energy, global warming, terrorism, and health are examples of the important topics examined from the perspective of how science should inform policy.
PHY-SCI 410A Selected Topics In Contemporary Science Credits: 3
PHY-SCI 435 Selected Topics In The History Of Science Credits: 3
Selected Topics In The History Of Science