Political Science (POL-SCI)
POL-SCI 210 American Government Credits: 3
American government and politics, with special reference to the U.S. Constitution. This course meets the state requirement for study of the U.S. and Missouri Constitutions.
POL-SCI 210 - MOTR POSC 101: American Government

POL-SCI 220 Introduction To Comparative Politics Credits: 3
Introduces students to general concepts of political authority and systematically analyzes the causes and consequences of variation in political institutions, processes and policies across countries, illustrating concepts and themes with case studies of major European and Asian countries.
POL-SCI 220 - MOTR POSC 202: Introduction to Comparative Politic

POL-SCI 221 Introduction to Comparative Politics and Research Credits: 3
This course introduces students to general concepts of political authority, and systematically analyzes the causes and consequences of variation in political institutions, processes and policies across countries. This course also introduces students to research in comparative politics, with students developing an independent research project.
POL-SCI 230 International Relations Credits: 3
An analysis of relations among nations, with emphasis on structures of international power, causes of war, and approaches to peace.
POL-SCI 230 - MOTR POSC 201: International Relations

POL-SCI 301 Western Political Philosophy Credits: 3
An examination of the major theories of politics from Plato to today.
POL-SCI 303 Political Behavior Credits: 3
This course will survey research on conventional and unconventional forms of mass political behavior. Topics to be discussed include campaign participation, voting behavior, public opinion, the media, and participation in protests and revolutions. This course will also cover the methodological approaches to the study of political behavior.
POL-SCI 304 Politics of Developing Countries Credits: 3
The course examines the key arguments that have been advanced to account for differences across countries in rates and levels of economic and political development.
POL-SCI 308 Parties and Interest Groups Credits: 3
Introduction to parties and interest groups in the United States and their important role in the political process. Topics include the formation, organization, activities, and impact of political parties and interest groups in American politics.
POL-SCI 309 Public Opinion Credits: 3
Explores public opinion in the United States, surveying theories and empirical research on the measurement, formation, and distribution of public opinion.
POL-SCI 313 Politics In The American States Credits: 3
A study of the structures, functions, and politics of the institutions of American state governments and an assessment of their role in the federal system. This course is particularly interested in the extent to which political economy and political culture, broadly defined, influence public policy within the states.
POL-SCI 314 Politics of Kansas City Metro Credits: 3
This course will provide an understanding of city politics in America through a study of metropolitan Kansas City. It will discuss federalism, relationships between local governments, government organization, forming political alliances, and political issues affecting the metropolitan area. The course will discuss the politics of issues such as fiscal policy, infrastructure, housing, service delivery, and the environment.
POL-SCI 316 Terrorism And Political Violence Credits: 3
This course explores terrorism and armed struggle from theoretical and historical perspectives, and analyzes a number of violent movements with nationalist, ideological, and religious motivations.
POL-SCI 318 Political Psychology Credits: 3
The field of political psychology is an interdisciplinary field that draws on both psychology and political science to address topics in the political world. This course will focus on a variety of topics including inter-group conflict, stereotyping and prejudice, political socialization, attitude formation and change, political communication, decision heuristics and biases, public opinion, and the future of political psychology.
POL-SCI 319 Campaigns And Elections Credits: 3
This course will examine the role of campaigns in determining the outcome of both congressional and presidential elections and the way that electoral rules structure both campaign strategies and electoral outcomes.This course focuses on topics such as the role of the media, campaign advertising, campaign financing, public opinion, registration requirements, and the role of interest groups.
POL-SCI 326 Racial and Ethnic Politics Credits: 3
This course introduces students to the state of the discipline on the political behavior of racial-ethnic minority groups in the United States. This course analyzes the historical and political experiences of the major racial and ethnic minority groups in the United States, and their paths to political incorporation. We will examine the relationships between group consciousness, community, membership, marginalization, incorporation into the polity, civic engagement, political participation, and mobilization.
POL-SCI 336 American Foreign Policy Credits: 3
Understanding the contemporary debate over American foreign policy in terms of the premises and perspectives of several competing schools of thought.
POL-SCI 345 Women and Politics Credits: 3
This course investigates the role that women play in the political realm and how political institutions, laws, and norms shape women’s experience in politics as citizens, activists, candidates and political leaders, plus the causes and consequences of women’s participation and barriers to same.
POL-SCI 348 Constitutional Law: The Federal System Credits: 3
A study of the president, congress and state governments from the perspective of the Constitution, emphasizing powers and limitations on the exercise of authority.
POL-SCI 349 Constitutional Law: Civil Liberties Credits: 3
A study of civil liberties in American society, emphasizing factors and forces that restrict or enlarge their scope, as understood through constitutional interpretation.
POL-SCI 357 Western European Politics Credits: 3
This course explores democratic representation and political institutions in Western Europe.
POL-SCI 360 Labor, Politics and Society Credits: 3
This course explores many aspects of unions and the labor movement in society and the vital role organized labor plays as a pillar of democratic society. Unions impact the economy, growth, and the distribution of wealth, and the impact racial and gender equality, social security health and job safety, energy and the environment, and even foreign relations. As a social movement, labor has had a major impact on American history. This course covers these topics from a labor perspective. It examines current obstacles for union organizing, recent union campaigns, labor's political role, and the relationship between labor and the media, This course is part of the Certificate Program in Labor Studies and is offered on the University of Missouri Interactive Video Network at UMKC, UMSL, and UMC.
POL-SCI 362 Latin America and International Relations Credits: 3
This course we will survey the relations between Latin American states and between Latin America and the world. Taking the Latin American states as the key actors, we examine the history of US-Latin American relations, including current issues such as drug trafficking, immigration and terrorism. We will also study the region as a player on the international stage, examining Latin America's changing role in the world arena related to trade, development, and the environment. Finally we examine the emergence of new leadership in Latin America.
POL-SCI 363 Immigration Politics and Policy: The United States in Cross-National Perspective Credits: 3
This course introduces issues of immigration in the industrialized world, including historical patterns, current features of immigration in the US and Europe, policies on legal and unauthorized migration, attitudes on assimilation of immigrants and what constitutes an effective immigration policy.
POL-SCI 365WI Congress and Parliaments Credits: 3
The objective of this course is to examine the election and behavior of legislators and legislatures in the United States compared to other countries' political systems, especially how these differences affect representation and policy making. Students will write and think critically about how structures of legislatures affect political outcomes.
Prerequisites: ENGLISH 225.
POL-SCI 366 British Politics Credits: 3
This course focuses on the contemporary politics of the United Kingdom, particularly elections, institutions, and political parties.
POL-SCI 367 International Political Economy Credits: 3
This course examines major schools of thought and contemporary research in international political economy, as well as the study of the interactions of politics with economics, governments, and markets.
POL-SCI 368 Threats to Human Security Credits: 3
Students will consider how factors such as climate change, poverty, and regime repression impact the security of individuals and how those effects are compounded by race, gender, caste, socio-economic status. Students will also examine how human security impacts state security.
POL-SCI 370 Labor Law Credits: 3
In this course, participants will examine the role of government in the regulation of labor-management relations in the United States. While the focus of the course will be on federal laws regulating private sector labor relations, parallel issues addressed in the Railway Labor Act and state public sector labor relations law will also be covered. Specific topics include the legal framework for the organization of workers, definition of prohibited or unfair labor practices of employers and unions, legal regulation of the collective bargaining process, regulation of the use of economic weapons in labor disputes, enforcement of collective bargaining agreements and the regulation of internal trade union activities.
POL-SCI 371 Women and Conflict Credits: 3
Students will explore the roles of women in armed political conflict; specifically the ways that women influence and participate in conflict and peace processes as well as the ways women are affected by conflict and peace processes.
POL-SCI 372 Practicing Politics Credits: 3
This course investigates the process by which government attention is allocated to policy issues and the tension this creates between the public, interest groups, and the institutions of government. The goal of the course is to create a basis for civic literacy and engagement.
POL-SCI 375 Pre-Law I: The Role and Identity of a Lawyer Credit: 1
This course addresses the question 'Is law the right career for me?' We will discuss the role of law and courts in organizing American society. We will hear from guests at every step of professional development including law students, early-career, and advanced-career lawyers. Upon completing this course, students should have a stronger sense of the role the law has in organizing American society, and different career paths in the law.
POL-SCI 376 Pre-Law II: Foundations of an Effective Lawyer Credit: 1
This course prepares students to answer the question: “How does my undergraduate education prepare me for success in law school and beyond?”. An enriching undergraduate education is an important foundation for a successful and effective lawyer. This course views the students’ legal training as beginning in their undergraduate education, and preparing them for post-graduate success. The course is structured around characteristics of effective law students and lawyers, and opportunities for pre-law students’ to develop those traits.
POL-SCI 377 Logical Reasoning for Pre-Law Students Credit: 1
This course is designed to help you to prepare to be successful in being admitted to the law school of your choice. The course will focus primarily on introducing you to the skills and habits of preparation necessary to perform your best on the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). The three primary skills we will focus on will be analytical reasoning, logical reasoning, and reading comprehension, with a fourth implicit skill: standardized test taking.
POL-SCI 380 Political Science And Politics Credits: 1-6
Offered as a special course in the individual faculty member's area of research specialization. The course may be repeated for credit when the topic varies. The topic and instructor will be announced in advance.
POL-SCI 401 Legitimacy, Power, and the Survival of Political Systems Credits: 3
This course examines what allows political systems to survive, exert power, and maintain control over their population. It focuses on the concept of legitimacy – i.e. whether people believe a government has the right to make decisions that are binding on the mass public. The course covers how political systems and institutions develop legitimacy, how that legitimacy helps maintain control of the mass public, and why people sometimes choose to willingly follow commands issued by political authorities and other times choose to resist or rebel.
POL-SCI 404 Conflict Resolution Credits: 3
This course examines theories of peace and conflict resolution in the international system. Students will assess the challenges to conflict resolution, international cooperation, and peace as well as the means through which states and non-state actors overcome those challenges. Students will critically evaluate theories of conflict resolution and peace, while learning to apply those theories to current events.
POL-SCI 408 Judicial Politics Credits: 3
An examination of the judiciary in the American political process, emphasizing the role of judges, lawyers and the Supreme Court.
POL-SCI 425WI Seminar in Comparative Politics Credits: 3
A survey of the major research in comparative politics including state building, nationalism, democracy, nondemocratic regimes, economic development, and political violence. This course satisfies the College of Arts and Sciences Writing Intensive requirement.
Prerequisites: ENGLISH 225 and POL-SCI 220 (or POL-SCI 221).
POL-SCI 435 Environmental Politics Credits: 3
This course investigates how environmental issues shape and are shaped by politics, including issues of public opinion, party competition, and political and economic institutions. Examining environmental politics from a local, national, cross-national, and international lens, this course will investigate the challenges and potential policy and political solutions to this vital global issue.
POL-SCI 444 Administering American Elections Credits: 3
This is a research-based class which examines the administration of American elections. The federal nature of American elections means that there are a variety of election practices across the US. In this course, students compare the different ways in which state and local election officials conduct elections, and evaluate the performances of different voting systems.
Prerequisites: Pol-Sci 210 or equivalent or permission of instructor
POL-SCI 452 Concepts in International Relations Credits: 3
This course exposes advanced undergraduate students to major conceptual and theoretical approaches to international relations. Recommended preparation: Prior course in international relations, politics, economics, or history.
POL-SCI 480 Government And Politics Credits: 1-6
This variable credit course will explore different contemporary issues and problems related to government and politics. Credit may apply to the major but will not satisfy any of the four subfields distribution requirements.
POL-SCI 491 Internship Credits: 1-6
With the written consent of the department chairman, students may participate in structured internship programs approved by the department for a maximum of six hours.
POL-SCI 493 Study Abroad Credits: 1-6
With prior approval from the department advisor, students may complete coursework at an approved foreign university and receive up to 6 hours of political science credit.
POL-SCI 497 Political Science Tutorial Credits: 3
Senior political science majors may apply to do independent study under a selected professor. Only one tutorial will count toward the major.
Prerequisites: Departmental consent.
POL-SCI 498 Honors Tutorial Credits: 1-3
Senior political science majors with a grade point average of 3.4 or above in political science may apply to do independent study under a selected professor. Must have written consent of professor prior to registration. Only one tutorial will count toward the major.