Teacher Education (TCH-ED)


TCH-ED 130 Number Systems and Related Topics Credits: 3

This course is designed for elementary perservice teachers to meet certification requirements for a course in number theory. The course provides a constructive development of the real number system, introduces concepts from elementary number theory and applies this knowledge of quantitative systems to solve various types of problems. Recommended preparation: High School Algebra and Geometry.

TCH-ED 140 Geometry for Elementary Teachers Credits: 3

This course is designed for elementary preservice teachers to meet certification requirements for a course in geometry. It provides a constructive development of axiomatic geometry and introduces concepts from transformation geometry. Elements of spatial sense and measurement are included and an emphasis is placed on applying this knowledge to solve various types of problems. Recommended preparation: High School Algebra and Geometry.

TCH-ED 150 Foundations of Urban Education Credits: 3

This course is designed to introduce students to the social and philosophical issues in urban education and will include an emphasis on culture, race, class, and ethnicity as they relate to schooling in urban America.

TCH-ED 151 Introduction to Urban Education Field Experience Credits: 2

Introduction to Urban Education Field Experience. The field experience is intended to give students an opportunity to see the application of learning theory in authentic classroom situations. Students are encouraged to become involved in the learning of the classroom and provide a helping hand to the teacher.

TCH-ED 152 Urban Education Seminar 1: Social Justice Credits: 2

Introductory seminar to the field of urban education. This seminar aligns with the other fall semester experiences and allows students an opportunity to dialogue about the possible application of their experience work as it applies to teaching in an urban school. Students will be introduced to current topics in education and society; identify, develop and enhance study strategies; observe, listen and think critically, sharpen writing skills; and work effectively in groups.

TCH-ED 153 Math Methods for Urban Education teachers: Number Systems Credits: 2

Designed for elementary school teacher. A constructive development of the real number system beginning with the system of whole number, concepts for the elementary number theory; applications of quantitative systems to problems in discrete mathematics.

TCH-ED 160 Introduction to Teaching Credits: 3

Introduction to the historical, social and philosophical dimensions of teaching. Prospective teacher candidates gain greater insight into the commitment, purpose, and responsibility associated with professional teaching practice. Particular focus is placed on productive teaching practices and the habits of mind of expert teachers.

TCH-ED 201 Children's Literature Credits: 3

This course emphasizes the critical analysis and selection of a variety of genres of multicultural children’s literature in order to create “windows and mirrors” (Bishop, 1990) through literature for diverse educational settings. It will emphasize the skills and dispositions needed to share literature with culturally and linguistically diverse groups of children and explore prevalent myths and stereotypes in society that are often reflected in children’s and young adult literature.

TCH-ED 202 Literature for Adolescents Credits: 3

Focus upon literature for adolescents and ethnic literature, specifically, and upon the special reading interests of the adolescent in relation to the methods and materials of reading in grades 6-12, generally. Attention to literature selection standards, censorship, individualized instruction, and literary theory.

TCH-ED 203 Health, Safety, and Nutrition in Early Childhood Education Credits: 3

This course is an introduction to wellness in Early Childhood Education grounded in cultural funds of knowledge and community histories of learners and their families. Students examine and act upon systemic inequities related to health, safety, and nutrition; investigate scheduling, procedural, and policy elements related to health, safety, and physical activity/rest; design space elements that nurture physical development, social interactions, and emotional well-being; and create learning experiences that promote health and physical development.

TCH-ED 251 Child and Adolescent Development for Future Educators Credits: 3

This course will examine the development of children from infancy through adolescence. Attention is given to physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development and the situation of development in social context. This course is designed to provide students with the information they will use as educators to design developmentally appropriate practices for the children and adolescents they will work with in the classroom setting; thus, it will incorporate discussions about how the information is translated into the classroom.

TCH-ED 252 Field Exp: Child/Adolescent Development Credit: 1

This field experience is designed in conjunction with TCH-ED 251 to provide students with real-world interactions to study the development of children from birth to adolescence. Field experience settings have been arranged to provide students with an opportunity to observe and interact with children as they study the four stages of development.

TCH-ED 253 Urban Education Seminar II: Social Justice Credit: 1

This seminar aligns with the other semester experiences and allows students an opportunity to dialogue about the possible application of their experience work as it applies to teaching in an urban school. Students will be introduced to current topics in urban education and society; identify, develop and enhance study strategies; observe, listen and think critically, sharpen writing skills; and work effectively in groups as they explore social justice and the relationship between society and schools.

TCH-ED 254 Math Methods for Urban Teachers: Geometry Credits: 2

Designed for elementary school teachers. A constructive development of geometry and concepts from elementary teacher education; applications will be made to connect with elementary curriculum.

TCH-ED 255 Intergrated Music and Visual Arts Credits: 3

Basic principles of creativity and their application in the multicultural teaching of art, creative dance and musical and rhythmic interpretation will be explored. An emphasis is placed on interrelationship of these disciplines and their integration into the curriculum. Special emphasis will be placed on helping students to develop a wider and more respectful understanding of out nation's cultural diversity as reflected in all art forms. Students will be exposed to the literature, poetry, theater, visual art and music contributed by African-Americans, Hispanic Americans and Native Americans among other.

TCH-ED 256 Field Experience: Music and Visual Arts Credit: 1

The field experience is intended to give students an opportunity to see the application of learning theory and integration of the arts in authentic classroom situations.

TCH-ED 258 Math Methods for Urban Teachers: Probability and Statistics Credits: 2

Designed for Elementary and Middle School Teachers. This course is designed to provide undergraduate students in elementary and middle school mathematics with the foundational knowledge of the teaching of probability and statistics and how to use the elements of statistics to interpret and solve problems in elementary and middle school classrooms.

TCH-ED 259 Introduction to Urban Teaching Credits: 3

This course is designed to introduce students to the sociopolitical context of urban education, schooling, teaching and learning. It will provided an overview of education in a multicultural democracy, mostly African Americans, Latino Americans, and other racial/ ethnic groups and immigrants. Specifically, it will introduce students to the notion of teaching for social justice, the social justice teacher and social empowerment. Opportunities will be provided for students to review research, debunk stereotypes, negative views, and to recognize urban learners as capable, motivated, and resilient. The ultimate goal of this course is to facilitate experiences that will enable students to develop the knowledge, skills and dispositions needed for learning in urban schools.

TCH-ED 265 Field Experience: Urban Teaching Credit: 1

As a co-requisite to Introduction to Urban Teaching, students will spend 60 hours in urban schools working with diverse student populations, specifically; students will work with African Americans, Latino Americans, and English Language Learners grades K-8. Reflection and discussion of clinical experiences will occur during the urban education seminar and Introduction to urban education classes. Students will keep a reflective journal of their experiences working with diverse learners.

TCH-ED 266 Urban Education IV: Classroom Management Credit: 1

This course will present the foundations for developing expertise in classroom management. Theory and activities will introduce students to strategies and procedures to manage student's behavior as well as keep them on task throughout the school day. The intent of this course is to provide the prospective teacher with the skills and the expertise necessary to manage the classroom behavior of students effectively while creating a caring and supportive atmosphere.

TCH-ED 300 Summer Community Experience Credits: 3

This course provides an in-depth examination into both the evolution of ghetto communities and dynamics of community building in inner cities, with special emphasis on Kansas City, Missouri. In addition, theories of educational psychology as well as child and adolescent behavior will be infused to assist participants in developing age appropriate mentoring/teaching strategies and activities.

TCH-ED 310 Classroom Climate and Organization Credits: 3

This course is focused on understanding classroom practices that support student cognitive and social development, that supports learning for students from diverse cultural and experiential backgrounds; and developing a well-organized, attractive and functional physical space for learning.

TCH-ED 311 Curriculum and Learning Theory Credits: 3

Focus on classroom organization, building relationships with students, and applying theoretical knowledge of child development to the analysis of contexts impacting students' educational experiences. The class also focuses on classroom processes and teacher interactions that undergird effective instruction and proactive classroom management.

TCH-ED 312 Legal and Ethical Aspects of Teaching Credit: 1

This course provides an introduction to landmark court cases, federal and state laws, and regulations that frame students’ and teachers’ rights and responsibilities and that provide guidance for ethical professional practices.

TCH-ED 314 Cultural Diversity and Teaching English Language Learners Credits: 3

Foundational knowledge on teaching diverse populations and practical instructional approaches for meeting the needs of linguistically and culturally diverse learners. Emphasis on studying and applying instructional strategies that are appropriate for addressing the unique needs of children whose primary language may not be English.

TCH-ED 315 Assessment and Data Literacy Credits: 3

Data collection and assessment strategies—including formative, summative, formal, and informal—to be used in developing student learning profiles, planning learning experiences, and monitoring student progress toward academic goals. Topics include the impact of assessment on equitable education for diverse learners, critical observation and questioning, basic qualitative and quantitative data analysis, working with data teams, collaboration/communication with families and other educational stakeholders, setting and monitoring learning goals, and the ethics of data collection and sharing.

TCH-ED 316 Reading and Language Arts I Credits: 4

This course emphasizes learning theories and methods for teaching and assessing literacy. It will primarily focus on the components of a culturally responsive literacy curriculum for elementary students in diverse, urban contexts. This course is field-based and there will be multiple opportunities for observing, teaching, and assessing elementary school children.

Co-requisites: TCH-ED 397.

TCH-ED 317 Reading and Language Arts II Credits: 4

This course emphasizes methods for elementary literacy instruction and assessment. The course will primarily focus on the components of a culturally responsive writing curriculum for elementary students in diverse, urban contexts. This course includes a supervised field experience where teacher candidates implement literacy assessment and instruction with students.

Prerequisites: TCH-ED 316.

TCH-ED 318 Literacy Assessment and Instruction Credits: 3

Focus on using formal and informal assessments to design appropriate literacy instruction for diverse learners in urban elementary classrooms.

TCH-ED 330 Analyzing Learning Environments in Urban Contexts Credits: 3

This course serves as the major vehicle for articulating a programmatic construction of classroom management as establishing productive learning environments, facilitating social interaction, and planning relevant and engaging learning experiences based upon deep knowledge of individual students’ contexts and cultures.

Co-requisites: TCH-ED 422.

TCH-ED 333 Learning Environments: Birth to Grade 3 Credits: 3

Course provides an analysis of learning environments (community, school, and classroom) as socio-emotional and physical spaces that nurture learning and development of early childhood learners in urban settings. Teacher candidates use the analysis to frame the design of learning environments as context and content of meaning making.

TCH-ED 350 Multi-Media Production For The Classroom Credit: 1

An introductory course in the media production techniques involving knowledge and practical use of computers, scanners, digital video, digital audio and graphics to create professional multimedia for use in the classroom. The class is designed for prospective and current classroom teachers.

TCH-ED 351 Literature for a Lifetime Credits: 6

This course will provide students with an encompassing survey of fiction and non-fiction literature appropriate for all age ranges from the young child to adult. Lectures and discussions will focus on the value of literature as a tool for thinking, as a way of illuminating modern life, as a means of understanding history and human behavior, and as a source of aesthetic pleasure and lifelong enjoyment. Students will learn how to select and critique both the media used in illustrated books and the literacy techniques and forms of the many genres of literature. In this course special emphasis will be placed on literature that reflects life in many cultures and periods of history, in particular from those racial and ethnic sources that make modern America such a pluralistic and diverse society. There will also be an emphasis on the universal themes that run through literature of the societies.

TCH-ED 365 Seminar in Teacher Identity, Power and Privilege Credit: 1

Focus on developing teacher candidates' knowledge of themselves and their roles in facilitating learning for diverse student populations. Acquaints pre-service teachers with three areas of multicultural education: knowing one's self, knowing diverse student populations, and knowing effective practices which will accelerate the learning of the diverse student populations.

TCH-ED 366 Field Experience: Literacy Credit: 1

Students will spend 100 hours working in an urban school classroom. Students will have the opportunity to apply learning and lessons designed in the semester's pedogoical courses, particulary Integrated Instruction: Language Arts and Social Studies. Students will work with their seminar leader, having the opportunity to be observed and conference about their teaching.

TCH-ED 385 Teaching and Learning with Technology Credits: 3

This course addresses the fundamentals of using technology in education and planning instruction to engage PK-12 students in problem solving and critical thinking using technology. Topics within the course are informed by International Society for Technology in Education Standards (ISTE), InTASC Model Core Teaching Standards and Learning Progressions for Teachers 1.0, Missouri Teacher Standards and Quality Indicators, and Missouri Learning Standards.

TCH-ED 396 English Language Study for Middle and High School Teachers Credits: 3

Explores the fundamentals of teaching English language and grammar study, emphasizing patterns in the English language including sounds, words, sentences, meaning, and discourse as they are manifested in daily lives. Educationally relevant topics, such as applications of sociolinguistics to the teaching of English language and literature, varieties of grammar, and linguistic descriptions of styles and registers are an integral part of the course.

TCH-ED 397 Practicum I - Elementary Credit: 1

The overarching goal for this introductory field experience is to help teacher candidates shift their perspectives from that of a student to that of a classroom teacher. Emphasis is on observing the relationship among students’ experiences within and outside of school, and planning specific learning experiences for academic and social growth and development. Additionally, teacher candidates attend to the individual student’s responses to learning experiences, as well as the social dynamic among students as they work together in a classroom.

TCH-ED 398 Practicum II – Elementary Credit: 1

This field experience is part of Block 2—the second field experience within a four-block sequence. The overarching goal is for teacher candidates to observe the implementation of the school curriculum in specific disciplines. Topics include the structure of the discipline, interrelatedness among basic concepts, discipline specific practices, and the design of instruction to facilitate deep learning.

Prerequisites: TCH-ED 397.

TCH-ED 399 Continuous Enrollment Credit: 1

A practicum experience for students delaying student teaching for one semester.

TCH-ED 400 Child Development Credits: 3

Intellectual and social development from birth through adolescence and their implications for the educative process.

TCH-ED 402 Integrated Arts Credits: 3

Basic principles of creativity and their application in the multicultural teaching of art, creative dramatics, creative movement and musical rhythmic interpretation will be explored. An emphasis will be placed on the interrelationship of these disciplines and integration into the curriculum.

TCH-ED 403 Educational Psychology Credits: 3

This course will provide an introductory examination of psychological research and theory which have implications for, and applications to learning and instruction in interactive social contexts, such as classrooms.

TCH-ED 404 Education of the Exceptional Child and Youth Credits: 3

Students will be introduced to identification and educational intervention strategies for educating exceptional children and adolescents in inclusive classroom situations. This course requires a 10-hour field experience.

TCH-ED 405 Practicum I Credit: 1

Taken in conjunction with elementary and middle school methods courses. Students are expected to spend 60 hours at classroom sites throughout the semester.

TCH-ED 406 Practicum II: Elementary Credit: 1

Taken in conjunction with elementary courses. Students are expected to spend 60 hours at classroom sites during the semester.

TCH-ED 407 Practicum III - Elementary Credit: 1

Taken in conjunction with the elementary courses. Students are expected to spend 60 hours at classroom sites during the semester.

TCH-ED 408WI Advanced Foundations Credits: 3

The course will concentrate on the development of a philosophical, historical and social model to assist in understanding the complexities, strengths and problems of present day education.

Prerequisites: ENGLISH 225.

TCH-ED 409 Curriculum and Assessment Credits: 3

Curriculum and Assessment is the first of a three-part course sequence designed to assist the preservice teacher in acquiring the knowledge and skills to become an effective practitioner in a world of constant change. The preservice teacher in turn will become a professional educator and facilitator of learning by developing an understanding of the varied roles and relationships that are an integral part of the teaching/learning process. This course focuses on the meaning of curriculum, the role of standards in curriculum design and implementation, the role of assessment is used to effectively enhance instruction and student learning.

TCH-ED 410 Teacher in the Classroom Credits: 2

This is the second of a three-part sequence designed to assist the preservice teacher in acquiring the knowledge and skills to become an effective practitioner in a world of constant change. The preservice teacher in turn will become a professional educator and facilitator of learning by developing an understanding of the varied roles and relationships that are an integral part of the teaching/learning process. It is designed to assist preservice teachers in not only make the transformation from to student to professional educator, but also in developing the knowledge, management, and reflective skills to implement a well-planned and effective curriculum that meets the needs, interests challenges and lives of students who live in and will function in an increasingly culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world.

TCH-ED 412 Language Arts in the Elementary and Middle School Credits: 3

Provides instruction in planning, implementing and assessing language arts activities. Critical analysis in classroom settings is emphasized. Other issues discussed include: literature-based instruction, multicultural perspectives, special needs students and professional behaviors.

TCH-ED 413 Mathematics in the Elementary School I Credits: 3

Mathematics-specific pedagogy. Methods, techniques, tools and materials for the effective teaching of mathematics. Focuses on the principles, methods, and materials of elementary school mathematics instruction and state curriculum in the context of diverse student backgrounds.

TCH-ED 414 General Methods Elementary and Middle - 3 Credits: 2

To summarize and synthesize the pre-service educational experience. To become knowledgeable about the realities of a school life in a 'real' classroom.

TCH-ED 415 Reading 1: Intro to Literacy and Reading Instruction Credits: 4

This course introduces concepts about literacy processes; i.e., social, cultural, cognitive and linguistic foundations of reading and writing processes. The major focus of the course is on learning components of a comprehensive reading curriculum, and a range of instructional approaches and methods appropriate for learners at different stages of literacy development.

TCH-ED 416 Reading II: Assessing and Teaching Diverse Learners Credits: 4

This course focuses on understanding the major components of reading processes (phonemic awareness, word identification and phonics, vocabulary and background knowledge, fluency, comprehension strategies, and motivation) and how they are integrated in fluent reading for individual students at different stages of literacy development. The major project for the course involves assessing and teaching an individual student of the course of the semester. Teacher candidates should also assess and teach small groups of readers.

Prerequisites: TCH-ED 415, admission into teacher education program.

TCH-ED 417 Science Methods in the Elementary School Credits: 3

Prepares teacher candidates in teaching methods focused on ways of involving elementary-aged children (grades 1-6) in science activities and experiences designed to promote curiosity, inquiry-based investigation, and application of scientific concepts as they explore the world.

TCH-ED 418 Social Studies in the Elementary School Credits: 3

The social studies methods course is designed to provide the prospective teacher with the theory, content, powerful teaching practices, and understanding of the role of social studies in a global and multicultural society. The prospective teacher will acquire the knowledge, skills and dispositions needed to design and enact a transformative social studies curriculum that prepares the young to develop civic competence.

TCH-ED 419 Student Teaching in Elementary School Credits: 3-12

Culminating field experience in an elementary school (grades 1-6). Elementary program student teachers engage in an all-day, full semester placement in an elementary classroom. Elementary majors must enroll in 9 credit hours. Hours for other programs using this field experience vary. Teacher candidates should seek advisor approval.

TCH-ED 420 Adolescent Development Credits: 3

Various aspects of physiological, emotional, cognitive, social and moral development in the transition from childhood to adolescence will be considered. Attention is focused on a conception of adolescence that is grounded on current research and theory.

TCH-ED 422 Practicum I - Middle and High School Credit: 1

The overarching goal for this introductory field experience is to help teacher candidates shift their perspectives from that of a student to that of a classroom teacher. Emphasis is on observing the relationship among students’ experiences within and outside of school, and planning specific learning experiences for academic and social growth and development. Additionally, teacher candidates attend to the individual student’s responses to learning experiences, as well as the social dynamic among students as they work together in a classroom.

Prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Education Professional Program.

TCH-ED 423 Practicum II - Middle and High School Credit: 1

This field experience is part of Block 2—the second field experience within a four-block sequence. The overarching goal is for teacher candidates to observe the implementation of the school curriculum in specific disciplines. Topics include the structure of the discipline, interrelatedness among basic concepts, discipline specific practices, and the design of instruction to facilitate deep learning.

Prerequisites: TCH-ED 422.

TCH-ED 424 Practicum III - Middle and High School Credit: 1

This field experience is part of Block 3—the third field experience within a four-block sequence. The overarching goal for this field experience is for teacher candidates to apply conceptual and theoretical knowledge to practice in identifying appropriate instructional strategies, planning instruction, and assessing learning. The emphasis is on understanding the relationships among instructional practices, learner characteristics, and learning outcomes.

Prerequisites: TCH-ED 423.

TCH-ED 425 General Methods - Secondary 2 Credits: 2

The intent of this course is to prepare pre-service teachers to be effective managers of instruction who are skillful in interpersonal communication. Course activities include opportunities for applying techniques based upon a variety of management/discipline models. Field experiences permit on-site observation of various management styles.

TCH-ED 427 Reading in the Secondary School Credits: 3

An examination of the reading process and study of methods and materials used by the secondary school classroom teacher in assessing student reading ability, determining the readability of content area materials and teaching students of all reading levels how to comprehend their textbooks and other printed instructional materials in various content area subjects.

TCH-ED 429 Mathematics in the Elementary School II Credits: 3

Mathematics-specific pedagogy. Methods, techniques, tools and materials for the effective teaching of mathematics. Focuses on the principles, methods, and materials of elementary school mathematics instruction and state curriculum in the context of diverse student backgrounds.

Prerequisites: TCH-ED 413.

Co-requisites: TCH-ED 479.

TCH-ED 430 Gateway to Teaching Credits: 3

This course is designed to introduce pre-service teachers to the education profession and to the teacher education program at UMKC. Through lecture discussion and field experiences the students will examine the social, political, cultural and professional aspects of teaching in 21st century America. In addition, the students will be given an overview of the teacher preparation program and the requirements and expectations for completing the program and qualifying for a certificate to teach in the state of Missouri.

Prerequisites: Admission into the Teacher Education program.

TCH-ED 431 Summer Community Experience Credits: 3

This field-based course provides an in-depth examination into both the evolution of urban communities and dynamics of community building in inner cities, with special emphasis on Kansas City, Missouri. In addition, theories of educational psychology as well as child and adolescent behavior will be infused to assist participants in developing age appropriate mentoring/teaching strategies and activities. Students in the course are engaged with the community through field trips, simulations, course events, and community service.

TCH-ED 432 Special Methods of Teaching English in Middle and High Schools Credits: 3

This course stresses the skills, knowledge, and dispositions pertinent to teaching English Language Arts in middle schools and high schools.

TCH-ED 433 Special Methods of Teaching Mathematics in Middle and High Schools Credits: 3

This course stresses the skills, knowledge, and dispositions pertinent to teaching mathematics in middle schools and high schools.

TCH-ED 434 Seminar in Social Science Curriculum Credits: 3

This seminar course is designed to strengthen teacher candidates’ content knowledge for designing and enacting transformative social science curriculum and pedagogy. Students will actively examine key content, concepts, themes, issues, multiple perspectives, and enduring questions embedded in the social science disciplines such as history, geography, economics, anthropology, sociology, political science and psychology and cultural and social contexts to enhance their knowledge, skills, and confidence for designing and enacting a transformative social science curriculum for diverse middle and high school students’ development of civic competence.

TCH-ED 435 Special Methods of Teaching Science in Middle and High Schools Credits: 3

Provides an opportunity for future science teachers to refine their skills as science educators and at the same time to reflect upon the ways and whys of teaching science.

TCH-ED 436 Special Methods of Teaching Social Science in Middle and High Schools Credits: 3

This course will assist teacher candidates in developing the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to design and enact powerful transformative social studies curricular experiences, to foster middle and secondary school students’ abilities to make informed, reasoned decisions and actions for the public good. Students will be introduced to powerful teaching practices, issues, and resources in secondary school social science.

TCH-ED 437 Student Teaching in High School Credits: 3-9

Culminating experience in a secondary school (grades 9-12).

TCH-ED 438 Culturally Responsive Strategies for Teaching Diverse Learners Credits: 3

This course is designed to move students from cultural awareness to the application of culturally responsive practice. Specifically, this course will heighten students' understanding of cultural characteristics and their relationships to teaching and learning. Students will learn culturally responsive strategies and their enactment in instruction for diverse learners.

TCH-ED 440 Introduction To Early Childhood Education Credits: 3

This course is an introduction to the historical, theoretical, ethical, and pedagogical underpinnings of the early childhood education profession. Teacher candidates explore play, inquiry-based learning, documentation, and the role of family and community within diverse curriculum approaches to early childhood education.

TCH-ED 441 Language Development Credits: 3

An introduction to what language is, how first and second languages are acquired, and how to support language development in early childhood classrooms in collaboration with families and communities. Teacher candidates construct knowledge through university classroom experiences, observations of focal children in urban educational settings, and family interviews.

TCH-ED 442 Assessment, Screening, and Data-Informed Early Childhood Teaching Credits: 3

This course provides analysis of assessment methods, application of authentic assessment throughout the teaching cycle and investigation of data-based decision-making through focused inquiry and application in the practicum setting.

TCH-ED 443 Mathematics in Early Childhood II Credits: 3

Approaches to assessing and developing mathematical competencies in young children, birth through Grade 3. Emphasis is placed upon mathematics as a sense-making tool through which actions such as observation, classification, ordering, pattern seeking, and testing of ideas drive experiences and problem solving in the child’s immediate environment.

Prerequisites: TCH-ED 444.

TCH-ED 444 Mathematics in Early Childhood I Credits: 3

Approaches to developing mathematical competencies in young children, through Grade 3. Emphasis is placed upon mathematics as a sense-making tool through which actions such as observation, classification, ordering, pattern seeking, and testing of ideas drive experiences and problem solving in the child’s immediate environment. A variety of materials and tools are studied in terms of the ways they help children explore, develop and test ideas, construct meaning, and communicate ideas.

TCH-ED 445 Science In Early Childhood Credits: 3

This course provides an exploration of the major concepts and culturally responsive teaching strategies in early childhood science (birth –Grade 3). Teacher candidates analyze inquiry processes and tools in science to develop integrated learning experiences that ensure mastery of content and promote curiosity, creativity, inquiry, and self-awareness as learners explore their world.

TCH-ED 446 Early Childhood Creative Activities Credits: 3

Analysis of symbolic representations, creativity, and imagination as a foundation for learning and development of diverse learners in urban early childhood settings. Hands on exploration of creative materials and activities from different representational systems to shape planning of learning experiences and environments that enhance learning and promote children’s creative abilities development.

TCH-ED 447 Social Studies in Early Childhood Credits: 3

This course provides an exploration of the major concepts and teaching strategies in early childhood social studies (birth-Grade 3). Teacher candidates analyze the processes and tools of scientific inquiry related to social studies to design integrated learning experiences that incorporate authentic local and global issues relevant to the learners.

TCH-ED 450 Integrating The Curriculum In Early Childhood Education Credits: 3-4

A culminating curriculum course for early childhood students. The overall goal is to help students become more aware, skilled and informed about developmentally and educationally appropriate practice and curriculum for children during early childhood. Its focus is on constructing an integrated curriculum. A field-based experience is included.

TCH-ED 451 Child Guidance in Early Childhood Classrooms Credits: 3

This course provides an analysis of theory and research on child guidance to frame teacher candidates’ development of guidance procedures that meet ethical guidelines and foster a classroom environment conducive to optimal learning and development of early childhood learners.

TCH-ED 452 Family and Program Relationships in Early Childhood Education Credits: 3

This course provides an analysis of purposes and procedures of family, school and community partnerships that frame teacher candidates’ collaborations, consultation, and teaching of early childhood learners in urban settings.

TCH-ED 453 Learning from Parents Credits: 2

Designed to provide students with direct interactions with parents whose children are participating in early childhood programs, birth to age 8. Emphasis is placed upon students' understanding of, and sensitivity to, parents' perspectives regarding the care and education of their young children and recognition of parents as significant informants about their children.

Co-requisites: TCH-ED 452.

TCH-ED 454 Human Relations In The Early Childhood Classroom Credits: 3

Students will analyze the connections between an effective helping relationship and effective teaching in the early childhood classroom. Effective interpersonal communication skills will be identified and practiced. The development of self-concept will be discussed.

TCH-ED 455 Student Teaching In Preschool Credits: 6-10

Observation and student teaching under supervision in a preschool setting.

TCH-ED 456 Student Teaching in Early Childhood Credits: 9

Culminating field experience in Early Childhood. Student teachers engage in an all day, full-semester placement in a K-3 early childhood setting.

Co-requisites: TCH-ED 486.

TCH-ED 457 Infant and Toddler Care and Education Credits: 3

This course provides an investigation into infant/toddler care and education theories and practices. Teacher candidates explore relevant curriculum and teaching methods, visit infant and toddler programs, analyze state regulations and national standards for quality care, and evaluate early learning environments.

TCH-ED 458 Practicum For Learning About Infants And Toddlers Credit: 1

The purpose of this course is to learn about child care and education practices in various centers. We will discuss how practices are influenced or constrained by human biology and developmental stages, as they are by ecological and environment pressures such as mothers' work roles. The central themes of the course can be summarized by the phrases purposeful care practices and the optimal practices for infants and toddlers.

TCH-ED 459 Early Childhood Program Management Credits: 3

This course provides an exploration of the program manager’s role as a leader who establishes school culture, implements and maintains policies and procedures, and partners with families and communities to facilitate high performing urban early childhood learning environments. Teacher candidates analyze licensing and accreditation regulations that contribute to health, safety and nutrition of learners; interview administrator and community members; and observe at an urban early childhood program.

TCH-ED 460 Middle School Curriculum Credits: 2

This course offers the pre-service teachers an overview of middle school goals, basic principles, and organizations. The course explores interdisciplinary teaming, flexible scheduling, exploratory and advisory programs, and other aspects of the organization within the context of middle school goals and practices.

TCH-ED 461 Student Teaching In Middle School Credits: 3-9

Culminating field experience in a middle school setting. Student teachers engage in an all-day, full semester placement in a middle school classroom. Middle School Education majors must enroll in 9 credit hours. Hours for other programs using this field experience vary. Teacher candidates should seek advisor approval.

Prerequisites: TCH-ED 424.

TCH-ED 462 Middle School Philosophy and Organization Credits: 3

This course offers teacher candidates an overview of middle school goals, basic principles, and organizations. Topics include interdisciplinary teaming, flexible scheduling, exploratory and advisory programs, and other aspects of the organization within the context of middle school goals and practices.

TCH-ED 463 Literacy Intervention across the Disciplines Credits: 3

Examination of research, policy, and effective practice of literacy intervention in middle and secondary disciplinary classrooms (i.e. English/language arts, mathematics, science, & social studies). Topics will include recognition of reading and writing difficulties, response-to-intervention (RTI), scaffolding instruction for grade level reading comprehension, metacognition, and culturally responsive literacy instruction.

TCH-ED 464 Math Methods for Urban Teachers Credits: 3

Mathematics-specific pedagogy for urban teachers. Methods, techniques, tools and materials for the effective teaching of mathematics. Emphasis on problem solving and reasoning skills in applying mathematics and on teaching in the context of diverse student backgrounds. Portions of this course will occur in urban school classrooms. Students will apply learning to urban classrooms.

TCH-ED 465 Urban Education VI: Teaching Diverse Students Credit: 1

This interactive course will investigate and examine the principles of teaching diverse students and factors influencing effectiveness of instruction, including empowering African American males, teaching students from diverse populations and working with students with special needs. Some of the class sessions will be taught electronically and work will be submitted electronically.

Prerequisites: Admission into the Institute of Urban Education.

TCH-ED 466 Field Experience: Diverse Learners Credit: 1

Students will spend a minimum of 90 hours in an urban school classroom. Students will have the opportunity to apply learning and lessons designed in the semester's pedagogical courses, particularly Best Practices for Teaching Math, Science, and strategies for working with diverse learners. Students will work with their seminar leader, having the opportunity to be observed and conference about their teaching.

Prerequisites: Admission into the Institute for Urban Education.

Co-requisites: TCH-ED 465.

TCH-ED 470 Philosophy and History of Science and Technology Credits: 3

This course uses an historical survey to introduce the main philosophical interpretations of the nature and structure of both science and technology. Core concepts such as prediction, explanation, progress, truth, and utility will be examined in light of various philosophical perspectives. Following this, case study methodology will be used to examine interactions among science, technology, and society. Although the major focus will be upon modern Western culture, some attention will be paid to earlier and non-Western cultures. Case studies to be examined include: Perception and Estimation, nuclear power and pesticides; the impact of high technology upon medicine; and the estimated cost/benefit of computer-mediated communications, for example, the Internet.

TCH-ED 475 Working with Families and Communities Credits: 3

This course provides an in-depth examination of research and theory relative to children, family and community which have implications for and application to learning and instruction. Emphasis will be placed on the exploration and critical examination of and insights into the significance of school-family relationships and their relevance to teaching and learning.

TCH-ED 478 Seminar - Elementary Credits: 3

Supports the culminating student teaching experience and the submission of a final professional teaching portfolio. Student teachers analyze the effectiveness of the teaching strategies they are applying in their student teaching experiences, for their effectiveness in facilitating learning in classrooms, and adapt lessons and assessment for individual learners. Student teachers will work cooperatively with school personnel, the larger professional community, and families to meet students’ needs.

TCH-ED 479 Practicum III – Elementary Credit: 1

This field experience is part of Block 3—the third field experience within a four-block sequence. The overarching goal for this field experience is for teacher candidates to apply conceptual and theoretical knowledge to practice in identifying appropriate instructional strategies, planning instruction, and assessing learning. The emphasis is on understanding the relationship among instructional practices, learner characteristics, and learning outcomes.

Prerequisites: TCH-ED 398.

TCH-ED 480 Practicum I Early Childhood Credit: 1

The overarching goal for this introductory field experience is to help teacher candidates shift their perspectives from that of a student to that of a classroom teacher. Emphasis is on observing the relationship among students’ experiences within and outside of school, and planning specific learning experiences for academic and social growth and development. Additionally, teacher candidates attend to the individual student’s responses to learning experiences, as well as the social dynamic among students as they work together in a classroom.

TCH-ED 481 Practicum II Early Childhood Credit: 1

This field experience is part of Block 2—the second field experience within a four-block sequence. The overarching goal is for teacher candidates to observe the implementation of the school curriculum in specific disciplines. Topics include the structure of the discipline, interrelatedness among basic concepts, discipline specific practices, and the design of instruction to facilitate deep learning.

TCH-ED 482 Seminar in Teaching and Evaluating Writing Credits: 3

This course is designed to provide future teachers with a framework for success in the teaching of writing within the English Language Arts curriculum. The goal is to help students turn sound theory provided by the National Writing Project, the National Council of Teachers of English, and other experts in the field of rhetoric and composition into effective practice in the classroom.

TCH-ED 483 Early Childhood Literacy I Credits: 4

This course emphasizes learning theories and methods for early literacy instruction and assessment. It will primarily focus on the components of a culturally responsive literacy curriculum for early childhood students in diverse, urban preprimary and kindergarten contexts. This course includes a field experience with multiple opportunities for observing, teaching, and assessing the literacy development of young children throughout the teaching cycle including engagement with their families and communities.

TCH-ED 484 Early Childhood Literacy II Credits: 4

This course emphasizes learning theories and methods for early literacy instruction and assessment. The course will primarily focus on the components of a culturally responsive curriculum for early childhood students in diverse, urban kindergarten through 3rd grade contexts. This course includes a supervised field experience with multiple opportunities for observing, teaching, and assessing the literacy development of young children throughout the teaching cycle including engaging with their families and communities.

TCH-ED 485 Language Arts in the Early Childhood Claassroom Credits: 3

This course provides instruction in planning, implementing, and assessing early childhood (birth through third-grade) language arts activities. Critical analysis in classroom settings is emphasized. Other issues discussed include: literature-based instruction, multicultural perspectives, special needs students and professional behaviors.

TCH-ED 486 Seminar - Early Childhood Credits: 3

Supports the culminating student teaching experience and the submission of a final professional teaching portfolio. Student teachers analyze the effectiveness of the teaching strategies they are applying in their student teaching experiences, for their effectiveness in facilitating learning in classrooms, and adapt lessons and assessment for individual learners. Student teachers will work cooperatively with school personnel, the larger professional community, and families to meet students’ needs.

Co-requisites: TCH-ED 456.

TCH-ED 487 Practicum III - Early Childhood Credit: 1

This field experience is part of Block 3, the third field experience within a four-block sequence. The overarching goal for this field experience is for teacher candidates to apply conceptual and theoretical knowledge to practice in identifying appropriate instructional strategies, planning instruction, and assessing learning. The emphasis is on understanding the relationships among instructional practices, learner characteristics, and learning outcomes.

TCH-ED 491 Seminar - Art Education Credits: 3

Supports the culminating student teaching experience and the submission of a final professional teaching portfolio. Student teachers analyze the effectiveness of the teaching strategies they are applying in their student teaching experiences, for their effectiveness in facilitating learning in classrooms, and adapt lessons and assessment for individual learners. Student teachers will work cooperatively with school personnel, the larger professional community, and families to meet students’ needs.

TCH-ED 492 Integrated Instruction: Language Arts and Social Studies Credits: 6

This course will focus on teaching Language Arts and Social Studies in the Urban Elementary School. Methods, techniques, tools and materials for the effective teaching will be observed and practiced. Students will work closely with in-service teachers and their university instructor. There will be emphasis on balanced literacy, readers' and writers' workshops, literacy development, assessment techniques and the integration of social studies and language arts. Curriculum mapping and unit planning will be introduced and practiced in this course. This course will focus on school and classroom organization and management, detailed lesson planning, use of instructional materials and media in the teaching of language arts and social studies.

Prerequisites: Admission into the Institute of Urban Education.

TCH-ED 493 Seminar - Mathematics Credits: 3

Supports the culminating student teaching experience and the submission of a final professional teaching portfolio. Student teachers analyze the effectiveness of the teaching strategies they are applying in their student teaching experiences for their effectiveness in facilitating learning in classrooms, and adapt lessons and assessment for individual learners. Student teachers will work cooperatively with school personnel, the larger professional community, and families to meet students’ needs.

Co-Requisites: TCH-ED 437 or TCH-ED 461.

TCH-ED 494 Seminar - English/Language Arts Credits: 3

Supports the culminating student teaching experience and the submission of a final professional teaching portfolio. Student teachers analyze the effectiveness of the teaching strategies they are applying in their student teaching experiences, for their effectiveness in facilitating learning in classrooms, and adapt lessons and assessment for individual learners. Student teachers will work cooperatively with school personnel, the larger professional community, and families to meet students’ needs.

Co-requisites: TCH-ED 437 or TCH-ED 461.

TCH-ED 495 Seminar - Science Credits: 3

Supports the culminating student teaching experience and the submission of a final professional teaching portfolio. Student teachers analyze the effectiveness of the teaching strategies they are applying in their student teaching experiences, for their effectiveness in facilitating learning in classrooms, and adapt lessons and assessment for individual learners. Student teachers will work cooperatively with school personnel, the larger professional community, and families to meet students’ needs.

Co-requisites: TCH-ED 437 or TCH-ED 461.

TCH-ED 496 Seminar - Social Science Credits: 3

Supports the culminating student teaching experience and the submission of a final professional teaching portfolio. Student teachers analyze the effectiveness of the teaching strategies they are applying in their student teaching experiences, for their effectiveness in facilitating learning in classrooms, and adapt lessons and assessment for individual learners. Student teachers will work cooperatively with school personnel, the larger professional community, and families to meet students’ needs.

Co-requisites: TCH-ED 437 or TCH-ED 461.

TCH-ED 497 Teaching Internship Credits: 3-8

Teacher candidates will work 3 to 5 days at the school site in which the candidate will complete the year-long teaching internship.

Prerequisites: TCH-ED 398.

TCH-ED 498 Urban Education Seminar VII Credit: 1

This seminar meets weekly for 2 hours and is led by a clinical professor who serves as a mentor for the students throughout their program. Students will work closely with mentor teachers in the application and integration of social justice and the elementary school curriculum. A critical analysis of current practices, teaching methods, materials and how social justice manifests in curriculum and instruction. Emphasis is on understanding cultural diversity and cultural influences on learning. Concepts of a classroom community, parental relations and democratic classroom processes will be addressed. Students will have opportunities to apply their learning to urban classrooms.

TCH-ED 499 Capstone Credits: 2

This seminar is designed to complement the student teaching experience through the discussion and analysis of school-based issues. It is intended to help further develop a reflective, critical and analytical approach to pedagogical decision making through supportive collaboration.