Theatre (THEATRE)
THEATRE 100 Topical Studies In Theatre Practice Credits: 1-3
(A, B, C, D) This course provides students with an opportunity to explore special offerings in theatre practice. Different sections of the course may be repeated.
THEATRE 100A Topical Studies In Theater Practice Credits: 1-3
THEATRE 101 Introduction To Acting Credits: 3
An introductory course to acquaint the freshman theatre major and non-major student with the process of acting through relaxation and improvisational exercise.
THEATRE 101 - MOTR PERF 100: Acting I

THEATRE 102 Acting for the Opera Credit: 1
Students receive basic foundation of acting technique. Students will demonstrate the ability to apply their tools in practice and articulate their process throughout the semester. The course is designed for the coordination of music and acting with particular emphasis on training the singing actor.
Prerequisites: Bachelor of Music: Music Performance-Voice Option major.
THEATRE 110 Acting I Credits: 3
Basic principles of dramatic performance: training in voice, movement and language as an organic developmental whole.
THEATRE 113 Introduction To Technical Production Credits: 3
An introduction to the technical production process with emphasis on production organization, planning and scenic construction techniques. Required laboratory work.
THEATRE 113B Introduction to Technical Production - Costuming Credits: 3
An introduction to the basic principles and techniques of costume design and construction for theatrical production.
Co-requisites: THEATRE 180.
THEATRE 113C Introduction to Technical Production: Light/Sound Credits: 3
An introduction to the basic principles and techniques of lighting design and technology and sound design and technology.
Co-requisites: THEATRE 180.
THEATRE 121 Oral Interpretation Of Literature Credits: 3
Principles of interpretation, analysis and oral reading of prose and poetry. Emphasis upon platform performance: body language, vocal control and performance techniques.
THEATRE 130 Making Theatre Credits: 3
A semester-long exploration of the creative processes incorporated for the making of live theatrical entertainment. The disciplines of collaboration, conceptualization, and communication as fundamental to potentially successful events are studied, discussed and evaluated throughout this course.
THEATRE 130 - MOTR THEA 100A: Theatre Appreciation

THEATRE 180 Theatre Practicum Credit: 1
The course requires involvement with productions in the Conservatory. Students will learn the responsibilities and processes of preparing and executing a live theatrical production. Depending on specialty, students will work backstage, in one of the studios, or in some other capacity as defined and agreed upon by the area coordinator.
THEATRE 200 Script Analysis Credits: 3
The class focuses on reading a script theatrically with a view to mounting a coherent production. Through careful, intensive reading of a variety of plays students study form, structure, genre, character, language, theme, and action as components of a text that provide the theatre artist with the tools for the creation a theatrical production.
THEATRE 210 Introduction To Design For The Theater Credits: 3
An introduction to aesthetics and design for the theater in the areas of scenery, costume, lighting and sound. The emphasis is upon the theory, vocabulary, form, style, historical influences and process in each area. Attendance at theater productions is required. Course is taught by design faculty from each area.
THEATRE 295 Speech For The Theatre I Credits: 3
Training in voice and articulation and the techniques of adaptation to the needs of the artist-performer in the theatre: exercises to free the voice, develop effective breathing, tone production, articulation, flexibility of vocal production, and projection.
THEATRE 295A Speech For The Theater I Credits: 3
THEATRE 295B Speech For The Theater I Credits: 3
THEATRE 298 Movement For Actors Credits: 3
Basic movement training including relaxation and alignment techniques, exercises to increase physical facility and skills to enhance rhythmic coordination and physical characterization.
THEATRE 298A Movement For Actors Credits: 3
THEATRE 298B Movement For Actors Credits: 3
THEATRE 315 Acting II Credits: 3
Textual analysis, characterization and building a role.
Prerequisites: THEATRE 300.
THEATRE 317 Scene Design Credits: 3
Introduces the mechanics of layout: perspective, basic drafting techniques, front elevation and floorplan execution. Second half of the semester emphasizes scenic design as an art form. Recommended Preparation: THEATRE 113 and THEATRE 311.
THEATRE 325 Acting III Credits: 3
Study and practice of period and contemporary styles of acting.
Prerequisites: THEATRE 315.
THEATRE 329 Master Class In Acting Credits: 2
(A,B,C,D) Class in advanced studies in acting. May be repeated for credit up to eight hours and guest artist change.
THEATRE 329A Master Class In Acting Credits: 2
THEATRE 329B Master Class In Acting Credits: 2
THEATRE 329C Master Class In Acting Credits: 2
THEATRE 329D Master Class In Acting Credits: 2
THEATRE 333 History of Costuming I Credits: 3
The study of the history of European costume, with emphasis on the social and economic ramifications of costuming through the ages.
THEATRE 340 Stage Makeup Credit: 1
Lecture and laboratory work in the fundamentals of makeup for the stage.
THEATRE 350 Theatre History I Credits: 3
Development of theatre art, including the physical stage, technical production elements, dramatic literature, and audience behavior from primitive origins to the 18th century.
THEATRE 351WI Theatre History II Credits: 3
Development of Theatre art, including the physical stage, technical production elements, dramatic literature, and audience behavior from the 18th century to the present.
Prerequisites: ENGLISH 225 and THEATRE 350.
THEATRE 352 History of Costuming II Credits: 3
The study of the history of Non-European costume, with emphasis on the social and economic ramifications of costuming through the ages.
THEATRE 371 Stage Lighting Credits: 3
Stage Lighting is the study of light as a design element. Students will learn the foundation of lighting design theory, technical methods, and general theatrical procedure through lectures, laboratory and crew work. Theatrical genres will vary by semester.
THEATRE 372 Stage Lighting Technology Credits: 2
This course is a comprehensive study of contemporary technical equipment and its usage to actualize lighting design. Areas of emphasis include photometric, color and color theory, lighting control systems, lighting control operations, cueing techniques, data control of intelligent lighting equipment, lighting fixtures, dimming system, hand drafted light plot standards, CAD light plot drafting, lighting specific software programs, video and image projections, and optical special effects. Theatrical genres will vary by semester.
THEATRE 374 Professional Projection Design Credits: 3
This course in projection design for the performing arts will give students an overview of the discipline and introduce students to ideas and technologies used in this field. Through the three weekend sessions, students will learn the practical applications of projection design and the techniques of projection controls. Recommended preparation: basic, fundamental knowledge of computers and basic, fundamental knowledge of theatre designs.
Prerequisites: THEATRE 210.
THEATRE 378 Stage Management I Credits: 3
A functional analysis of the duties and responsibilities of the stage manager, with particular reference to the organization and conducting of rehearsals and performances, professional practices and union requirements. Requires student to be an assistant to a stage manager on a University or an KC Rep production. The first of a two-semester requirement in stage management for theater majors.
THEATRE 398 Movement For Actors Credits: 3
(C,D) Theater 398 is a continuation of Theater 298. The objectives of these classes are acting bodies which are flexible, relaxed and controlled on stage, actors trained in basic movement including combat, period graces, mime and even dance, effective use of bodies for characterization.
Prerequisites: THEATER 298A and THEATER 298B.
THEATRE 400 Special Problems In Theatre Credits: 1-6
(A-M) Research and/or production projects for advanced upperclass students. No more than three hours with any one instructor. (A) Acting; (B) Children's Theatre; (C) Costumes; (D) Scenic Design; (E) Directing; (F) History; (G) Lighting; (H) Playwriting; (I) Sound; (J) Stage Management; (K) Technical Production (L) Theatre Management; (M) Theory and Criticism.
THEATRE 400A Special Problems In Theatre: Acting Credits: 1-6
THEATRE 400B Special Problems In Theatre: Design Credits: 1-6
THEATRE 400C Special Problems In Theatre: Costumes Credits: 1-6
THEATRE 400D Special Problems In Theatre: Scenic Design Credits: 1-6
THEATRE 400E Special Problems In Theatre: Directing Credits: 1-6
THEATRE 400F Special Problems In Theatre: History Credits: 1-6
THEATRE 400G Special Problems In Theatre: Lighting Credits: 1-6
THEATRE 400H Special Problems In Theatre: Playwriting Credits: 1-6
THEATRE 400I Special Problems In Theater: Sound Credits: 1-6
THEATRE 400J Special Problems In Theatre: Stage Management Credits: 1-6
THEATRE 400L Special Problems In Theatre: Theatre Management Credits: 1-6
THEATRE 400M Special Problems In Theatre: Theory And Criticism Credits: 1-6
THEATRE 400N Special Problems In Theatre: Dramaturgy Credits: 1-6
THEATRE 400R Special Problems In Theatre Credits: 1-6
THEATRE 400S Special Topics In Theatre Credits: 1-6
THEATRE 400T Special Problems In Theatre Credits: 1-6
THEATRE 400V Special Problems in Theater Credits: 1-6
THEATRE 400X Special Problems In Theatre Credits: 1-6
THEATRE 403 Theatre Company & Production Credit: 1
This course serves (1) as a weekly company meeting for Theatre majors, (2) an organizing point for production assignments and duties for the semester, and (3) a study of a special topic which will change each semester. Course is repeatable. Required of Majors for every semester they are enrolled.
Prerequisites: Theatre Majors and Minors.
THEATRE 415 Beginning Directing Credits: 3
Theory and process of play production, including interpretation, composition, picturization, movement, rhythm, and character interpretation.
THEATRE 431 Rendering Techniques For The Theatre Designer I Credits: 3
Introduces the mechanics of handling black and white media to develop three-dimensional technique with an emphasis on observational training and object drawing.
THEATRE 432 Costume Design Credits: 3
The practice of the theatrical costume design, leading to the preparation of designs for production, and the execution of designs in actual costuming for the stage.
THEATRE 432A Costume Design Credits: 3
THEATRE 432B Costume Design Credits: 3
THEATRE 432C Costume Design Credits: 3
THEATRE 432D Costume Design Credits: 3
THEATRE 437 Playwriting I Credits: 3
Theory and practice of writing for the theatre with emphasis on the basic techniques.
THEATRE 438 Playwriting II Credits: 3
Theory and practice of writing for the theatre with emphasis on advanced techniques.
THEATRE 451 World Theatre Credits: 3
A study of non-Western theatre, its origins, styles and continuing influences on society and western theatre.
Prerequisites: THEATRE 350.
THEATRE 476 Theatre Sound And Electronics Credits: 3
Study of electronic principles used in audio and control devices. Concentrates on applying knowledge to using the equipment employed in the theatre such as sound-effect systems, inter-communication equipment, and includes a special section on the creation of sound and music for theatre productions.
THEATRE 478 Stage Management II Credits: 2
Practicum course in stage management. Requires stage management of a University production and/or assistant stage management of an KC Rep production and/or assistant stage management of a main stage University production.
Prerequisites: THEATRE 378.
THEATRE 497 Repertory Theatre Credits: 3-6
Apprentice-level responsibilities for Theatre 497 are as follows: apprentices will be used in as many production areas as possible: (1) as actors in small roles and/or extras or supers; (2) as understudies if possible; (3) as needed in the following departments: (a) properties; (b) carpentry and the shop; (c) lighting; (d) costumes; (e) house management; (f) stage management; (g) running crews.
Prerequisites: Departmental consent.
THEATRE 499 Theatre Capstone Credit: 1
Each student plans and executes one significant project in the area of interest which demonstrates significant proficiency in one or more theatrical elements. Supervised by a member of the theatre faculty, the project incorporates research, documentation and a public exhibition.
Prerequisites: Senior Standing.