Grading Options and Auditing Courses
Auditing a Course
Change from Audit to Credit
Students may change status in a course from audit to credit during the first week of the term provided they have approval of the faculty and academic unit. This change must be initiated with the student academic advisor and must be completed in the UMKC Registrar's Office.
Change from Credit to Audit
Students may change their status in a course from credit to audit any time prior to the end of the fourth week of any Fall or Spring semester, or prior to the end of the second week of any summer session. This change must be initiated with the student academic advisor and must be completed in the UMKC Registrar's Office.
Credit/No Credit Option
Sophomores, juniors and seniors in good standing may elect to take one course per semester on a credit/no credit (CR/NC) basis. The credit/no credit option may not be used for courses in the major nor the minor, nor for courses taken to fulfill the general degree requirements. Students may not elect this option when they are repeating a course.
The credit/no credit option must be elected at the time of initial registration for a term and cannot be changed subsequently. A grade of C- or better must be earned to earn credit; D and F grades receive no credit. Grades of CR or NC do not earn grade points and they do not affect the grade-point average. Courses elected on this option are subject to regular academic regulations, including course load, withdrawal, etc.
The credit/no credit option is not available for students pursuing a bachelor of liberal arts degree.
NR Grades
If a student appears on a grade roster and stops attending class within the semester following the administrative drop timeline (first three weeks of class), a grade of NR (Not Reported) will be assigned to the student in lieu of an F. NR's calculate in a student's GPA just like an F.