School of Graduate Studies (SGS)
SGS 5501 Disability and Community Support Credits: 3
This is an academic service-learning course that will integrate 15 classroom contact hours with 60 service hours within a framework of Disability Studies.
Prerequisites: LAW 8815S.
SGS 5590A Special Topics Credits: 1-6
SGS 5651A Preparing Future Faculty I Credit: 1
This course is the first in a 6-course series focusing on teaching at a college or university and exploring the opportunities at, and differences among, various types of institutions of higher education. The course emphasis is on exploring teaching in higher education settings.
Prerequisites: Enrollment in Preparing Future Faculty Program
SGS 5651B Preparing Future Faculty II Credit: 1
This course is the second in a 6-course series focusing on teaching at a college or university and exploring the opportunities at, and differences among, various types of institutions of higher education. The course emphasis is on exploring and preparing for teaching in higher education settings. Simultaneous enrollment in SGS5652A is required.
Prerequisites: Enrollment in Preparing Future Faculty Program and SGS5651A.
SGS 5652A Preparing Future Faculty III Credit: 1
This course is the third in a 6-course series focusing on teaching at a college or university and exploring the opportunities at, and differences among, various types of institutions of higher education. The course emphasis is on examining and preparing for online teaching and classroom experiences, including using technology for effective instruction. Simultaneous enrollment in SGS5651B is required .
Prerequisites: Enrollment in Preparing Future Faculty Program and SGS5651A.
SGS 5652B Preparing Future Faculty IV Credit: 1
This course is the fourth in a 6-course series focusing on teaching at a college or university and exploring the opportunities at, and differences among, various types of institutions of higher education. The course emphasis is on demonstrating teaching geared for higher education settings and creating samples of teaching documents for the academic job market. Simultaneous enrollment in SGS5653A is required.
Prerequisites: Enrollment in Preparing Future Faculty Program and SGS5651A; SGS5651B; SGS5652A.
SGS 5653A Preparing Future Faculty V Credit: 1
This course is the fifth in a 6-course series focusing on teaching at a college or university and exploring the opportunities at, and differences among, various types of institutions of higher education. The course emphasis is on planning for the academic job market. Students will explore the various roles and responsibilities of university faculty members and create samples of essential documents for the academic job search. Simultaneous enrollment in SGS5652B is required.
Prerequisites: Enrollment in Preparing Future Faculty Program and SGS5651A; SGS5651B; SGS5652A.
SGS 5653B Preparing Future Faculty VI Credit: 1
This course is the last in a 6-course series focusing on teaching at a college or university and exploring the opportunities at, and differences among, various types of institutions of higher education. The course emphasis is on preparing for the academic job market. Students will create samples of essential documents for the academic job search and practice components of the job search process.
Prerequisites: Enrollment in Preparing Future Faculty Program and SGS5651A; SGS5651B; SGS5652A; SGS5652B; SGS5653A.
SGS 5899 Required Graduate Enrollment Credit: 1