Art History (ART-HIST)
ART-HIST 110 Introduction to the History of Art: Pyramids to Picasso Credits: 3
This is an introduction to the history of art, with in-depth discussions of painting, sculpture, prints, and architecture. Students will be introduced to significant works from major historical periods; their cultural roles, style and composition, and the artistic processes involved in their creation. Emphasis is placed upon Western art history, with attention paid to important interactions with other world traditions, including the arts of Islam, Japan, and Africa. The comprehensive collections of The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art contribute an important component to the course.
ART-HIST 110 - MOTR ARTS 100: Art Appreciation

ART-HIST 201 From Cave Paintings to Cathedrals Credits: 3
Students will learn to analyze and place in an art historical context Western art and architecture from approximately 35,000 BCE to 1250 CE. Art and architecture from all relevant cultures and religions - pagan, Christian, and Islamic - will be covered; particular emphasis will be placed on the accomplishments of Egyptian and Greek artists.
ART-HIST 201 - MOTR ARTS 101: Art History I

ART-HIST 202 From Michelangelo to Modernism Credits: 3
This course will examine major monuments of Western art and architecture during the late Middle Ages through the Modern period. Art will be examined in its cultural context stressing artistic intent, issues of gender, changing patterns of patronage, and the ascending status of the artist in society.
ART-HIST 202 - MOTR ARTS 102: Art History II

ART-HIST 303 World Currents of Contemporary Art Credits: 3
This survey course provides an introduction to the densely interconnected trajectories of contemporary art in different parts of the world. It explores the continuities and discontinuities between modern and contemporary art in the context of intensifying transnational exchanges since the 1960s. Students will become familiar with the intersections of contemporary art with everyday life, mass media, politics and technology.
ART-HIST 315 Arts Of African and New World Cultures Credits: 3
This historical survey of ethnographic arts examines the diasporas of African art and the influences of Africans on the arts of new world cultures (in Brazil, Surinam, Cuba, Haiti, and the United States) and Meso-American art and the influence of Meso-Americans on the arts of the Native North American cultures.
ART-HIST 319 Asian Art Credits: 3
The survey will emphasize the philosophical and cultural context of the arts of India, Southeast Asia, China, Korea and Japan. The course will stress the elements that give an underlying unity to the arts as well as those qualities which distinguish the art of each country as unique.
ART-HIST 320WI Ways of Seeing Credits: 3
This course introduces students to the history and theory of visual culture. It offers interdisciplinary tools for interpreting images in relation to transformations in visual technologies and cultural perceptions. Connecting theoretical readings to art, film, and media culture, it encourages critical reflection on how modes of seeing come to shape socio-cultural views and vice versa.
Prerequisites: ENGLISH 225.
ART-HIST 421 Made in the USA: Latinx Art and Experience Credits: 3
This course focuses on art of and by members of the U.S. Latinx community. Students in this course will engage with the politics of representation, gender, sexuality, race, class, and ethnicity in Latinx art, as well as visual and popular culture.
ART-HIST 422WI Whose America: Modern Art and Philosophy in the Americas Credits: 3
This course focuses on art of the Americas, ca. 1800 to the present. Students will examine how artists living primarily in the Americas used art as a vehicle to challenge colonial paradigms of racism and sexism, while asserting new national and continental identities.
Prerequisites: ENGLISH 225.
ART-HIST 445 Northern European Art: 15th and 16th Centuries Credits: 3
A study of panel painting, sculpture and manuscript illumination in Flanders, France, Germany, and Spain from the Hundred Years' War through the Reformation. Special emphasis will be placed upon the stylistic and iconographic innovations of such major Northern artists as Claus Sluter, Jan van Eyck, Jerome Bosch, Pieter Bruegel, Jean Fouquet and Albrecht Durer. Artistic developments will be presented within the context of changing economic, political, religious and social institutions of the period. Recommended preparation: Any ART-HIST survey course.
ART-HIST 450 15th Century Italian Art and Architecture Credits: 3
An examination of the visual arts from the International Style and the Early Renaissance to the beginnings of the High Renaissance. Problems of patronage, artistic theory, the Antique, the role of art in humanist circles, and the effect of religious, political and economic developments on the arts will also be discussed. Recommended preparation: Any ART-HIST survey course.
ART-HIST 452 Greek Art and Architecture Credits: 3
A survey of Greek sculpture, vase painting, and architecture from the third millennium to the first-century B.C. Emphasis will be placed on the relationship of Minoan and Helladic aesthetics, and the connections between late Helladic and Geometric forms, and the nature and development of the classical and baroque styles. Recommended preparation: Any ART-HIST survey course.
ART-HIST 455 History of Photography Credits: 3
A survey of the history of photography as a pictorial art; technical developments and the interaction of photography with other arts will be included. Recommended preparation: Any ART-HIST survey course.
ART-HIST 468 Participatory Forms of Spectatorship in Contemporary Art Credits: 3
This course explores art practices from the second half of the 20th century that challenges spectators to become more actively involved in the reception and even in the production of art. The course will examine the socio-political conditions and technological developments which have contributed to the strengthening of participatory tendencies in contemporary art.
Prerequisites: ART-HIST 303.
ART-HIST 469 Sensing, Feeling, Thinking: Contemporary Art and the Mind Credits: 3
Contemporary artists are challenging viewers to reflect on how they perceive, feel and think. This seminar provides an introduction to the mental processes underlying emotion and visual cognition and familiarizes students with contemporary art practices that reveal the dynamic correlations between body, mind and subjectivity.
ART-HIST 470 Art Museums: History and Practice Credits: 3
This course will familiarize students with the history of art museums and collecting practices. It will cover theories of museum government, curating, and object interpretation. Students will explore changes in the functions of art museums and will develop practical skills for future museum employment.
Prerequisites: ART-HIST 202 or ART-HIST 303.
ART-HIST 476 Site-Specific Art: Within and Beyond the Museum Walls Credits: 3
At a time of increased transnational mobility, contemporary artists are conceiving artworks that catalyze an enhanced awareness of the geographical and socio-political conditions of existence and art making. This seminar examines artworks that are produced outside the studio and are inspired by specific natural environments, museum settings and public spaces.
Prerequisites: ART-HIST 303.
ART-HIST 478 Pompeii and Herculaneum: The Archaeology of the Roman World Credits: 3
This class offers insights into the art, architecture, politics, economics, religions and social life of the Roman world through the study of Pompeii and Herculaneum.
ART-HIST 482WI Scope and Methods of Art History Credits: 3
An exploration of the discipline of art history, including theoretical issues, guiding questions and problems, diverse approaches (historical and current), and research tools. The undergraduate capstone course for art history majors.
Prerequisites: ENGLISH 225.
ART-HIST 493 Directed Studies in Art History Credits: 1-6
With permission of instructor, advanced students pursue independent research and production of a significant semester-long research project. Acceptable for graduate credit with approval.
ART-HIST 495 Special Topics in Art History Credits: 1-6
In depth exploration of a special topic in Art History. Course may be repeated for up to 18 credit hours if topic is unique for each repeated effort. Acceptable for graduate credit with approval.
ART-HIST 497Q Special Studies in Art History: Internship Credits: 1-6
Advanced art history students gain invaluable practical experience in a professional setting in the field of art.