German (GERMAN)
GERMAN 110 Elementary German I Credits: 3
The goals of this course are an ability to speak and to understand simple (spoken) German as well as to read and write simple prose.
GERMAN 110 - MOTR LANG 105: Foreign Language I

GERMAN 120 Elementary German II Credits: 3
Continuation of GERMAN 110.
GERMAN 120 - MOTR LANG 106: Foreign Language II

GERMAN 211 Second-Year German I Credits: 3
Further development of comprehension and communicative skills in the language. Readings of moderate difficulty and grammar review. Practice in writing. The goal is attainment of intermediate proficiency in the language.
GERMAN 315 Intermediate Conversation and Composition I Credits: 3
Practice in speaking and writing German; emphasis on idiomatic usage. Required for major.
Prerequisites: GERMAN 221.
GERMAN 325 Intermediate Conversation and Composition II Credits: 3
Continuation of GERMAN 315. Required for major.
Prerequisites: GERMAN 221.
GERMAN 344 Scandinavian Film Credits: 3
The course covers film in Scandinavia, from silent to contemporary movies. The relation of Scandinavian film to literature, art, social and political movements, as well as the economy will be discussed.
GERMAN 415 Advanced Conversation and Composition I Credits: 3
Practice in speaking and writing German, with attention to the elements of style. First semester required of all majors and second semester recommended. Both semesters required of prospective high school teachers. Either or both semesters may be repeated. No more than six hours of credit may be applied toward a degree.
Prerequisites: GERMAN 221.
GERMAN 480 Special Topics Credits: 1-3
Each time this course is offered a particular author, genre or area of literature will be treated. Topics will be announced in advance. May be repeated for credit when the topic changes.
Prerequisites: GERMAN 221.
GERMAN 490 Special Readings Credits: 1-3
Intensive readings in a field or literary figure to be selected by the student in consultation with the instructor. Available only to advanced students of German when students cannot take regularly scheduled courses.
Prerequisites: GERMAN 221.