Sociology (SOCIOL)
SOCIOL 101 Sociology: An Introduction Credits: 3
An introduction to the study of society and the basic concepts of sociology.
SOCIOL 101 - MOTR SOCI 101: General Sociology

SOCIOL 203 Social Problems Credits: 3
An examination of major social problems of modern Western society, including issues of racial conflict, war, civil rights, youth movements, the mass media, urban poverty, and crime. The topics will vary from year to year depending upon the instructor.
SOCIOL 211 Social And Psychological Development Through The Life Cycle Credits: 3
A survey of significant psychosocial issues, events and crises throughout the human life span. The life cycle of the family is examined as the primary context within which individual development occurs. Although the primary emphasis will be on normal adjustment and development, attention will also be given to the occurrence of special problems and deviations at each life stage.
SOCIOL 300 Special Topics in Sociology Credits: 1-3
Each time this course is offered, a different area of sociology, to be announced, will be given. On demand.
SOCIOL 300A Special Topics In Sociology Credits: 1-3
Each time this course is offered, a different area of sociology, to be announced, will be given.
SOCIOL 302WI Social Stratification Credits: 3
The distribution of power, privileges and prestige are examined in a historical and comparative perspective. The process whereby distribution systems develop, become institutionalized, and become transformed are analyzed.
Prerequisites: ENGLISH 225.
SOCIOL 310R Families And The Life Course Credits: 3
This course is an upper level introduction examining the sociological, historical, and social psychological research on the family, focusing primarily on the United States. The course examines families of varied ethnicity, as well as family compositions at different stages of the life course. Emphasis is placed on the interdependence of family members, as well as how society and policy influence the family.
SOCIOL 313R Sociology Of Gender Credits: 3
This course is an introduction to the sociological study of gender in contemporary U.S. society. Special attention is directed to how gender is experienced inter-sectionally with other social categories, including social class, race, sexuality, and age.
SOCIOL 316 Sociology Of Death And Dying Credits: 3
Examination of attitudes, behaviors and institutions related to death and dying in contemporary American society. Topics include the status of death in American society, effects of the setting on dying, interaction with the dying, funeral practices, bereavement customs, surviving spouse, and suicide.
SOCIOL 320 Social Deviance Credits: 3
The dominant sociological perspectives on deviance will be discussed with special attention given to the processes that define behavior and persons as deviant and the impact of such definitions on social relationships and identity.
SOCIOL 322 Race And Ethnic Relations Credits: 3
The nature, origin and dynamics of ethnic and race relations in the U. S. and other societies. Specific attention will be given to the historical and contemporary contexts of prejudice discrimination and confrontation.
SOCIOL 326 Consumer Society Credits: 3
This course explores the emergence of Consumer Society as both a sociohistorical development and as an object of social scientific inquiry. Students will explore how the study of Consumer Society has been animated by different scholarly questions, debates, and analytic approaches.
SOCIOL 328 Body and Society Credits: 3
Body and Society is an interdisciplinary and comparative approach to the study of the body as the subject and object of social processes. Interdisciplinary approaches to topics such as meaning, ritual, performance, and practice will provide a framework for classical as well as contemporary explorations of bodily representation and experiences across a variety of cultural contexts.
Prerequisites: ANTHRO 103.
SOCIOL 332 Sociology Of Political Life Credits: 3
The concept of power, community power structure and decision making. The social basis of liberal democracy; consensus and legitimacy; political stability and instability. Power and politics in a mass society; elites and masses; democracy and oligarchy; alienation; bureaucracy; pluralism and totalitarianism. Ideology and social movements.
SOCIOL 337 Community Development In Urban America Credits: 3
The focus in this course is on experiential learning in which the student participates in several urban community development projects that allow for learning about collaboratives, networking, problem-solving, and requisite skills to successfully manage a project. Principles of community development are presented to give the student background for understanding the projects visited.
SOCIOL 357 Social Movements Credits: 3
This course focuses on the link between social movements and political change in the modern world. Social movements arise outside official channels and against established political orders. Students will develop an understanding of the relation between social mobilization and institutional change in various countries, especially in the United States.
SOCIOL 358 Culture and Society Credits: 3
This course examines the 'culture concept' at the heart of the contending theories of society, which is used to describe a society or way of life, a whole social order, or particular aesthetic styles and objects. The course links these various topics together in a concluding section on culture in the age of the Internet and globalization.
SOCIOL 359 Media and Society Credits: 3
This course examines the rise, development and change of mass media in American society from broadsheets and news flyers through contemporary media formats.
SOCIOL 361 Social Theory Credits: 3
A survey of the major orientations in social theory, their historical development, and contemporary issues and controversies in social theory. Recommended preparation: A course in social science.
SOCIOL 362 Methods Of Sociological Research Credits: 3
Experimental and observational schemes; survey analysis; interview and questionnaire designs; scaling techniques; sampling. Recommended preparation: A course in Social Science.
SOCIOL 363 Introduction to Statistics in Sociology/Criminal Justice Credits: 3
A first course in the statistical analysis of quantitative data. Course emphasizes descriptive statistics, probability theory, parameter estimation, bivariate hypothesis testing, and computer applications.
Prerequisites: MATH 110 or MATH 116, or STAT 115 or MOTRMATH 110 or higher level math (with a grade of C- or higher); or ALEKS Score of 61 or higher; or MyMathTest College Algebra score of 70 or higher.
SOCIOL 364 Immigration and the City Credits: 3
This course examines key issues and controversies in immigration research. Special attention will be paid to the social, economic, and historical developments of urban immigrant communities.
SOCIOL 365 Cities and Society Credits: 3
This course examines the spatial and social organization of the city as well as how the urban context shapes the lives and social interactions of urban dwellers.
SOCIOL 380 Technology and Society Credits: 3
This course will help students explore the ways technology shapes and is shaped by human interaction. Students will read interdisciplinary literature that builds theoretical and interpretive frameworks around classical and contemporary case studies. A fundamental question to be addressed throughout the course: how does the comparative study of technology help us understand what it means to be human?
SOCIOL 390R Directed Field Experience I Credits: 1-6
The student will work within one or more social agencies or organizations in the city under the joint supervision of a professional within the organization and a member of the Sociology Department. In-class discussion will cover the major problems of social organization.
SOCIOL 391 Directed Field Experience II Credits: 3-6
A continuation of SOCIOL 390R.
SOCIOL 397 Independent Readings In Sociology Credits: 1-3
Intensive readings in an area selected by the student with prior consultation with instructor. Recommended preparation: Twelve hours of sociology coursework.
SOCIOL 398 Independent Research In Sociology Credits: 1-6
Intensive research in an area selected by the student with prior consultation with instructor.
Prerequisites: Twelve hours of sociology.
SOCIOL 411 Sociology Of Human Sexuality Credits: 3
A cross cultural examination of the most fundamental dichotomy in human society: male and female. Considering sex both as a biological and social category, this course compares diversity and similarity in the interrelationships of male and female in patterns of behavior and social organization found in human societies across time and space.
SOCIOL 418 Feminist Theories Credits: 3
This class introduces the major feminist theories and their primary authors over the last 200 years. The class takes both a historical view (beginning with two millenia of male-centered theories about women) and a conceptual approach (theories are grouped by common ground) and familiarizes the student with both the historical processes that necessitate feminist theories as well as with the breadth and depth of the historically and currently available scholarship.
Prerequisites: WGS 201.
SOCIOL 434 Spatial Thinking in Social Science Credits: 3
This course will review ways in which social scientists have incorporated the concepts of space, place, and distance into their theories and research. Readings will be drawn from interdisciplinary work in the areas of urban sociology, criminology, health and demography that deal with spatial organization of communities and cities, spatial disparity of health and crimes, and mobility.
Prerequisites: junior, senior, or graduate standing.
SOCIOL 440R Sociology Of Medicine Credits: 3
Relationship of basic concepts in sociology to health and medical care. Cultural and class variations in health status. Social and cultural aspects of health. Recommended preparation: A course in social science.
SOCIOL 441 Globalization and Development Credits: 3
Focuses on issues of economic development, social stratification, political institutions, and political mobilization in societies where colonialism provided the context for their long-term disadvantages in the international economic order. Specific attention is paid to the intersection of the international components that define the options and limits for societal development (e.g., market shifts, international institutions and contracts, foreign policies, and migration) and the distinct social, political and cultural implications of these factors for developing societies.